
April 27, 2006 7:11 AM- lines of power

I hate power lines. HAaaaaaaaate power lines.

When we went to San Francisco a few years back, I was so sure we would be overwhelmed with the need to up and move the butterscotch boys to an apartment on Russian Hill.

Alas no.

(Question: has anyone else noticed my recent dependency on the strange word choice "alas no?" What the hell? Am I channeling some 17th century virgin scribbling away in the Kortrijk beguinage?)

Anyway. Power lines. Loathe. And San Francisco has many charms, but due to the street cars, it also has a horrifying amount of crisscrossing wires that web out from every street corner. It's like the city has braces.

So-- sorry beautiful labyrinth at Grace Cathedral-- no can do.

As many of you know, it was due to my lack of love for power lines that prompted us to build a solar home. And hey! Have you seen this month's Vanity Fair? All green, green green? I feel so Hollywood--everyone's going green.

Oh wait. Sorry, no-- -that's just this month. It's all for Earth Day. At least that's how it came across to me. I was reading the issue at Tara's last weekend and got so! excited! Look. Everyone's talking about the environment! Look! in the magazines! In the papers! It's finally happened!

When Tara just gave me that cynical brow and said, "um, Earth Day?"

And I saw, oh-- just the flavor of the month.

But of course, given that my primary motivation was aesthetic and only my secondary motivation was to live more lightly (ha! light-ly! ha! see why I should never post early in the morning?) upon the earth-- I'm nobody to write home about.

All of which is to say-- below are some photos-- I had a lot more but powerlines got in my way. Although you can see some in one of the pics.

got 2 cents?

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pomme says:
I lived in San Francisco and loved the criss-crossing of the wires. I thouhgt I'd see eye-to-eye with you on everything. Alas no! :)
posted on: April 27

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sarai says:
did you have an unfortunate accident as a small child involving power lines? i think going green at your house is awesome. as i buy my own home and renovate i'm beginning to think about my impact on the environment in a whole new way. any pointers for the solar living?
posted on: April 27

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bad penguin says:
I too was prepared to want to relocate to San Francisco. I have so many reasons to love that town. And I do enjoy visiting it very much, but I don't think I'd want to live there. Earth Day aside, I certainly hope more people will turn to solar energy. We should all live more lightly on the earth.
posted on: April 27

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la vie en rose says:
you live in such a beautiful wonderland! i had no idea you lived in a solar home. how interesting.
posted on: April 27

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lizardek says:
Necessary evils is how I think of them. Although I don't see why they can't all be underground. ...well, I DO see why they can't, but still.
posted on: April 27

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Chris says:
What lovely photos. I agree with you, power lines tend to ruin the photos, or at least draw the eye away from the beautiful subject of said photos. Power lines really should be underground. I mean, blizzards and hurricanes happen, and if the lines were underground they wouldn't get knocked over, right? I mean, am I being really naive here?
posted on: April 27

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Lynn says:
They are underground in my neighborhood, and I appreciate that. I think the trees appreciate it, too. But I like them in places where they?re exposed. They seem out of step with modern society, so there's a sentimental quality to them for me. (I know that makes no sense.)
posted on: April 27

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steph says:
ok. say: "So-- sorry beautiful labyrinth at Grace Cathedral" three times OMG! it's SO hard. I keep accidentally saying "Grathe Cathethrwal" but it's probably the wine. (sigh) I love your home.
posted on: April 27

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Ruby's Mum says:
Are these pics of your place? Utterly wonderful. I could gaze all day... So very green! And it bet it snows.. No snow in Sunny West Australia - not even in the deepest winter.. Such a shame..Snow would make my city perfect in every way.
posted on: April 28

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nina says:
come be with me, here, and i'll come be with you, there, and we can compare beautiful vistas. lucky us. the world is a wonderful place.
posted on: April 28

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victoria winters says:
Glad to know I'm not the only one who abhors those ugly things. They can put 'em underground, can't they!?
posted on: April 28

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Melba says:
Your pictures are beautiful! You live there; I am so happy for you...it must be lovely to breathe in that view. I am pretending to as I write this.
posted on: April 28

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Meredith says:
This morning the rain was falling all over the place and for just a minute between sleep and not sleep I thought I was elsewhere, like home, like New Hampshire. I'm not unhappy at all to be here but I enjoyed my minute of home. Someday, someday when my human Henry and Eli can take to the woods and land and water without tripping over wires.
posted on: April 28

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frecklegirl jess says:
Love those pictures! Looks like heaven... don't you just love spring?
posted on: April 29

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jes says:
ahhhhh.....New Englaaaand..... We are doing a cleanup with the friends of Merry Meeting Bay 2 weekends from now...hubby is spear heading our little group to hook up with the "friends". We will probably make it an annual thing.
posted on: April 29

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etta says:
You have not seen power lines until you've been to Tokyo. I saw that mag too and had the same reaction. But alas, no.
posted on: April 30

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endment says:
You don't really understand San Francisco power line problems unless you have been there after an earthquake. Any disaster should make all of us consider ways to go "green" Yes - would love to hear and see more about your solar project!
posted on: April 30

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violetismycolor says:
I love your beautiful Soliden...why live anywhere else? I have been to the Beguinage in Bruges and the one in Amsterdam. I think in the Middle Ages it might have been the right choice for a woman. Sounds peaceful to me.
posted on: April 30

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Joy says:
I like the fact that birds seem to instinctively evenly space themselves when they perch on powerlines. So smart!
posted on: May 01

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