
April 30, 2008 8:59 AM- a public shaming

pictured above is the current state of my studio

Whatever happened to shame? Sure, it has cost people happy lives. Sure, it has been used most inappropriately and with ill-intent. But have we driven it entirely from our midst?

Surely to be entirely without shame is not a good thing, is it? Surely there has to be a positive purpose to this emotion. Almost as certainly as there is a need NOT to use the same word four times in four sentences, surely.

Well, I for one am up for a public shaming ritual. Let me bring forth my slovenly and besmirched studio so that it might benefit from a rousing and ritualistic cleansing.

Hmm, nothing yet.

Guess you're all just there to witness my toil, yes? There's no holy spirit about to wreak a cleansing frenzy here while I writhe and froth in the corner, is there?

Oh well. It was worth a try.

Let me get after it and I'll post pictures when I'm done.

DAISY: The excitement. It. Just. Never. Ends.

got 2 cents?

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lizardek says:
Too much neatness kills the creative spirit. I should know. Go forth and mess, BP!
posted on: April 30

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misty says:
surely this isn't leading to a "i'll show you mine...if you show me yours"...because, well...i am feeling very bashful (what a nice word for shame) about showing my own mess right about now...god, it's bad!
posted on: April 30

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Daffodilly says:
Ok so my daughter's room can definetly beat that mess......it is trophy style!
posted on: April 30

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fromthepines says:
Elizabeth! I love this room - it looks so cool! You need it like this to work, no? I love the painting on one wall - where did you get that? I like your idea of the 2 tables on an angle too- got me thinking now.... Have a good day, Cheryl
posted on: April 30

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michelle/tangled wings says:
well i for one love your studio. its a sure sign of a woman busily creating...a mind overflowing with fabulous artistic ideas...a woman blossoming and growing and discovering more ways to incorporate the artistic into her life...a woman too busy living to care about keeping things neat and orderly...non?
posted on: April 30

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Brenda Kula says:
Is that a large print on that wall? It is lovely! I have to say, I cannot get anything done in chaos. I know you don't want to hear that. But then, my oldest daughter tells me, I am always too honest for my own good. And others! I'm one of those fools who actually enjoy organizing. So wish I was there. You could sit and tell me what to do and I'd be in heaven! Brenda
posted on: April 30

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bp says:
Bring it, Brenda! Seriously, come on down, you are the next contestant on the Studio Needs Cleaning!!
posted on: April 30

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cornball says:
You call this slovenly? But I can see floor! As Daffodilly knows, you are a downright loser when it comes to dishevelry (?). I need stilts to get through my daughter's room in order to avoid tripping and killing myself. Your studio is simply temporarily untidy. Put on some tunes and clean it up!
posted on: April 30

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Chris says:
I have always believed that a messy workspace is a sign of creativity and productivity. But there's nothing wrong with the feeling you get after a thorough going-through of ones supplies and tools. And I must say, BP, that I have always loved the Victorian drama of the phrase, "Have you no shame?" Though my answer is almost always, "No. No I do not."
posted on: April 30

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immersion says:
I've torn the 's' from slovenly to sew on your shirt front (oh! the shame) which leaves the word 'lovenly'. That, you can claim--u r lovenly bp!
posted on: April 30

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Claire says:
organised chaos
posted on: April 30

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Valerie says:
what a cool little art studio. I suspect it is a very happy place and there's a Golden there to boot. Perfection. :)
posted on: April 30

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Heather says:
That studio is not messy at all! And that picture of Paris (?) on the wall is just beautiful!!!
posted on: April 30

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Jazz says:
You call that untidy? BP, you just have no idea. I should take pictures of the room where I keep my books and stuff to show you what untidy really is. I mean, c'mon, this is relatively quite well kept. You can actually see the floor. You are a novice my dear, a novice. Besides you wouldn't be able to find anything if it was all neat.
posted on: April 30

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Reya Mellicker says:
Creativity is a messy workspace. One of my favorite drawing teachers insisted that at the beginning of class we had to throw our charcoal on the hard floor, break it into pieces. "That way," he always said, "you won't hesitate to use it." I say BRAVO!!
posted on: April 30

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Molly says:
I could do this to my entire house and it would never get clean. The mess is always racing on ahead, a jackrabbit to my slovenliness. I'm getting used to it. However, I see much inspiration in your studio... I love that huge image (photo? painting? print?) on the back wall.
posted on: April 30

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Stephanie says:
Hey! A neat and tidy studio does not a productive artist make... I'd be wondering what the heck you were doing if it were any different! It looks like you're really DOING something in there!
posted on: May 01

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Colleen says:
At least you can still see the floor and your wonderful dogs laying on the floor (Daisy reminds me of my golden- Sierra). A clean studio is really overrated. I think a little chaos is great for the creative spirit!
posted on: May 01

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Maggie says:
Oh my dear... Boring women have immaculate houses, don't you know? :-) What is that GORGEOUS image? Paris? Dublin? I'd certainly get some done if that were my daily scenery, rather than a boring old wall!
posted on: May 01

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Milly says:
I think your studio would look good no matter how much stuff was strewn about the place. Although I work better when my space is organized, sometimes messy is good because it shows that you're too busy creating to clean up. :o)
posted on: May 01

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katie says:
really, it doesn't look more than 'tossed about' a bit - i bet you'll have it tidied up in a snap! my studio, on the other hand, requires a major excavation team and you won't find me posting photos of it anytime soon. i do wish that my dogs could carry such rigorous enthusiam for important issues - clearly you are blessed! xo
posted on: May 02

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leah says:
that's messy? o my, now i'll never post shots of my studio. :-) i adore those tables you've got to work on. awesome.
posted on: May 05

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