
June 14, 2006 12:50 PM- kindergarten redux

It?s an odd thing?if you were to read through my journals from those oh-so-scintillating teenage years (that is, if your eyeballs didn?t leap from their sockets in order to escape the boredom because OH MY GOD who cares what color your lucky underwear is and no, passing out in the neighbor?s bushes is not the funniest thing ever) it would be one entry after the next of unrelenting suffering.

That?s not because my feet had been nailed to my bedroom floor, no?it?s because I only wrote when I was agitated and upset. There is no record of my happy, dreamy days?you kind of have to read between the lines, or rather, between the gaps to understand that yes, I experienced pleasure as an adolescent.

Today, the inverse is true.

The past few months/years (whatever) have been extremely challenging for me on an emotional level with regard to my job. (Yes, Lizardek, I heard that THWACK-- that reverse spin of your eyeballs as you read that??WTF?!? she says. ?Didn?t I tell you to ditch that place months and months ago??)

Yes, you did. And no, I didn?t.

Have you seen where I live? The options are, how shall we say, singular, unless of course I want to commute two hours a day or simply move to Boston which, though appealing on many levels, kind of defeats the purpose of building a house in the country.

So anyway, where was I?

Oh. How I don?t put the struggle here and since there?s never anything really good to share it remains all quiet on the working front. That is, until yesterday.

Yesterday was a stellar work day. For the Survivor aficionados among you, I won the individual immunity challenge and can stay on the island for another three days. Woot.

It felt great if unnerving. The unnerving part is, wait. Didn?t I want to get kicked off? Do I really want to stay on this island? I thought not, but it seems to be where I?m supposed to be right now, so I?m flowing with it.

Still, last night my mind was a bit a?whirling and a?turning and I realized that all those platitudes that people post up everywhere? They?re actually true. But, I don?t know that you can know their truth unless you learn it the hard way.

Or, maybe I?m so far back on the evolutionary scale that I can?t see that most people are born knowing these platitudes.

You see, I?ve had a dream of growing my soul while working in a corporation. I know, oxymoronic, non?

And, as much as I wish I could have learned all these lessons while painting landscapes in Tuscany or writing my Broadway smash from a darling apartment overlooking St. Sulpice, I?m happy to have learned them at all.

So with no further ado.

What I Was Never Taught In Kindergarten, Or If I Was, I Forgot, But Then Learned On Corporate Island

1. Be kind to everyone, especially the people who are hostile and unkind to you. Notice I didn?t say nice. I?m often not nice. Nice is bullshit. Kind is based in respect and honesty. In my dictionary: kind = genuine; nice = fake.

2. Find a way to be loving to someone who is actively hating you. Don?t pretend. You have to truly be loving in your mind even when they are trying to push you under a bus. Take comfort in the fact that their actions drive their karma (will they end up under a bus someday? Perhaps, or an 18-wheeler, either way, has nothing to do with you). Take comfort in the fact the more loving you are to them the further away you will drive them from you?they WANT you to hate them back. They can?t handle the love.

3. 98% of the time you want to stay under the radar. Don?t push for the spotlight. Stay low, undercover. Snipers will pick you off like a slow-moving duck in the spotlight. However, there are times when you must make a move. When you do make a move, make it BIG and be done with it fast. Then, back to under the radar. It?s a mistake to think you can always be under the radar without ever taking risk.

4. Sometimes the only activity going on is hanging on. Or, to put a Faulkner spin on it, be Dilsey.

5. When you think you just can?t take another day remember that thing someone said (but I don?t know who or when or where) it?s always darkest before the dawn and then hang on some more. Things do change. Eventually.

6. You can think the problem is the people or the place or the task and that your life would be so much better with other people in another place doing something else, but if you can?t find peace here and now, how can you be sure you can find it somewhere else?

7. Never eat "food" people leave out for anyone to take in the coffee room. Never as in never ever.

Speaking of food, my stomach is growling furiously and I have a meeting in 8 minutes so must fly.

FYI, T and I are headed to the coast of Maine for a long weekend tomorrow. Don?t know what kind of postings will be going on?maybe loads? Maybe none?

Back in the saddle on Tuesday. Asta, my pretties.

got 2 cents?

