
March 15, 2005 9:52 AM- the ides of march

I don't know from the ides of March.

What I know is that this winter is KICKING MY ASS.

Oil truck refused to drive up our driveway for the THIRD time yesterday despite it being plowed and sanded. Bugger.

If one more person walks up to me this morning and tells me I look "stressed" (which is a guy's way of saying I look like sh--t) I'm gonna throw my stapler at him.

Good news: I'm still hitting the gym for classes 5 days a week.

More good news: the delicious butterscotch boys have not had the opportunity to run off for wild roundabouts through the white mountain forests AND have not destroyed any rental furniture or rugs while incarcerated.

Walls on the second floor of the house are going up. Translation: three men are on scaffolding 30 feet in the air on the side of a mountain in driving winds and a temperature of 5 degrees. But as I tell them, "hey, at least there are no bugs!"

Who says I'm not an optimist?

Wouldn't this be a good time to give you the opines I've been promising? Or, at the very least a recap of the Days of Disco. Yeah, well-- too freaking busy. Wah.

Lastly? The play reading is set for March 25th. Must send out copies yesterday but haven't typed in the last two pages and haven't printed them out or put them in envelopes or taken them to the mailbox yada yada yada. But I will . . soon soon soon. Stay tuned.

got 2 cents?

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frecklegirl says:
Winter is kicking my ass too... Just a little sun would help! Good for you with the gym- that might help my mood if I could actually get myself there! I am so self destructive.
posted on: March 15

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Sheryl says:
Brava for going to the gym, despite all you've got on your plate! This is my first real winter since I went away to college. Spring: Are we there yet?
posted on: March 15

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Bellabelly says:
You need a vacation at Chez Bella. Its been pretty warm (in the afternoons at least) here. And congrats on going to the gym. I am like, a month on, month off type of girl and I hate it!!!! I wish I could be more consistant with my gym going. Oh, and another congratulations on the second floor! Yay!!
posted on: March 15

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samantha says:
it has definitely helped my disposition to have some sunshine - Mississippi winters are wimpy compared to those up north, but they still suck! I also applaud you for going to the gym, you are so amazing. And if I lived next door to the rental house, I would come over and help you staple. Or type. Must give the playwright a little relief!!
posted on: March 15

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lizardek says:
We've had some sunshine, but now I want WARMTH and GROWING THINGS. Yippee skippy for your play! You rock. :) Speaking of your awesome powers of writing, how's it going with your book? You know, the one you totally TEASED us with some time ago on your blog? :P
posted on: March 15

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JennB says:
soooooo tired of winter. and other blogs that I read - with the bloggers in this country - have pictures of flowers in bloom and green grass... sigh. it's a frozen tundra here. all whilte. a little bit of blue sky. when will spring come? or, should I say, WILL spring come??
posted on: March 15

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the book-tease says:
yes Lizardek-- it is still in development and I may have some good news on that front in the next couple of months . . you'll be the first to know, pinky swear.
posted on: March 15

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Chrishawn says:
Yeah, winter is totally kicking my butt too. Ugh. I so hate the cold. Blah. Play reading? What play? Did I miss something. Oh woah-is-me, I am gone for what a couple of months and everything happens?!!? Crikey! <--- what does that even mean? I was reading a book from a Londoner and she said that. And it just sounded fun. Hee Hee
posted on: March 15

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Croila says:
I may be the other side of the Atlantic from you guys, but I'd like to join in this "winter stinks" moan too. Edinburgh is cold and windy and downright miserable. We get the odd hour of sunshine - funnily enough, it's always when I'm stuck indoors at work. And it was pouring rain this evening. Oh joy ... *sigh*
posted on: March 15

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Erica says:
Um....what happens if the oil runs out before the truck heads up the hill? Is it going to be a repeat of The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder? Will T grow a beard and play the fiddle for entertainment while you and the Butterscotch Boys subsist on hardtack and melted snow? Not good, methinks.
posted on: March 16

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Gale says:
Y'know, I used to have a party on the Ides of March, just because a) nobody else did and b) winter was kicking me in the behind so badly by then, it was a good excuse to mix up a pitcher of whatever and share it round. This winter, I could so get into doing that again. Here's hoping for spring! Sk?l!
posted on: March 16

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nina says:
You all are gonna hate me, but we have had the mildest, sunniest, most delightful winter ever. All the trees and daffodils are in bloom, and it's just gorgeous. Sorry. I'm sure we'll have a wet rainy miserable summer, however, so it all balances out.
posted on: March 16

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Eclair says:
We are also having a mild, sunny winter - I've been wearing flip-flops. The whole state will probably be ablaze this summer.
posted on: March 16

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Coquette says:
This is veddy exciting about the play's imminent reading. Although I know it is a source of stress right now. I so wish I could come over with Samantha and help!
posted on: March 16

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violetismycolor says:
I am sorry that you are having the rough winter that you are. On the other hand, we just had the first shower in about a month. Of course, our deal is that we will be having water issues this summer. I guess it's not perfect for anyone...don't be 'blue'...
posted on: March 16

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frozenmojo says:
wanna meet me in ft. myers this tuesday and help me pick out the "options" for the condo? supposed to be mid-70s and sunny. :-D
posted on: March 19

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