
March 21, 2005 8:28 PM- for Tara

Sometimes my impulses are bad. Like lighting up right after yoga. Or, lighting up right before yoga.

Sometimes my impulses are very bad. Like when I hand a favorite book to someone and say, "Oh yes. Sure, take it. You will love it. It is so wonderful. But when you're done with it, I would like it back."

Those impulses have left me without some treasured volumes. Which leads me to efforts at behavioral modification. I should stop with the giving away of the books expecting them to come back someday and just resign myself to the giving away of books. Because most people are adept at the borrowing of books. But the returning of books? Not so much.

NOTE: this does NOT apply to Tara as she is ALWAYS giving me volumes and volumes of books--generally new releases, often galleys. Although there was that one time when I loaned her that irreplacable, amazing book by the German woman about surviving WWII that is gone, gone, gone (I know because I've scoured her bookshelves). Sigh.

One beloved bouquin I have replaced multiple times is a thin volume of poetry by Ruth Forman, "We Are the Young Magicians."

God. I love this collection of poems. But when I reached for it recently I realized I had, yet again, given away my last copy. So, I did the simple thing and ordered it again. And this afternoon it arrived.

In it is a poem I shall dedicate to my dear friend Tara in celebration of her birthday (although her birthday is not this day). But seeing as she has been away enjoying the beaches of Mexico (bitch) and skiing in Tahoe (bitch, bitch) and won't be home until Sunday, I figured I might as well as post her birthday poem here. Because really, the entire month of March is obviously hers (bitch).

You So Woman

when ya purple heels hit concrete
afros swing
cool jazz hot baby
strollin by cry amen

so holy
preachas stutta
thighs so righteous
pews jump up n catch the spirit n
hymns speak in tongues

so sweet
bees leave the daffodils behind
for honey you make table sugar taste sour n
Mrs. Butterworth sho can't find a damn thing to say
when you aroun

lookin so good
cockroaches ask you to step on em
sos they can see heaven
and after they die n

you love ya people so much
if you was on pilgrimage
the Sahara Desert would run to the Atlantic
jus to make sure you don't get thirsty n
camels would kiss you for choosin they back

but Africa don't got you
we do n glad too

so girl
you jus keep on
makin the sunset procrastinate n
givin the rainbows a complex
you a silk earthquake
you a velvet hurricane
n girl you so woman
i be damn
if you don't put a full moon to shame.

~ Ruth Forman, We Are The Young Magicians

got 2 cents?

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meg says:
*running right over to Amazon* Allow me to replace your copy as I get one for myself?
posted on: March 21

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lizardek says:
wow. thanks for the rec!
posted on: March 22

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Sheryl says:
G-d, that's gorgeous.
posted on: March 22

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Gale says:
Wow, lovely stuff. With regard to lending books, I've had that problem more often than I can say. It's gotten so that I only lend books to a very select few people, like Lizardek. :)
posted on: March 22

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wee says:
O Swoon went my inner wordsmith, falling to the floor with an ungodly thud, clutching to her chest "you a silk earthquake". sighhhh.
posted on: March 22

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bad penguin says:
That is an amazing poem. how come I've never heard of Ruth Forman before?
posted on: March 22

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suzanna danna says:
*swoon* The ultimate ego stroke? to have a poem or song written about you. Damn. Or to have your thighs be called righteous and to be deemed a silk earthquake. Mmm mmm.
posted on: March 22

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Milly says:
I have a hard time lending books. Even worse, weeding out my bookshelves--the horror! But, I only do this when I'm in transition--like now with my move approaching. Books rule. Good poetry rules! Thanks for sharing a new-to-me poet.
posted on: March 22

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Jecca says:
Thank you for the recommendation! (Re: Replacing lent books: I hate it when the new copy doesn't have the same cover/isn't the same edition as the old copy.)
posted on: March 22

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bellabelly says:
you know, I steal Sam's books all the time. To me, books are better if she's read them first, and left cheeto fingerprints and coffee dribbles on the pages. She loves her books so much, she lives in them, and I feel it radiating from the pages when I read them. So, I will continue to be greedy and steal her books. I can't help it. I love them. But I do buy her CD's to try to make up for all the book thieving. And another thing? Your friend has a birthday month??? So does Sam. A WHOLE MONTH. Sure, she has to share it with baby Jesus, but thats only one day. She can give up one day out of 31. She's so generous like that.
posted on: March 22

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lizardek says:
And poor Gale still runs the risk of having her spines broken when she DOES lend me books :D
posted on: March 22

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bp says:
AHH-- bella, books with cheeto prints and coffee dribbles!! is that not the very essence of Sam? heeeeee better than an autographed copy-- or rather, that is her version of an autographed copy
posted on: March 22

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wee says:
O Swoon went my inner wordsmith, falling to the floor with an ungodly thud, clutching to her chest "you a silk earthquake". sighhhh.
posted on: March 22

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bellabelly says:
Yes, indeed BP... that IS the essence of sam... that, and a dried spaghettio or two! And you're right, it IS better than any autograph that I could think of!
posted on: March 22

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Very Mom says:
Doesn't lighting up and yoga balance each other out? Maybe you could light up DURING yoga.
posted on: March 22

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gatsby says:
the sahara running to the atlantic... that almost never happens, that must've been some woman. also i once saw the plains stretch up to the sun to give this sexy librarian i know some shade. what won't the earth do for pretty people?
posted on: March 22

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Marilyn says:
That made me smile...it also made me miss my old church, for some reason...or maybe just the people I used to see there. :) Soon...soon...I'll be back there... Thanks for sharing 'Tara's poem' with us. :)
posted on: March 22

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samantha says:
For the record, there is absolutely nothing wrong with making your birthday last the whole month. I'm sure it has something to do with a very healthy self esteem or maybe just an addiction to presents. And yes, Bella can borrow my books anytime - I was just thinking yesterday how she hasn't borrowed any since she came home! And that poem - amazing. 'Hymns speak in tongues.' That is pure genius.
posted on: March 23

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gimmy says:
posted on: March 23

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frecklegirl says:
I've had a similar problem with book STEALERS from time to time myself. I have just started buying books for people instead. That way I can keep my own copy. :)
posted on: March 23

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Chanelbaby says:
DAMN that is an amazing poem. And I know from poetry. I gots to get me a copy of that book! Thanks Blue Poppy!
posted on: March 23

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bellabelly says:
I really liked the poem too, I forgot to say earlier.. its kind of I'm gonna get you sucka meets Song Of Solomon.... and you can't go wrong with either one.
posted on: March 23

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