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sarai says:
oh bluepoppy this post was just what i needed to hear. thank you. thank you. thank you. congrats on all that you've learned and how far you come. you're such an amazing person.
posted on: June 14

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la vie en rose says:
oh i so agree with you. i'm trying to learn my lessons while working for a state agency...and that's not much better than a corporation. these are right on the money...especially #7--never, never, never, never, never have a beautiful weekend my love!
posted on: June 14

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tinker says:
Nope - don't remember them covering any of this in kindergarten - well, possibly #1 & #7 if you change it to "playground." #6 is the one I need to keep in mind always. It's the biggie! Glad you survived, so you can go on & have a great weekend!
posted on: June 14

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nina says:
That number six is just killing me. But also, I suppose, why I'm still here. *sigh*
posted on: June 14

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Vespa Rosso says:
must remember #3, must remember #3.
posted on: June 14

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meggie says:
Sage advice, oh wisest of blue poppies. And exactly when I needed it! Come to think of it, my Kindergarten teacher was kind of a hag.
posted on: June 14

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jes says:
I think I could've written tha myself...(not with all of the fabulous lingo that you use of course)...but I especially like "the loving someone you truly hate"...I'm a big believer in that one! have fun here in my neck of the woods...you'll have to email me and let me know where you went! Jon and I will be at the Boothbay Harbor Lobster boat races this weekend, so we will be getting out fair share of the Maine coast! xox
posted on: June 15

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lizardek says:
Now I'm dying to know what happened. It's okay that you didn't follow my advice, I'm used to it, even though I AM ALWAYS RIGHT. :P It took my sister 16 years to follow my advice regarding her job, and she did finally did it in March and she is SO HAPPY. Broke. But happy. :) I would choose Soliden, too. Have fun in Maine!
posted on: June 15

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lizardek says:
And I have to just pop back in to say I disagree with #2. I find ignoring them completely works far, far better than giving them ANY kind of attention.
posted on: June 15

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Ruby's Mum says:
10 out of 10 BP! I especially LOVE your dictionary definition of Kind V Nice. Excellent
posted on: June 15

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bp says:
ah but Lizardek, it takes a whole different energy to construct that cold shoulder--- and, with love the possibility exists that they will be transformed which actually occured once with the wildest results-- which I can post the whole thing on sometime since that woman has long since left the company--
posted on: June 15

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samantha says:
I am holding my hands up as if to say "yes, yes, Lord yes!" These are brilliant - all of them - we should put them on our bathroom mirrors and draw strength from them as we brush our teeth each morning. I totally agree that these are things that must be learned on the job, how could we ever just have that knowledge? Big hugs and pour the champagne for winning the immunity challenge, baby!
posted on: June 15

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Heather says:
Wonderful advice as always. And even if you bag corporate America (as I did), it all still applies to everything else in our life. Enjoy Maine!
posted on: June 15

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Claire says:
1 and 2 changed my attitude towards an entire situation that's been bugging me. Thank you! But what if I'm only being kind because I know it'll piss old nasty pants off? Does it still count?
posted on: June 15

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Lil says:
The only reason I'll be loving to someone who hates me is to fuck with their heads, but that's just me (and c'mon it's SO much fun!). Other than that, I really needed those rules just now. I bow down to your omniscience (if that's how it's spelled - and even if it isn't)
posted on: June 15

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violetismycolor says:
When I have problems with people, I definitely have the #3 attitude and it always seems to do the trick. I also always ask my angels to help me do the whole kind-attitude thing. And that always makes it so much easier.
posted on: June 15

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river selkie says:
number 1 is the truest of the true! i can't tell you how many times i have chosen this route when i could have been like everyone else in the workplace towards a certian person. and instead, my being kind has been my saving grace as i've later needed the "kindees" assistance to back me up, or sometimes that person gets a slightly different position that affects me significantly...but it's all good, cause i was kind and they don't hate me! geez. i hope that made sense. #7 is also the truest of the true. i have seen some scary shit! and it follows right along with, "never ever eat the food they offer you at a car dealership. it's like the persephone effect! the rest of them i agree with 100%.
posted on: June 16

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Saltwater Princess says:
I get hives reading this post. You're far to amazing a human being to be toiling away at some spot that needs that many lessons to make it through a day. Makes me want to swoop in and save you. :)
posted on: June 16

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Laini says:
Oh my word. That sounds like a... pleasant... environment. What's the story on the "food" in the breakroom, anyway? Very curious! And good for you for not letting that world warp you into one of "them". It's a sign of great inner strength to maintain your "self" and not join in with the sniping and skulduggery. I do so wish no one had to endure corporate-land who wasn't into it; shouldn't there be plentiful grant money available to creative folks? Ha. Fantasy, I know. But think how much more beauty would pour into the world, and how if we all had a smidge more income to buy each other's books and paintings, we could all support each other!
posted on: June 16

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Rebekah says:
Observing these might well have saved my sanity in the corporate world, but alas, I lost my sanity for a while in its midst. If you practice all of these principles, your name is truly your Serene Highness! (BTW, I have a new home. Please come visit me there.)
posted on: June 16

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Aithbhreac says:
Ah, you are a very wise woman. I really think those of us with artistic minds and hearts who would rather be "creating", yet in the name of fiscal practicality forge ahead to endure and succeed in the corporate world have superpowers!
posted on: June 16

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