
November 10, 2007 9:53 AM- untitled

morning song, 12" x 18" multimedia on paper

I have no business blogging at this ungodly hour on a Saturday morning, but it?s like Liz wrote on my last post? somehow being busy means I use the time I?ve got. And, for this site, it?s now or never.

Of the six pieces I submitted to the art sale, only three were not blinded by flash when I took their pictures. I?m posting them here simply to sate any curiosity. There is absolutely no need to comment on them and, particularly if you like me but don?t like them, please don?t make some vague ?oooh nice?. That would not be appreciated.

For the record, there is a truckload of art that I don?t like. In fact, there is a truckload of celebrated art that I don?t like. Some things reach me, some don?t. For myself, these pieces don?t reach me in any big way. I?m still developing my voice and style in a 2-D medium and am fine with my fledgling status. (That?s all FYI since I understand you have asked me to share them and I?m happy to?I just believe in being clear about setting expectations).

In my writing classes right now, we have been reading George Orwell?s ?Politics and the English Language? with a particular focus on the section titled ?meaningless words.? As all of my students are artists (potters, painters, sculptors, illustrators, photographers, printmakers, etc) our conversation has forked into a discussion on ?feedback.? It is critical that they learn how to filter feedback?understand what is honest and helpful feedback and what is unhelpful or destructive feedback. And, this will also teach them how to be skilled at giving feedback. This is something I wish I understood at their age as I allowed far too many arrows into my heart without understanding what was coming at me.

As a sweet conclusion to the class, one girl in the back row who is quiet by nature and who has shared with me in our one-on-one conferences that she suffers from terrible bouts of anxiety, (all of which to say she doesn?t often participate in class) raised her hand and said, ?this was such a great class. I loved how you had us focus on what feedback is and define what is good feedback and what is bad feedback before we broke into groups to share our essays. That was really helpful.?

To which I replied, naturally, ?hey?that was great feedback. Thanks!?

homage, 18" x 24" acrylic on canvas

henry, 8" x 10" acrylic on canvas

Just to finish out the series of photos I took at Tara?s here are three more.

And now, turn the page.

Have you caught the show on the Discovery Channel called Cash Cab?* My brother-in-law made us watch it and it is pretty funny. I think I would like to be picked up by the cash cab, but the sad part is I feel fairly certain I would get unceremoniously dumped on the sidewalk without earning so much as 25 bucks. I like to think I can play Jeopardy, but the fact is, my storehouse of trivial knowledge, though unquestionably trivial, is oh so small.

Newest magazine love: Raw Vision. You all should know by now that I am rather partial to outsider art and folk art (when it?s not kitsch) and this lovely quarterly provides all kinds of inspiration along those lines.

Hours later: Hey?looks like not such an ungodly hour since my server was down (what IS going on with my computer world these days . .?) and I have since taken the dogs for a long, long walk in the chill morning air. Back now, muscles warm, enjoying a vanilla smoothie, and ready to take on the day.

*oh suck-- it is yet ANOTHER rip-off of a UK show. God, does anyone in Hollywood EVER come up with an original idea??

got 2 cents?

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DiaryofWhy says:
I know next to nothing about art, but yours makes me, someone who hasn't so much as picked up a crayon since I was a kid, think, "I'd like to maybe give that a shot, sometime." Your collage especially looks like it would be so much fun to create.
posted on: November 10

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Chris says:
BP, I love "morning song". The swath of blue is unexpected, but totally works. And the textured fabric/paper in silver just sparkles. Love it!
posted on: November 10

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Sherry says:
"That is where your at" is what the calligraphy instructor made clear every time we were having a critique of artwork. It isn't an excuse. It's just where your at. LOVE, love, love, CASH CAB. While I'm driving, I pretend with my boys. I ask, "A, B, C, what comes next." (They are 11 and 16) They never answer. I cut them off when they have 5 seconds to answer. Like they need the 5 seconds? They put up with me cause, hey, were in CASH CAB! Or my cab.
posted on: November 10

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river selkie says:
it's awesome that you are teaching the the 'ways' of feedback. i took a creative writing short story class in college and we were supposed to give each other feedback on index cards. all i got were index cards saying drival like "good story." "cool plot." and basic other fluff that was so extremely useless. i was so disappointed. especially because i sat there for each of the others and really tried to help give useful feedback. what worked, what didn't, always careful to say something positive and useful, but also making sure i broke the news about what wasn't really working for me. it still pisses me off to think about it. i am nowhere near a stellar writer, and surely even dumbasses could see some things that could be improved. they just weren't brave enough to tell me or were to lame to make the effort. sorry to hijack and vent. :) but i just wanted to share how much i appreciate people who teach and learn good feedback techniques. because the world is sorely lacking them. AND, i do want to mention that my favorite types of art tend to be photography and the less abstract of art and not so much modern art. i don't know if i mentioned it before but i love so much of your photography, including what you have posted today. your dogs always come through with so much character, which i am sure is both a tribute to them and yourself. :) and i'm not sure the best ways to tell you about my experience of your art, but i wanted to share what my thoughts were seeing your 'morning song'. the first thing that popped in my head was that she looked like a pope (like roman catholic!), but then it was a female pope. and i thought, well that's way cool! and then i thought of all the old catholic saints and art i used to see in church and that round glow behind her head made me think of the halos the saints are often painted with. and then with the calm, downward expression i thought she really seemed to be listening to the bird (nature) on her shoulder. and that rocked. i had a very positive reaction to the piece. i feel the need to stress that, in case you are wondering, based on my previously discussed antipathy towards most things church-related.
posted on: November 10

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bella says:
I really love mixed media... it stirs something up in my heart. There's something about morning song that says "queen" or "regal" to me, but then I see the birdie, and see that there is like a cool calmness to the piece. I like it so much. I like the Homage painting too. It makes me feel like I'm standing in a bare room stripped of drama and bs.. A good, meditative place. xo
posted on: November 10

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lizardek says:
Honestly, I can't think of anything MORE important to an artist, ESPECIALLY one that wants to make a career out of it, than learning how to handle feedback and "constructive criticism"...I wish I'd had someone like you for a teacher before I decided to change from my 3-years-in art major to English. (though it didn't do me any harm, it boggles the mind to think how different my life might have been). I love morning song. And "henry" made me smile.
posted on: November 10

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gracia says:
Ah, yes, works blinded by flash, I know that all too well. And why do the best photographic moments always present themselves when the dreaded flash is required? Working late last night assembling a zine would have made for a sterling photo. Looking forward to seeing more of your work. It will come as no surprise to you to know that I am a keen fan of multimedia, collage and photomontage. Happy working! Seeing this make s me want to do the same. see you, g xo
posted on: November 10

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Claire says:
I do like your "homage" very much. The colours...but cash cab just ain't cash cab without a black London cab...
posted on: November 10

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sherry says:
Addition, adendum, just one more. Artists can be their own worst critics. Sometimes, we just have to accept where we are art, I mean at, in our discoveries. It's all an adventure. Since everyone else gave comment, like a sheep I join in. My fav is 'homage'. I had to squint as I typed it. It looked like I typed hornage. It's just where I'm at. O.K. My comment: at first I thought I was looking horizontal at it. On second thought, it looked as if I was floating above looking down on it. So, it carried me up, up and now I float!
posted on: November 10

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bohemiangirl says:
Is it alright if I like you and love your art too? I am enchanted by 'henry'. It looks like a golden field with red trees far in the background. I just want to dive in. That's my idea of good art... when I get lost in a piece. Whether it be words, music, paint, collage...
posted on: November 11

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