
August 07, 2007 11:19 AM- desire is a good thing

Greetings from the Federal Bureau of Sayonara!

It?s true. After our staff meeting yesterday morning, the staff meeting that started off with the announcement the business manager had resigned while I was on vacation, I sat down with my boss and handed her my resignation.

It was dark outside with rain pouring down hard and I have to say, my heart went out to her because can we say, rotten Monday morning?

But the conversation was smooth and caring and full of mutual respect and generosity. No drama. No sweeping emotions of any kind. I drove home feeling calm and quite centered. This morning Tara sent a link to this article, which I loved, obvs:

Reinvent Your Life

So?what does the future hold? I never know the answer to that question, but my plan is to develop the classes I?ve been giving this past year. Create some afterschool / Saturday ?creativity camp? for kids--- a kind of Artward Bound. At the same time, provided I can secure a student loan, go back and do my MFA in studio art which will get me down to Boston 2 days a week and, there?s one more project I can?t mention just yet but will inundate you with in a month or so.

Am I just like Daisy? Always biting off more than I can chew?

Hard to know. All I know is this feels right. Feels fresh with excitement about new possibilities, new opportunities, a new adventure.

My last day is end of August so I still have work to do here and then, there's always the ongoing summer fest. Since June we have had houseguests every single weekend culminating in the week-long visit from my sis last week and yesterday my father-in-law showed up and I think he?s going to be here through Thursday. . . let?s just say I?m not one of those people who fantasize about someday having a B&B.

That?s all for now as there are some dogs are long overdue for a walk.

Ollie: If she doesn?t come downstairs soon I?m going to find a porcupine and nuzzle with it. That?ll teach her.

Daisy: How did I end up here? I?m wasting away the best years of my life with these two geezers.

Henry: Could someone put a little sunscreen on my shoulders? Those UV rays really bring on the wrinkles.

got 2 cents?

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lizardek says:
Can I come play at the Artward Bound?? It sounds perfectly perfect, your plans. I can't wait to hear the rest of it!
posted on: August 07

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nichole says:
yay! life is too short. take the plunge. think outside the box. do what you luv!
posted on: August 07

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Bridgemor says:
When one door quietly shuts another door quietly opens and invites you to walk through it.
posted on: August 07

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bridgemor says:
your anonymity is so intriguing . ..
posted on: August 07

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bp says:
*laughing* WHOOPS! I meant to write the above TO bridgemor not AS bridgemor
posted on: August 07

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christina says:
brigemore (whomever she may be) is right. Good for you. Commiting to a decision--any decision--allows for things to unfold, for new opportunities to happen. Artword Bound sounds lovely (I'm liking Art Word :) of course I am!) and it makes me want to come up and hang out with you in your studio--but it definitely sounds like you could use a break from the houseguests, and here, summer is slipping away--so we'll have to plan some sort of fall visit perhaps? I'm curious to hear about the rest of your plans. Certain they are brilliant.
posted on: August 07

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catherine says:
congratulations...good for you! venture forth courageously, things will turn out fabulously. :)
posted on: August 07

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steph says:
Elizabeth, that's SO exciting! I think Artward Bound sounds fantastic, and wonderful way to inspire children to be more creative; I'd love to see what you have in mind, specifically. So tell us more as you go, keep us informed. Absolutely wonderful! I'm thrilled with your reinvention. xoxo *s
posted on: August 08

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Molly says:
I remember spring for me... what really started at Thanksgiving last year culminated in the spring when my job and I parted ways, much to the surprise of everyone around us. And for a while, I didn't know what "next year" would hold, and it was a glorious feeling because I felt as if I had lost the essence of who I was in those two years at my other job... Finally, this summer, I feel like I'm coming back into myself, remembering those things I had wanted to be, and I've got so many blow-me-away wonderful things happening now--Carolyn Forche as a mentor, a marriage, and hopes for my own MFA in the not so distant future. So I wish you luck, and I'll keep checking back as your life transforms as well! I'm very happy for you--keep being brave and putting yourself where you need to be!
posted on: August 08

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Naomi says:
Wouldn't it be great if you could have people to stay without, you know, having them to stay? congrats on your next new thing!
posted on: August 08

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tinker says:
Go, BP, go! Way to blaze your own trail! Wow oh wow - Artward Bound! I've been staging camp run-a-mucka around here - but I want to come to Artward Bound with you at Soledad!
posted on: August 08

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teahouseblossom says:
Hey, that's terrific!! I'm so excited for you, and jealous too. I've been fantasizing about handing in my resignation at work as well.
posted on: August 08

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bad penguin says:
Wow! I am so impressed with you for taking such a leap. Also, the world needs Artward Bound. What a great idea. Where do you want to get your MFA?
posted on: August 08

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frecklegirl.jess@gmail.com says:
Good for you, babes... you seem better already. I think you should have an art camp for adults too! How fun would that be??
posted on: August 08

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Claire says:
Ah, now it all makes sense. Your path is leading you where you need to be...bisous x
posted on: August 08

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bella says:
She's baaack. Hey BP. I'm excited for you and I know the future will be full of cool adventures. xo
posted on: August 08

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Jazz says:
Let's hear it for new paths and opportunities!!
posted on: August 08

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new jersey girl says:
I found my way here through Reya (The Gold Poppy) while you were taking your "July break". I don't know exactly where you live, but it certainly is beautiful! What a gorgeous property you have! I like the way Ollie, Daisy and Henry have their own say ...
posted on: August 09

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melanie says:
I think once you leave one job that isn't satisfying and find work that is - even if it doesn't last - it makes it easier to realize how much control we can have over our lives if we just let ourselves take the reigns. I'm excited to hear more about your plans.
posted on: August 09

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Jecca says:
Hurrah! Good for you!
posted on: August 09

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bohemiangirl says:
Yee-fucking-ha babe! Good for YOU and good FOR you, for lack of anything more poetic to say. Cheers!
posted on: August 10

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