
June 14, 2005 9:22 AM- intermittent updates

Hey?remember how I told you we have no computer (no internet!) at the studio apartment-cum-hotel room? Remember how I told you the company where I work was just bought by another company and things around here went from sorta/kinda busy now and again to gogogoGOGOGO from the moment I drop my bags and check voice mails?

Oh good. Glad you?re not suffering from any of that short-term memory loss. And here I thought you were all former stoners . . .

So there it is. The only place I can tap in for a post is here at work (no, my town has no internet caf? type places--- reason #42 why you will never envy me. But we have two (2!) tattoo parlors, so maybe some of you are a bit jealous) and obviously work is too damn busy for me to stop and update. Plus, even if I had photos (which I don?t--- am totally lame but you can blame it on the rain), my computer at work doesn?t have all the software etc I need to download?blah blah blah.

You missed me, didn?t you. Am I not scintillating? Yes. Yes, I am.

Ta has put into my hands a most beautiful book?The History of Love, by Nicole Krauss and it is gorgeous. Gorgeous. Her sentences read like poems. The unleashed imagination mixed with the most blunt realities of life have transported me. I am not done yet, but never want to finish. Who knows, maybe I?ll even get an opine up about it, but don?t hold your breath. What I can tell you is if you love to read?this is the book. If I?ve done nothing else in the day but read a chapter than I?ve done something worthwhile.

The house is coming along gangbusters. We are on the eight-week countdown at this point, which is another reason I am dead busy.

So?all of this is to say?if you don?t see me here for a couple three weeks?this is why. However, we are due to get some wireless hook-up at Soliden in that time frame so once we do I will be back. *spits on palm*

got 2 cents?

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E says:
Thanks for the rec -- for some reason, nothing in my "to read" stack is appealing right now. And please tell the Butterscotch Boys that the dogless among us are missing them greatly.
posted on: June 14

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otter says:
*writing that down* Speaking of books, by the way, I just got notice that they are shipping YOUR book to MY house. How fucking cool is that?
posted on: June 14

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samantha says:
you were THIS CLOSE to receiving an 'I miss you' email, but it sounds like an awfully busy time, and I hear you about intermittent computer access. Thanks for book recommendation, I've been wanting to read it, and her lovely husband's newest as well. we're waiting patiently for your return.
posted on: June 14

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bp says:
Erica, I promise my next post will have pictures of those adorable dogs. Otter, it is FUCKING COOL! (You must tell me what you think-- the illos suck). Sambelina, her husband's book is the lesser value-- so they say.
posted on: June 14

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lizardek says:
I don't just want dog pics, I want house pics! and view from the deck pics! and (trying to be sneaky) BP pics! :D Thanks for the book rec, just what I needed :) Never enough time for all the books, wah!
posted on: June 14

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lizardek says:
Oh, yes, forgot: Missed, you were. Scintillating, you most definitely are. Talking like Yoda, stopping I cannot.
posted on: June 14

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destinyqueen says:
Oooo - as a new reader, I just figured out you're building a house. You lucky dog! And yes, lack of internet service sucks. Do post pics of doggies too! My pack would like to see!
posted on: June 14

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frozenmojo says:
sarcomical and i attempted to launch our book club by reading Q by luther blissett...about 10 pages into it, i realized that we made a mistake...looks like we just found a replacement! yeay!!
posted on: June 14

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Croila says:
Ohh!! Eight week countdown?! When, oh when, pleeeeease miss, can we see some pictures? ;-) Had to laugh at the internet cafes versus tattoo parlours. Now let me see... Oh yes, that'll be easy then, since I loathe tattoos and love the internet! Hurry up and come back to us, BP, you are missed.
posted on: June 14

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Marilyn says:
You know we'll be here panting and waiting...whenever you return. Hope you manage to squeeze in some R-n-R this summer in between building your manse and working your ass off...
posted on: June 14

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pastamasta says:
Yesyes! Take time to enjoy your surroundings while you create them. Allow yourself to be filled with the beauty of the woods. Be a delicate poppy petal floating on the summer breeze of life.</guru>
posted on: June 15

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Coquette says:
Ha! I was just going to email you, too! I always miss your scintillation. I do, I do. House=gangbusters=YAY! And I was wondering about that Nicole Krauss book. That's so cool when you find something so very worthy.
posted on: June 15

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bellabelly says:
definately not going to bombard you with my typical 'please freakin' update already' naggings.
posted on: June 16

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Margaret says:
Since you don't have a feed, I have trouble remembering to come visit; it doesn't sound like you've been able to blog much lately. Je suis desolee. J'ai mauvaise memoire!
posted on: June 18

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frecklegirl says:
Okay, this post is super old but I am coming out of a wedding induced stupor so you must excuse me. Plus you are on hiatus right now and I am pretending you are not. ;) I read Krauss' book, 'Man Walks Into a Room', on my honeymoon and I have to say I was a bit disappointed in it. I just couldn't get into the skin of the main character but maybe that was sorta the point of it... hmm. Methinks I will give her another shot. I was eyeing 'History of Love' the other day anyway...
posted on: July 19

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