
August 09, 2006 7:31 AM- calming the jitters

Last night, Tom and Kitty came over for dinner and afterwards we wandered down into the field to sit and watch the moon rise. It sure looked just like a full moon although, technically, it isn't full until tonight.

Maybe that's why I had trouble sleeping? Hmm, doubtful. Think I've just got a case of the nerves. This morning is my second interview for the dream job and I seem to be obsessing over the fact that I just don't have the right shoes.

I am not a shoes person; I am a sneakers person. The shoes I wear from May to September are a pair of Dansko platform sandals (one in black, one in bright green) and Coquette can tell you how very, very pretty they are--not. They aren't pretty. What they are is comfortable.

Yes. I am one of those dread pirate types who wears compfortable shoes. Worse, they are open-toe and I feel I need to wear close-toe shoes to the interview (see how ridiculous my mind is obsessing?) and I really don't have any that would in any way work.

Okay-- that's it. See, the beauty of putting the crap that's in my head onto the page is that I can then see how utterly absurd, ridiculous and otherwise shut-the-fuck-up annoying it is. Who cares. Tie bells onto your toes--- just go to the damn interview and get the damn job.

Pretty please? Could I please get the damn job?

Not surprisingly I got up early this morning (it was either butterflies or dysentery). As I had the time, I grabbed a couple of shots while the dogs wandered out for their morning constitutional. Now, I ask you, with vistas like this, who in their right mind would be anything but cool, calm and serene? Sheesh, woman. Get. A. Grip.

got 2 cents?

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Amber says:
I think we all get nervous despite beautiful calming vistas when something important comes our way. I know I do. Good Luck today!
posted on: August 09

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wee says:
go get the damn job!!!! I know you will... I've had my angels working round the clock on it.
posted on: August 09

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jes says:
such a beautiful view lucky, lucky girl. HELL...if you don't get the job more time for you to play in your studio and stare at the amazingly lovely view!!! xoxox (good luck baby cakes!)
posted on: August 09

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impossiblejane says:
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, the Danskos. I have the same exact pair (except in tan) and I wore and walked all over Switzerland in them. Better than sneakers. I go from my Dansko sandals in the spring and summer to my Dansko clogs in the fall. I'm a nut for them. We have a store in Providence that puts them on clearance every August for $50 and I have to do everything in my power not to blow several months pay.
posted on: August 09

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Erica says:
Thinking of you and sending all good things your way! (And they will love you no matter what shoes you wear.)
posted on: August 09

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Lil says:
You'll get the job. Now go....wait, by this time you probably already HAVE it!!! (cause after that amazing interview, what choice will they have?)
posted on: August 09

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Joy says:
Good luck--can't wait to hear how it goes! And hasn't this been a gorgeous week so far?
posted on: August 09

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Janeen says:
I've been thinking about you all morning and sending so many good vibes your way. Can't wait to hear how it went.
posted on: August 09

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Dawn says:
It was probably those calming, gorgeous vistas that kept you from completely going over the edge into the realm of the Fully Crazy. Good luck! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
posted on: August 09

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frecklegirl jess says:
The suspense is killing me! (hoping! hoping! hoping!)
posted on: August 09

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Jecca says:
I wondered about those green sandals! V. cool. Am huge Dansko clog fan. As for job, just feel, right now, what you're going to feel when you have the most fantabulous job for you. Then you'll attract that to you! (So simple to type, sometimes so difficult to do.)
posted on: August 09

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la vie en rose says:
so???? how did it go, how did it go, how did it go???
posted on: August 09

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judyblueskies says:
Breathlessly awaiting. I closed my eyes tight this morning and pictured you being happy. You will be, whichever way it goes. But of course my vote is that you get the joooooooob.
posted on: August 09

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Brooke says:
I have those shoes in light green! I agree, they're not exactly a delicate shoe, but comfortable? Oh God yes.
posted on: August 09

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twitches says:
I love Danskos. But man, are they ugly. Seriously. It's as if they took a comfortable shoe, and then worked hard to decide how to make it even uglier. Sort of like an expensive SUV.
posted on: August 09

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Sheryl says:
Ooo ooo ooo! Did you get it? How did it go? Were the people nice? I'm bouncing up and down wondering... hope you got it. What an adventure that would be :o)
posted on: August 09

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Claire says:
Weeellllll? The interview? Hope it went swimmingly...I say nothing about the shoes - I haven't seen them I will not judge. I'm sure you rock them
posted on: August 09

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Milly says:
I know how you feel...I am always nervous before an interview. AND, I can't stand wearing heels! I hope it all went well...but of course it did, how could they resist the charming Bluepoppy?
posted on: August 09

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melanie says:
I have second interview for my dream job tomorrow too - or at least, as close as I can get for the time being. Also, I thought it was a given that you wore closed toes shoes to an interview?
posted on: August 09

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Meredith says:
I sent out the good vibes which required some calculating on my part due to the time zones between you and Japan. But alas, done and done. Please let us know when you know.
posted on: August 10

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