
October 21, 2008 8:52 AM- lost in place

pictured above is Mookie and Alexander

So I didn't get a five-year old. I got a TWO (and four months)-year old!

Even better--

My little brother arrived from Philadelphia last Thursday and, lucky for us, he brought with him his darling munchkin Alexander who charmed the pants off of every person he crossed paths with. Most especially, T or, as Alexander referred to him through much of the weekend, "the man."

New topic: Is life just busy everywhere?

Are there some 20-somethings somewhere sleeping til 11 am and then rolling into a diner for a plate of scrambled eggs and homefries buried in ketchup before slouching back to their messy apartment where they spend the afternoon goofing around until they decide where the party is gonna be that night? Please tell me yes. Please tell me there are people out there squandering their days on aimless pursuits.

Me? Not so much.

In fact, I feel like I don't know when I won't be busy again and that's a disconcerting thought for this drowsy fabulist. Another troubling mind ripple?---> I don't know what I'm doing here at this blog. Truly.

Once upon a time, it was a place for me to rage at the four winds about my need for a creative life.

For a time, it seemed as if I would provide cultural commentary and share my responses to movies, books, television-- etc. Alas-- to open the door into the opines is to set off an epic dust storm to rival any movie set.

Then, it devolved into a space for me to marvel at the perfect mix of adorable and incorrigible in my three dogs.

Now? What?

I wish I could wander about and share poetic insights with you, but that's just not my way. Of course the door is always open to publicly share details of my ever exciting state of wedlock (which can swing from wanting to smack his inflexible skull with a cast-iron frying pan to wanting to bathe his feet in Ovaltine), but that ain't gonna happen.

Yes, teaching could be source material but I honor my job and students too much to risk sharing anything here that could be misconstrued.

And so-- I wonder, what IS it I do here?

I know the biggest part of the answer is that I now have a relationship with you all and it is a relationship that I care about and that matters to me. I would miss our connection if I shut down bluepoppy. And yet, and yet.

Am a bit lost. Or, genuinely tired and flatlining-------------

If I'm not back for a while, it simply means I am taking a break, but chances are I will continue to prattle in here as I search to find the lost thread in my blogging.


got 2 cents?

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Claire says:
oh you, mrs synchronicity. I am feeling EXACTLY the same - flatlining, yes that's a good word. On my part I put it down to absolute exhaustion - mental, physical and emotional. Whatever you do here is always worth reading and fine with me - including taking a little break if need be. x
posted on: October 21

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misty says:
me too! ... do what feels right... as a huge fan of your words...i will hope for more, but understand if you need/want a break... xo
posted on: October 21

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lizardek says:
We all go through these periods of wondering what we are doing out here, writing all this stuff on a buh-log. But good lord, no shutting down of The Bluepoppy. *covers ears* ...there doesn't have to be a PURPOSE you know. It can just BE.
posted on: October 21

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bella says:
Hello cuteness! What a sweet little boy. Oh, BP.. write an opine or two.. I love the opines. Or just keep putting doggie pics up.. I don't care. Just don't go away for long. xo
posted on: October 21

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The man says:
I do love Ovaltine....
posted on: October 21

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amy says:
for me, bp, i come here to peek in your window and get a hit of life, another's life so different from mine but so full and enlightening with its connections to self, others, dogs, trees, water. getting to visit bp, your dogs especially, but yes all your adventures, your house guests, your thoughts, your images, the million and one things you are doing....makes me happy. maybe i sound a little like that hungry ghost neighbor (hey whatever happened to her?)... but i come bearing a cyber casserole of savory gratitude asking for nothing so much as you keep a light on in your window every now and then. you are a lighthouse, bp! nothing short of keeping us from the treacherous rocks.
posted on: October 21

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kristen says:
sometimes, i'm so overwhelmed with words and the busy-ness of day-to-day, that not blogging seems like the way to add room to my days too packed to breathe. and taking a little break last week was good, it made me realize how much time i DO spend here. but. it's a good outlet for me and the relationships...even if i'm not commenting, i'm involved and i want to make sure i stay tuned. nothing i've said has offered any advice, i guess just saying that i hear you and stand next to you wondering how to fit it all in. xo
posted on: October 21

