
August 05, 2006 3:57 PM- day three

Something I haven't shared with you is a decision that I made last week or so: for 21 days straight (unless it is pouring rain) I am going to hike up to the top of the mountain behind us.

I'm not sure where this mandate came from. Part of it, surely, is just trying to dig in and live out a fantasy I had when we bought this property and learned that there was a hiking trail on it.

Self*: A hiking trail! I shall walk the dogs up that trail each day! How very Van Trapp of me! How utterly NOLS!

(*FYI, only the crazy full-of-martha-stewart-cum-sir-edmund-hillary me talks in explanation points. And, she gets very, very little air time).

Anyway, I had that inner dialogue oh, I don't know, about 2 years ago and yeah, not so much with the daily climb. But somehow, with my recent lifestyle shift, I got it into my head to pursue this concept for 21 days. Why 21 days? No idea-- you talk to my mind, you see if you can understand her. Oh and, good luck.

So today makes day three of this adventure. I can reach the top in about 50 minutes and make the descent in around 30. Of course, that's with about four stops along the way. The hike, she is steep.

Here are the dogs at about the halfway point. Tongues a' lolling.

Henry: Man, I wish I hadn't had that burrito last night.
Ollie: Stop talking, you're using up oxygen.

Ollie: Look! I believe that's a pileated woodpecker.
Henry: Ooh, I think that's where she keeps the biscuits.

Henry: Oh yeah, there's definitely biscuits in there.
Ollie: You might wanna lay off the biscuits, bro-- just a thought.

But just when you think your legs are gonna give out and you're wondering how these stupid ideas always seem to find your brain, you get a glimpse of the promised land and you've made it to the top once more.

Henry, though forever consumed with the hunt for biscuits,

does take a minute to say, "oh yeah--nice view."

And, a special bonus for all you intrepid Saturday readers-- I got a ration of shit from T for posting a pic of me out in the lake where you couldn't distinguish me from a corpse floating face-down--so here you are, lucky lucky you-- a sweaty, thoroughly grubbed out me on this beauteous day.


got 2 cents?

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Amber says:
Beautiful view, beautiful mountain, beautiful beasts and beautiful You! Happy Saturday BP :)
posted on: August 05

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yogagirl says:
ah so lovely. a steep hike makes you feel SO alive! (or is it that tangy weirdness you get in the back of your mouth when you are sucking wind so hard you can hardly breathe that makes you feel alive?)
posted on: August 05

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Ruby's Mum says:
Gosh that's so amazingly beautiful! Can i ask where in the US that is? It's gorgeous.
posted on: August 06

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liz elayne says:
oh i laughed out loud at the ollie and henry dialogue... and beautiful you. thank you for sharing this picture to brighten my evening... and that view. crap. incredible!
posted on: August 06

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lizardek says:
Paradise is apparently peopled by beautiful creatures (and funny ones).
posted on: August 06

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twitches says:
What a lovely view - thanks for sharing! Funny conversation between dogs, too.
posted on: August 06

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melanie says:
So THAT's what you look like! Nice to know. Love the dog dialogue (dogalogue?) and thanks for the lovely comment on my site.
posted on: August 06

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Sheryl says:
The dog dialogue is priceless, and you are lovely! Hike on with your bad self.
posted on: August 06

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Chris says:
I agree with Sheryl, the doggie-talk is hilarious. Aren't you beautiful with that climbing-in-fresh-air glow!
posted on: August 06

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lizardek says:
DOGALOGUE! hahahahahaha!!
posted on: August 06

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Meg says:
That's one good lookin' family ( even though you guys aren't the same species). Beautiful pictures, as always.
posted on: August 06

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samantha says:
You are beautimous! See, there is a distinct lack of mountains in my homeland, and therefore a walk is mighty boring. And humid. And you tell Henry he can eat all the biscuits he wants!
posted on: August 06

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tinker says:
Do I detect a note of Aquarian contrariness? I know if you give me crap for doing something I think I have the right to do, I'll do even more of it : ) Or maybe that's not all Aquarians - it may just be me, being contrary. LOVE the view. Henry and Ollie should have their own movie. Or at least a talk show.
posted on: August 07

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Joy says:
Beautiful! And the scenery is nice too!
posted on: August 07

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SuzeQ says:
omg the boys look so beat...that must be a killer hill. I use to climb a (8% grade) hill every day when I lived in socal. I would almost give up at the halfway mark but I knew the view of laguna was so beautiful from there and that would be my reward. after two months of this, I could actually make way past the 1/2 mark without stopping and my thighs looked killer!
posted on: August 07

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stephanie says:
You: so hott. I'd do you. That view: so hott. I'd do you.
posted on: August 07

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Heather says:
Great pics BP - yes, even of you!
posted on: August 08

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susan says:
oh i like that little hike... i think i should get my butt up there before it gets cold... but it is so nice in winter too. thanks for reminding me of it! squam looks so pretty from there!
posted on: August 30

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