
April 11, 2008 12:53 PM- um, hi?

So, yeah. There was a slight interruption to our last conversation due to a bit of travel that required 2 planes, 3 cars and 18 hours. Then there was the rude reminder that I am actually expected to correct papers, prep classes and, you know, teach (what. ever.). Of course, trying to get back in the swing of my own art classes when I am a week behind was also rather consuming of the thimbleful of energy I had left when I got home. Home! To a certain three dogs that assumed I would want to spend my every moment stroking their heads and telling them all about the fragrant fire hydrants and tree trunks I sniffed in Port Townsend. Thank god my husband would never feel unappreciated or unnoticed or otherwise notched into the woodwork of my oh-so-busy life.


Oh and you are sweet not to even mention all the to-dos, to-calls, to-writes---

Blah. Dullsville! Let us speak of this no more.

Why do I have two photos of this utterly ordinary African violet? Well, yes, because it is blooming, but really the reason is that I am so proud of this little plant. Rather, this once very tiny plant. She was so small! And she is now about 3 years old and-- look at her get all big and fat and furry! Something you probably don't want to know about me-- I get intensely excited when plants grow under my care. Oh so many things I could tell you that would make you want to pour a bowl of steaming oatmeal over your head.

Like that rabbit in the picture? It is plastic, (probably fabricated in Asia by some foul earth destroying manufacturing process by some underpaid, overworked child laborer) and meant to go in the garden and though I am not much for garden d?cor such as gnomes, little figurines, reflective balls and the like (read: Averse to! Averse to!) this little bunny has a different story.

Once-- long, long ago when I worked in a company whose raison d'etre was to pollute the planet with massive quantities of advertising and unrecyclable debris, there was an unhappy woman who would come to my office and share stories of her struggle with me and I would say incredibly encouraging things like, "oh that sucks," and "oh man, wow, yeah, that sucks." And then, one happy day, the struggling woman got a new job at a wonderful small company with a lovely boss and a bigger paycheck and she danced out of the door in shiny red shoes, but not before she wrote me a most heartfelt letter thanking me for helping her which she gave to me tucked into the hands of this little plastic bunny.

So how did the bunny lose part of its ear? I know that's what you really want to know-- ah, but that's for another day, my friends.

Now. About that rumor of Spring.

Oh, check it out--- can't you see how close we are? Another month or two and we are THERE, people. Aren't you psyched?

Ollie, you even think about chasing anything up that hill and I will fry your shaved, fisher cat scratched ass and feed it to you for breakfast.

Sorry Daisy. I didn't mean for you to hear that.

And yes-- artfest. God, don't even know where to begin so let me send you to some really good write-ups. I'm sure I'll write about it sometime-- if I am at all true to form, it'll be just when you least expect it.

kelly rae


liz elayne




got 2 cents?

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Amber says:
Funny you should mention lawn gnomes. I too am loathe to put anything tacky in my yard, but for some strange reason I really want a lawn gnome...but not a plastic one...and it can't be ugly...or in poor taste. After a little research, I found that vintage lawn gnomes are quite personable and that for centuries it was tradition for families to pass them on to bring homes luck. That said, I have no room to judge you and your bunny! I think he's cute. A guardian for your lady violet :)
posted on: April 11

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lynne says:
Oh my! I see many muddy paws/pawprints in your near future ... but it will be worth it! Our spring here is finally starting (I think).
posted on: April 11

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DiaryofWhy says:
I had an African violet for several years until it shriveled up and died about a year ago. I went to the flower shop down the street for a replacement and was told there weren't any to be found, anywhere in the area, due to a fungus killing them all dead. At which I rejoiced and did a little dance, because finally, a plant death that was not caused by my negligence! If the weather there is anything like it is in Boston, it was 70 degrees yesterday and back to 50s and rainy today and for the forseeable future. Cruel, cruel.
posted on: April 11

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lizardek says:
So, I need to pack the mudboots and wellies?
posted on: April 12

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Tami says:
I for one would like to know how in the world your house stays so sparkling clean with all that mud. I know you wipe their paws, but geez, you can?t wipe ALL the mud out and I?m sure they want out constantly.
posted on: April 12

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bp says:
lizardek-- my best suggestion is that you arrive by helicopter . . .
posted on: April 12

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Chris says:
Welcome back, BP! Looks like Spring is taking it's sweet damn time getting to you up there. But the violet is gorgeous!
posted on: April 12

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wee says:
This is what i loved most about your home... everything in it has a story, a history, a reason for being there. Even the plants! I think that is a true gift... being able to decorate with such casual grace and easy purpose and have it feel not like a museum, but a home that is alive and fully reflective of its lovely inhabitants!
posted on: April 12

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bp says:
oh Wee-- you are too sweet-- next I'll tell you all about the muddy floors and dog hair filled air . .
posted on: April 12

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cornball says:
To be totally honest with you, I did indeed notice that, um, tacky bunny and though I've only been reading you for a matter of a few weeks, I thought it seemed out of character. Thanks for validating my intuition. I sure dig the pot the violet is in. It almost looks copper.
posted on: April 12

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Heather says:
OMG - it's difficult to get an idea of exactly HOW MUCH SNOW you guys got this winter until I saw how much was still left over after it started thawing! So happy about your lovely Artfest experience and of course, thank you for another lovely insight into your life as well - i.e. Mr. Bunny! (or is it a she?)
posted on: April 12

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Lizardmom says:
Oh, No! I have been rejoicing that all my snow finally melted. Now I'll have to dig out the boots again for a trip to your far north! I promise to remember to take them back home with me this time! Also looks like I should suggest that Lizardek rent an SUV!
posted on: April 13

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lizardek says:
Mom, bring the extra boots!
posted on: April 13

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wee says:
O, in my opinion, dog hair MAKES a home!!! yup. And mine is all downy with it... black balls that make comforting little tornadoes in the corners when you walk by swiftly or open a door.
posted on: April 13

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gracia says:
I've never had much luck at all with growing African violets. Try as I might, we just don't seem to get along. cheers, g xo
posted on: April 14

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immersion says:
Mud and all, your haven lookes like a dream to me!
posted on: April 15

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Molly says:
Oh, look at how natty the world is just after winter, just before spring. It's here too, only less of the dirt-snow combination and more of the poop-yard horror. And I love African violets. When I was little, I used to stroke the petals because they are so soft! We can't keep many plants in the house because our pets tend to eat, well, just about anything (especially of the organic or once-kind-of-organic nature), and we love those pets. Stupid darn ... wah. Mmm, must come see mountains. So beautiful.
posted on: April 15

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michelle/tangled wings says:
it is so, so fabulous to have a face to put with the words...i LOVED meeting you...and wish we had had more time to get to know each other...and your friend wendy who seems super cool...
posted on: April 15

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Brenda Kula says:
Your wit is charming! I am always happy to read your words, knowing they will be straight from the heart to the drawing board, so to speak. I like it so much that you say what you think! Brenda
posted on: April 16

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hele says:
That african violet sure seems happy to be yours. Her face is glowing
posted on: April 17

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