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sherry says:
This morning I stumbled across a blog by the name of Madam Mayo at blogspot that addresses the question: How does one find time to blog and read blogs? (It?s on her sidebar) She answers with an analogy; information as food and somewhere in there she includes a cave man shopping at Whole Foods. So bp, take time to breathe and consider yourself a delightful and refreshing delicacy with insightful observation that we connect with and find inspiration from. And please pass the butter!
posted on: October 21

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Bethany says:
Please do prattle on. Even if the lost thread fails to turn up, you're bound to pick up a new one along the way. (By the way, this seems to be Official Blog Slump Month; you're in good company!)
posted on: October 21

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Heather says:
I was going to say do prattle on, but Bethany beat me to it. Blogging is whatever it is to you at the time - for me it is a theraputic journal at times, a way to give life updates to my friends at other times, and a way to just share goofy nuggets of fun at other times. Regardless, it is an important part of my life, and I believe it is for you too. Blog as much as you want and as often as you want and know that we will always be here for you!
posted on: October 21

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Tara says:
I just blogged about taking a break! Must me something in the air, but mine was about taking a break from putting on parties. Breaks are important, I think. If something is telling you to slow down, I find it's best to listen. Of course I never do, that's why I had to stay home sick from work today. But, know there will be a lot of people who will miss you while you're on your break, but we will all understand. And we will wait patiently for you to feel like posting again!
posted on: October 21

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Swirly says:
I simply love getting little glimpses into your life, and your writing always makes me swoon. I will be sad if you shut down, truly...I love your writing so much....but I will also understand. I think a lot of people are asking themselves a lot of questions about blogging - why they do it, how it connects us to others, how they are and aren't authentic. It is interesting to observe this shift.
posted on: October 21

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beth says:
I completely understand your busyness and needing a break....and if you do take a break, you'll be missed, but understood !!
posted on: October 21

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linda e says:
please don't go! your words are absolute transportation! this seems to be a time of pensive prioritizing and sorting out in the hearts of quite a few ... yes, a shifting. perhaps the unsettled feelings are to make us take notice that Something New is about to take shape. oy. anyway, that is by far the cutest child ever!
posted on: October 21

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lizardek says:
Also, what amy said.
posted on: October 22

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tina says:
We must be soul sisters! I have been struggling with the same issues and posted something nearly identical yesterday. I think I am just going to take more of a break and only give what I can when I can to my blog readers. I know people read my blog because of the hit counter but like no one EVER comments and if they do it is usually complaining (one person in mind...i am like why does she even read my blog if it bugs her???)
posted on: October 22

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Tripping Daisy says:
Take care!
posted on: October 22

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ashu says:
I bumped into your blog last month, and I am in love with the way you express. I have read every post u posted from your archives without leaving even one. please come back after a very short break please please please
posted on: October 22

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Jazz says:
It seems to be going around this what am I doing blogging thing. Maybe it's the season change. As for a purpose, why do you need a purpose. If my blog had to have a purpose I'd have shut down eons ago.
posted on: October 22

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Steph says:
Dear bp, Everyone needs a break sometimes - time for body, mind and soul to rest & replenish. Selfishly, I hope you'll choose to come back; I simply love hearing about your adventures and would miss them terribly. Your words and pictures make me smile. Do take care.
posted on: October 22

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amy says:
ditto. all of it. I took a break after 7 posts on my new blog. I think it just happens, but your words are too good. too funny. to true. to lose them forever. so break, and return when the spirit moves you. please?
posted on: October 22

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judy wise says:
I like the idea of no guilt blogging. Do it when it's fun, don't do it if you don't feel like it. We love you. We'll understand. (Just don't shut down bp? We love to stop by and tap on the window.) xo
posted on: October 22

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teahouseblossom says:
What a cute little boy!! Come back soon..I'll miss your beautiful photos!
posted on: October 22

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megg says:
I do hope you keep blogging - I have only just found you! I understand completely though. Sometimes i wonder and I stop blogging for awhile, but I always seem to come back. Perhaps there is more of ourselves on these virtual pages than we think - It's nice to meet you!
posted on: October 23

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