
August 12, 2005 10:42 AM- idiosyncratic

The woman with whom I would have babies if only she a) wasn't already married, b) was a lesbian, c) wasn't a resident of Canada and therefore not close enough by for us to raise our babies together has tagged me on a meme about my idiosyncracies.

Are you kidding? This is a rock you so don't want to turn over. Truly-- step away-- god only knows what prehistoric water bugs with wings and whatnot are going to exodus en masse from that dank and moldy place.

First , I would simply point out that there should be a heavy emphasis on the IDIOT of idioscyncracy when the word is used in reference to yours truly. I am not a thinker. If I were a thinker I would surely not do the idiotic things I do. Exhibit A: Bring a 4' x 5' poster down for the book event last night and fail to bring any string to run through the grommets so that you might be able to hang the poster as a backdrop instead of leaving it in a roll behind the register. Idiot.

Now, I can feel the comments coming already as the etymologists among you will crawl up my back to say that idiot is only a cousin of idiosyncracy and not a part of the word or some such thing ---- but let me just say butchering the English language and making sh*t up is what I do. An academic I am not.

Okay-- Wee has requested 5 idiosyncracies and I must say I was struck by how open and honest she was in the sharing of her quirks and foibles (if rather repulsed--- ABC gum?? All around the house?!! Yeah. I'm so not having babies with you).

1. I cannot sleep if the sheets at the foot of the bed are tucked in. CANNOT. WILL NOT. Must kick out or rip out the hospital corners. Feet must be free and uncovered for sleep. Alas, poor T who adores the "tight tuck" (ooh, that sounds kind of kinky) and a properly made bed. This is a non-negotiable. And bizarre. What could have happened in a previous life that makes me so resistant to foot restriction? Was I a geisha with bound feet?

2. If you tell me something very serious or tragic or terrible, I will smile (sometimes force back a laugh). I hate this about myself. It is the weirdest damn thing. I have tried so hard over the years to correct it. My feelings are always genuinely concerned or sympathetic but my face? A total traitor.

3. My confidence is utterly erratic. At work, or in places where I don't give a fig-- I have total confidence and behave as such. Anything to do in the sphere of the arts, writing, creativity-- I shake like yellow jello.

4. If I'm not smiling, people often tell me I look "intense." But the truth is, if you were ever a fly on the wall with T and me we're a pair of 5 year-olds. Truly. We run around and talk and behave like 5 year-olds. And I'm not ashamed to tell you that--- cause I think uptight intense people suck and I hate that I'm that way at work.

5. I love scrambled eggs but cannot tolerate omelettes. I love history, but can't remember dates. Learning French was like falling off a log, but the worse grades I ever got in my life were in the two years I studied Latin (and French is what, 80% Latin?!!@#?)

And people? This is only the tip of the iceberg. I have spared you.

Now I pass this meme on to: Chris, Heather, Milly and Erica

got 2 cents?

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lizardek says:
You and Wee would have such TALENTED, GORGEOUS babies. The world would never be the same.
posted on: August 12

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nina says:
I must have the feet free as well. HATE the tucked-in sheets. This is my excuse for never making the bed!
posted on: August 12

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suzanna danna says:
Thank you for the link to Wee? she?s awesome & ya?ll would have precious babies (except the ABC gum thing? I hear you there).
posted on: August 12

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wee says:
We would have the prettiest babies!!! We would, we would we would! And we would name them really peculiar, quasi-French, literary names ... four each ought to do it... I'm thinking Armand Xavier Darby Beckett and Bronte France Lilliane DuMaurier or something and half of them would be blonde. squat and squeally like me and the other half would be a lanky and lean, dair haired and dangerously smart and seductive like you and if they got too loud and unruly, I would simple affix them to the backyard fence with ABC gum (arranged according to proper feng shui, but of course) and we would drink our faces off until we were so entirely bombed that all our babies appeared to double and quadruple and sometimes morph into entertaining little pink elephants.
posted on: August 12

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Heather says:
God, I've been tagged! So of course, I must oblige! And trust me, wait til you see mine!
posted on: August 12

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lizardek says:
ahahaha! Wee, you are a riot! I can SEE those babies, I can. And I hate to break the news, but they morph into entertaining little pink elephants with absolutely no help from drinking :D
posted on: August 13

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Very Mom says:
I am SO WITH YOU on the free feet thing. We finally got rid of the topsheet altogether so there is just the duvet, hooray for liberated tootsies!
posted on: August 13

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samantha says:
I always laugh at serious times, especially during fights. Nothing like laughing in the face of your man to send him over the edge!! And I ate pretzels yesterday and thought about you. That is what the blogosphere does to you. But I did NOT sort them, I just stuffed them in my mouth.
posted on: August 14

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nichole says:
1. I do the SAME thing! 2. wow you'd be a great tv anchor!
posted on: August 14

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Margaret says:
1. Je suis comme ton mari. 2. Je suis comme toi. 3. Moi aussi. 4. Je suis plus intense chez moi qu'au travail. 5. J'aime les deux.
posted on: August 15

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E says:
I'm flattered! And I've completed and posted, so feel free to have a good laugh at my expense.
posted on: August 16

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Sheryl says:
I love scrambled eggs, but not omlettes too. Just read your previous few posts too, as I thought you were still on hiatus~ glad things went so well at the party, and continued success with the book. Whee, sounds like fun.
posted on: August 17

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