
April 29, 2008 10:00 AM- and another thing?
am vain! so very, very vain!

Some things I feel more certain of than before:

1. I don't like having my picture posted on the Internet.

2. I really love Christina and Liz. Even when they tease me about my penchant for "grandmotherly" decor. I really love them.

3. There is something to be said for a gray, rainy day in late April. The chill is deep enough that a fire in the woodstove is warranted which gives the whole house a warm glow. (Oh fuck, is that grandmotherly? Damn, I'm doomed.)

4. Transitions are not my forte. Right now, school has ended. I have a long list of projects that I am ready to dive into and the time to do it. And yet, I dawdle. There has been much dawdling just like, you know, a GRANDMOTHER might do . . .

5. Linda, Liz's mom, is a freaking miracle worker. As you might remember, last year she cured me of my bout with anxiety. I don't expect you to believe me. Truly, I don't. But, she did.

So, this year, I had a new task for her-- unlike curing my emotional disorder, this was straight up physical: a pinched nerve in my foot. Well, I was very glad to find out it WAS a pinched nerve (diagnosed by none other than Christina, the healer-in-training herself) as for the past 16+ months I had begun to believe that it had to be the onset of arthritis. GAH. A grandmother disease!! Or, GOUT. Are you shrieking yet? Even worse than a grandmother disease-- the disease of old, crotchety 18th century, sherry swilling, blood pudding eating English men-- ack.

Basically, the pain was in the fourth toe of my left foot. It was a tingling, numbing sensation that could shift into low-grade pain sparking, but it was only in this one spot. And it was there for, as I say, upwards of sixteen months.

Although she had already cured me once, I admit I was STILL CYNICAL (isn't that crazy?) that Linda could help me with this chronic condition.

And yet, I sit here now, going on 48 hours since she worked her healing magic over my foot (and I've gone for long, long walks) and? The pain is gone.


It's a wild thing.

UPDATED to add: "Linda is a certified Healing Touch practitioner. Not quite the same as Reiki." ~ to quote Liz from the comments below.

6. I am ridiculously attached to my dogs. How ridiculously? Like a grandmother. Like THAT ridiculously.

DAISY: No, Ollie. That is quite enough kissing for one day!


NOTE: For the record, I have nothing against grandmothers. My own grandmothers were exceptional people.

got 2 cents?

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Amber says:
We all have days like that. I felt old yesterday when I was fumbling through our "Responsible Adult" file cabinet looking for all of Ava's paperwork to sign her up for kindergarten. Kindergarten! Before I know it she'll be driving and I be weighing the merits of theme vests and mom jeans. AAAAACK! I can't picture theme vests in your closet, so you are in no way a grandma!
posted on: April 29

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leah says:
now, i'm curious. what kind of healing work does liz's mom do? is it reiki?
posted on: April 29

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hele says:
HAH! Your cynicism proves you are still a teenager. As for being ridiculously attached to your dogs - I know of someone with three dogs and two puppies. She is completely gaga over them and still in the spring of her youth (rush over to the mirror to check)
posted on: April 29

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lizardek says:
Leah, she's a certified Healing Touch practitioner. Not quite the same as reiki.
posted on: April 29

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lizardek says:
You are so freaking adorable.
posted on: April 29

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Chris says:
Sorry, BP, but grandmother's are the last thing I think of when I think of you. Funky, creative, uber-cool, talented - but not grandmotherly. And I would have to guess your decor is probably more French-provincial, anyway. And I have to repeat Leah's question - what healing does Liz's mom do?
posted on: April 29

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Jazz says:
If you are grandmotherly, that makes me the great grandmother of all grandmothers. Oh gaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwdddddd!!! Someone shoot me now.
posted on: April 29

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Lizardmom says:
You are definitely NOT Grandmotherly. I agree with Chris - creative, uber-cool, etc! Thanks for the positive words on the healing work. I'm so happy that you feel better. I also do Quantum Clearing healing and other techniques I've learned in various classes - but especially guided healing.
posted on: April 29

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Brenda Kula says:
Well, there's nothing wrong with grandmothers. Particularly since I am now Grammy to one four year old boy! I never go out after dark. Not because I am afraid, but because I've always had my shower and been in my gown since before dark. Habits die hard. And I'm nuts for my dogs. I have put perfectly good furniture at the curb because I knew my dogs would chew it up, and my dogs reign around here. Hey, whatever works for making your body feel good, go for it. That's what I do. And my husband is a doctor and poo-poo's it all. To hell with that noise! If it makes my body feel well, I'm going to do it. Medical school judgment be damned! Brenda
posted on: April 29

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