
May 14, 2007 7:06 PM- into the greening

Henry cannot contain his joy. Truly, can you not see the happiness radiating from within his refined heart?

Perhaps, he needs to learn not to wear his emotions on his sleeve, as it were, but I'm okay with such wanton displays of exuberance.

Can you blame him?

Just a mere four weeks ago, we were gazing at this and now? Thanks to the fallen hemlock we have a new view.

A view that right now is bringing on the green--that light yellow tops of the trees blooming distinctive seasonal chartreuse green*.

And, scattered through the rough grass otherwise known as field, are clumps of this dark blue flower.

(I would say purple, but don't want to send Wee running for cover).

What are they, tiny violets?

*I don't know if that's the color Crayola has named it, but that's what I call it.

got 2 cents?

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Molly says:
Just stumbled onto your blog and cannot wait to explore more! These are some very beautiful images!!
posted on: May 14

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wee says:
jeez... you hate on one colour and the whole world comes down on you. And how many times do I hafta say it?!! NATURALLY OCCURRING PURPLE is a-okay in my books. so bring on the violets, the lilacs, the irses, the eggplant, the grapes, the sunsets, the... the... ahem...other things which are naturally purple! Purple rain baybee, purple rain. (I dunno hat the hell that's suppose to mean either. I am so FREAKING tired over here. but it sounded kinda groovy or something so I'm leaving it.) Smooches on your doggities wrinkly forehead. And yours too. Forehead, I mean, not wrinkles. Gah. What the f*ck am I saying? Must. Go. To. Bed. Drawing for a living day in day out is exhausting. Did you know that? Someone soulda told me.
posted on: May 14

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june cutoff cash says:
I work for a flower company and I should know what those are. I am almost positive they are a wild violet. Anyway. About your view. Could it be any better? I see my neighbor's fence. Dang. P.S. Am still in love with Henry. He could not possibly look more like a Henry.
posted on: May 15

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lizardek says:
Even the difference in the view since I was there just a month ago is amazing. A month! Can it be a whole month already!?
posted on: May 15

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Jazz says:
God I love this season, that new green colour just makes me happy.
posted on: May 15

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kateri says:
I LOVE your view, both of them actually. And your Henry has a younger Marlon Brando kind of thing going on there. ;-) Quite the looker! Wild violets... I refuse to allow a mower to the grass until they have bloomed all they want. Chartreuse is my favourite word.
posted on: May 15

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Reya Mellicker says:
The view is breathtaking - before and after the hemlocks. And Henry! Oh my god, he is the sweetest, most distinguished looking dog ever.
posted on: May 15

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dodo says:
don't look outside! Sorry. I couldn't help myself. I am weak. ANd it's been raining here for ever. Take pity? I stole your view. I stole it and set it as wallpaper on my office (work office, not home office) computer. It likes being in central London and told me it deoesn't want to be released back into the wild!
posted on: May 15

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nina says:
those are PURPLE violets, for sure. lucky me, i get to come see your beautiful stomping grounds this fall!!!!! xoxoxo
posted on: May 15

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dodo says:
on second thoughts. it may have been a strategic error. now my team are all standing round my machine being all green and envylike.
posted on: May 15

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Joy says:
Did you guys build the stone wall or did it come with the property? If you built it yourselves, how did you learn how?
posted on: May 15

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bp says:
Joy-- the property has stone walls all around it from the mid 1800s-- god knows what ran in the veins of the good souls who built it and lived here then . .
posted on: May 15

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bohemiangirl says:
Henry, you're so perty.
posted on: May 15

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otter says:
Oh, Henry. It's a good thing I'm not there in person because I'd squish you to pieces. I never get tired of those beautiful pics.
posted on: May 15

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Margaret says:
good gracious. that view is breathtaking!
posted on: May 15

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misty says:
oh how envious I am of your view. I love that I am not alone with my feelings for the color purple. and Henry....you are just too darn cute! Even Riley has a crush on you. (our alpha male)
posted on: May 16

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Joy says:
They're beautiful walls. :) Have you ever seen Andy Goldsworthy's stone walls?
posted on: May 16

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