
May 22, 2007 8:50 AM- didn't I already do this?

Oh Claire, how did you know I have three dogs not so patiently waiting for me to finish my coffee and take them out into the bright morning sunshine, loads of laundry to start running as we have houseguests arriving for the weekend, a proposal to finish, a brochure to finish, a final grant report to finish, emails to send, an interrupted blog post I may never finish (obvs, not the most important work of the day), a class to teach and a shower to take-- all of which is to say,

Of COURSE I'll do a meme, darling. Anything to keep me from actually accomplishing something of value or job-related.

Although, this particular meme was done recently-- I'll take a second stab. For purposes of plowing through (see to-do list above), I'm just going to mirror what you listed out. I'm not known for being a copycat, but sometimes, it's the only way--allons-y.

1. I am the fourth of five children. My most treasured childhood toy once belonged to my older sibs and by the time my younger brother and I used it-- it was rather "shabby chic."* It was a wooden tower. Once painted dark green, I imagine. When I knew it, it was weathered and chipping paint. We would play with it for hours on end in the garden behind the house. It was quite large-- probably 6 or 7 feet tall when you stood it up. We mostly kept it on its side and would crawl inside or use it for a witch's cauldron/prison.

Yes, my favorite game as a child was playing "witches." Totally made-up-- we'd play for hours upon hours.

2. I have a dark red (a blue red, not an orange red) purse I bought in Paris on my last trip. It is LaMarthe and it is the best purse ever. I also recently bought a dark red trench that I adore (Theory). And, we have a dark red teapot. Oh, and I painted a side table in the living room dark red.

3. At this point, I literally have no idea what I have shared here in these rambles and who reads it and what it all means. Don't make me think about it-- or I'll go all Derrida on your ass.

4. I have never won anything, ever, at any time, for any purpose-- not a raffle, not a sweepstakes (not that I've ever entered one), not a drawing-- nada.

5. I like film okay-- but prefer plays (books being my first love, obvs). LOVE musicals and can sing the lyrics to many-- I know this means Claire may never want to be friends with me now, but maybe she can be open-minded? I won't make HER listen to them . .

6. Hard to believe anyone shows up here more than once. That is really what boggles my mind---

7. I collect rocks. And it is a pain, because they take up a lot of shelf space that might otherwise be used for books, pictures, files-- useful things. Why I have a need to bring so many rocks into the house I'll never know-- but I'm looking at a bunch of them as I type to you and there's really no explaining it.

I tag the first 7 people who read this post. (Be honest, now). Leave a comment that you done been tagged and we'll follow you back to your site to see what you've posted.


*HELLO-- irony here, people. The thing was splintered, covered in peeling paint, and really, not much more than an old ladder-- er, a four-sided ladder. But still, don't think my parents much worried about lead poisoning or the precious flesh of our palms. And us? We LOVED that thing.

got 2 cents?

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Janeen says:
I will play. I have baeen neglecting my poor sad blog lately, so perhaps a meme is just what I need. It might be awhile before it is posted, but keep checking back.
posted on: May 22

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bad penguin says:
I was tempted to just run away and not comment, but then it ocurred to me that tonight, when I'm tired and the right words won't come, this will give me something to say. PS -- I collect rocks too. My brother and I both do. We have no idea why.
posted on: May 22

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dodo says:
shit. does this make me 3?
posted on: May 22

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Claire says:
if I comment now do I have to do it again? Oh god I actually think I did this one before and forgot....bp I can't help it - I had some bad experiences with fringe theatre and wooden earnest over acting at an impressionable age. I would love to listen to any of your show tune renditions as long as they're accompanied by alcohol and a feather boa. I think I have immunity from doing ANOTHER meme now, anyway I have no more randomness. So ignore me and include the eighth person just to make it even more complicated...xx
posted on: May 22

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thepaperdoll says:
so i'm four? five? who knows? as tempted as i was to hang my head and hide i remembered the mound of stuff i must do. and this is so much better, non? plus i do fear karmic retribution should i not heed the blue poppy's call.
posted on: May 22

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thepaperdoll says:
so i'm four? five? who knows? as tempted as i was to hang my head and hide i remembered the mound of stuff i must do. and this is so much better, non? plus i do fear karmic retribution should i not heed the blue poppy's call.
posted on: May 22

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june cutoff cash says:
Wow. I just got in under the wire. I will do the meme when I go home tonight, cause God knows I won't sleep. Anyone know any non-drug ways to cure insomnia?
posted on: May 22

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thepaperdoll says:
i'm soo not doing this meme twice! sorry for the double post my internet is being wonky.
posted on: May 22

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Margaret says:
Um....do I count, here? My blog has been woefully neglected as well and I could use some fodder...
posted on: May 22

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Molly says:
Ha, of course we keep coming back for more! Also, once you direct a few musicals, you begin, just a tiny bit, to hate them. :)
posted on: May 22

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bp says:
Yes margaret-- yes! Why did I even limit it at all? *thump on the head* Everyone jump in. The water's fine. And Claire, you just haven't lived until you hear me belt out "Don't Rain on my Parade"-- and I'll wear a boa, just for you.
posted on: May 22

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june cutoff cash says:
Oh. Crap. You know what? I already did the seven random facts one a week ago! So I cannot participate, lest the people who read my blog come after me with torches and pitchforks. They are sick of me already, with my facts about me. Sorry, I will be more careful next time!
posted on: May 22

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lizardek says:
Random observations is actually the name of my blog, so I think I should get a pass. :P
posted on: May 23

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Heather says:
Well, I do need to update ........... maybe tonight? (Procrastination and I can't update at work ;)!)
posted on: May 24

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bohemiangirl says:
I hear you about the rocks sister. I just picked up some boxes of stuff that I had stored at my mom's place and one of them was full of rocks. Full. of. rocks. from all the places I've ever lived. Crazy.
posted on: May 30

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