
October 17, 2006 10:47 AM- sure, if you like orange

Let's just be blunt. I have not been in a bloggy mood of late. Simple as that. Not sure why-- I think it is because my life has changed so dramatically and I really have not in any way been able to catalog those changes here in real time hence, every time I go to post something it requires so much backstory I just say oh fuck it some other time.

Ad nauseum.

This would explain the reasoning behind my plan to take a hiatus. And yet, somehow taking a hiatus requires more energy and explanation than I have time to give it, so I keep on with the piddling posts. A tiresome loop for all, bien entendu.

Meanwhile, a lovely link for you that was shared at the ArtFest bulletin board. Truly exquisite-- but one of those times when you know the web cannot possibly convey the beauty and it really must be seen in person to appreciate the workmanship.

paper cut-outs

Things I am looking forward to this week:

1. Project Runway finale - oh yes! Although in the interest of full disclosure I almost wrote a letter to Laura to express my disappointment in her lack of sportsmanship, but then thought the better of it because WTF, who am I? Jiminy Fucking Cricket of the blogosphere? Yet, her actions did irrevocably reduce my love for her, but you know, there's still a lot left in that bucket.

2. Marie Antoinette Oh god-- yes. Even though this means I have to drive to freaking Boston to see it-- but since I'll likely sit through it three times in a row, it doesn't much matter. And please, if you're one of those who think this is a frivolous, ridiculous film-- go eat some cake already, wouldja?

3. Playwrighting Bada bing. Can you believe it? Yeah, me either. Spent the entirety of Saturday morning working on a new play. Woot. Will wonders never cease.

got 2 cents?

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victoria winters says:
Oh yeah. I can't wait until tomorrow for Project Runway either. That preview sure as hell LOOKED like Jeffrey was getting kicked off, but then it may just be a big tease. I'm most excited to see what they all made though.
posted on: October 17

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lizardek says:
You may think these are piddlin' posts, but I assure you that to us they are little gulps of fresh air. :) Also, there's a goodly chance that I will be able to work from the U.S. office for a week or two next year some time. It's in Chelmsford...how far is that from you??
posted on: October 17

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lizardek says:
Also, I said the title of this post out loud a couple of times with a lot of attitude, it made giggle like mad.
posted on: October 17

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tinker says:
I love poppies whether they're blue or orange...just as I enjoy reading your posts no matter whether they're big or small peeks into your world. The cut paper art is sheer magic from enchanted scissors - like clips from Edward Freaking Scissorhands. Amazing! and I never would have seen that, if it hadn't been for you and your blog. When you're parched, is a cup of water really any less satisfying than a waterfall? I'm just grateful for whatever words you deign to sprinkle our way. Lucky play audience in the future...
posted on: October 17

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bella says:
Ah, I forgot how much you love you some Sophia. Enjoy the movie. I can't wait to see it.
posted on: October 17

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wee says:
OMG... I have been waiting on Marie Antoinette for longer than Otter's been waiting for that baby to pop out. Good Good. They just seem to be producing more and more and more extravagant trailers! it's vicious, I tell you. "Vicious like I hit you with a flower." That's a quote from Andy Warhol. Betcha didn't know I could quote Andy Warhol. Betcha don't care either! And thank you thank you thankyou for the paper cutout links! Gorgeousity!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted on: October 17

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wee says:
I meant Good God! Not Good good. sigh. I was so proud of myself for a second there thinking I mad it allllllll the way thru a comment with no spelling errors. But, sadly, no.
posted on: October 17

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wee says:
erm.... made with the all important e and such. Not mad. sigh.
posted on: October 17

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wee says:
and piddling is one of my most favourite words. Ever. Piddling Posts Piddling Posts Piddling Posts!!!
posted on: October 17

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Aithbhreac says:
I hope you will tell us about your play sometime! And P.S. you are living the life of creative fabulousness.
posted on: October 17

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Milly says:
Oh, don't stop blogging, you'd be missed. I am also looking forward to the PR finale. I hope Michael wins. Then another good show starts, Top Chef.
posted on: October 17

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Misty Mawn says:
I so know how you feel....but jeez, your words and how yor put them together is just....well... it's pretty darn spectacular! ...and your pictures....deep sigh......
posted on: October 17

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Marilyn says:
I'm going through a similar phase re blogging...just somehow not finding the extra time and energy for it right now. And yet when I do, I'm reminded of how very much it gives me all the way around. Balance...that bastard...where is he??
posted on: October 18

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Claire/Lola is Beauty says:
so glad you keep popping back and re: MA, I don't know whether to see it again (it comes out the same day here as the US) I want to but somehow I don't think English cinemas will have mini laduree macarons for sale instead of popcorn like they did in Paris. But oh god the soundtrack, I have to get the soundtrack. AND I can witter on about M.A ALL OVER AGAIN! Enjoy!
posted on: October 18

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