
March 17, 2005 6:59 AM- and on and on

What was my deep, cliched, and all-around utterly fatuous thought this morning?

Some weeks are just harder than other weeks.

Yeah, I've got all three pistons pumping at full throttle in this brain of mine. The thing is, I always want a reason WHY. WHY? I don't like to just struggle without understanding it. But in this case, there is really nothing to point to except the regular day to day stress of "the grind." It's just not anymore complicated than that. Oh and Winter. The WINTER THAT WOULD NEVER END . . .

Although I did dream of painting Ukranian Easter Eggs and in the dream I kept turning to the woman next to me to say, "Stella McCartney's obsession with the egg shape is because she just had a baby." (Thanks Coquette. Next I'll have Lanvin waltzing through the ether . . .) And then I dreamt I was on some kind of adventure trip with a group of vaguely familiar people and my legs came out of the bottom of the canoe and I had to flap them to propel the canoe and I kept wondering if everybody else's legs were underwater or if it was just me. I also wanted flippers.

And then I woke up. Heavily. Full of deep thoughts.

Fatuous. Love that word. And Fey. And Fetching--- think I'm gonna have an "F" kind of a day today.

Cause I come downstairs and T has the news up on the computer (which normally I can avoid la la la tra lalalala). And I am slapped in the face with Bushworld:

Weeks after the United States declared Afghanistan on the verge of becoming a narcotic state, Condoleeza Rice praises Afghan democracy efforts.

The Senate has approved drilling for oil in Alaska. Et tu, Brutus? Why don't you just drill out my fucking heart?

W wants Wolfowitz to head the World Bank. And we're gonna let him? (Of course that's the "royal we" as there's not a freaking thing I'm going to do about it except run and hide.


Mike Meyers and Dana Carvey are jumping around in my head and they are singing "Bush World, Bush World" over and over.

got 2 cents?

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Gale says:
I'm with you on the news stuff. Last night, over dinner, we were watching BBC news (want indigestion? watch the news over dinner every night like I do) and the Wolfowitz thing was announced and I shouted at the tv: 'Are you HIGH?' Because that's just ... insane. As for the rest, I am embarrassed to be an American.
posted on: March 17

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Amber says:
BP, I always thought that you were at least a V6 ;)
posted on: March 17

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Sheryl says:
Why is a good question if you want to know how your dishwasher works or the effect of the moon on tidal cycles. Why is the worst question you can ask about theorems of algebra, acts of God, or motivations of humans (and I use the term loosely).
posted on: March 17

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Sheryl says:
...I use the term loosely when referring to Bush-- not Dana, Mike, or your fine self, of course.
posted on: March 17

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bp says:
Happy (LATE) Birthday, Amber!! I have tried and tried to leave a comment but for some unknown reason blogger and blogspot refuse to let me post comments!! Grrrrrr. And yes, no way near a V6-- more like a 1957 hardtop Mustang with three gears. . . gah.
posted on: March 17

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bp says:
Um, I meant 1967 . .. . grrrrr.
posted on: March 17

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pastamasta says:
Reason? You want a reason, do you? Fine. Okay. Well, the week of St. Patrick's Day is always harder for everyone because of all the leprechauns getting let out to cause mischief. You know, getting into dishwashers and clogging the mechanism, jumping up and down on lorry engines and making your sofa arrive 4 hours late when you've waited in specially, and so on. Either that, or it's magic rays, I can't make my mind up.
posted on: March 18

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meg says:
Oh gee thanks! Now I have those two dorks in my head too. So, not a pretty picture. *snerk*
posted on: March 18

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meg says:
So is this your "safe" safe sex weekend? *snickering wildly*
posted on: March 19

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frecklegirl says:
The drilling in Alaska depresses me beyond belief... how can they do this? That is why I don't watch news lately- lalalalala....I can't hear you....lalalalala
posted on: March 19

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Coquette says:
Sorry bout that, BP! Although I have to say a dream about Lanvin would probably be quite lovely. Plus, Alber Elbaz is just a squishy teddy bear that I want to hug. I'm in total denial about ze George "Boosh."
posted on: March 19

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