
January 25, 2005 9:49 AM- got funny?

(WARNING: this post contains repackaged material. Contents include:

~ bits from a post written this morning that was unwittingly and most stupidly lost when I decided to check on the spelling of 'nausea';

~ uninspired dribble due to lukewarm coffee and flat hair;

~ and guilt for my shrieking soul (kind of like the embarrassment a mother might feel when her 2 year-old pitches a 'Linda Blair' at the grocery store checkout); I know my soul should not be shrieking, but it has needs and wants and damn if there aren't some jagged edges on that demanding, jiggling cube of clear gelatin).

When I sat down this morning to slap up something to replace yesterday's drivel (FYI, I really truly thought y'all might be sick of me taking photos of the same freaking thing and toss down your popcorn and leave never to return but oh, how you people are forged of a finer metal than I--- more shame for me) with something that might make you laugh.

It didn't start off too well I'm afraid since T hauled ass up to Soliden at 6:30 am despite the fact he has a fever, chills, nausea, etc. In other words, the flu. He had to go since we have 8 guys showing up for work at 7 AM. Can you believe that? Arrive at 7 AM on the side of a mountain in sub-zero weather?

*Insert laugh track*

And T has to give them instructions and details so that they will have a full day's work and, unlike TV sitcom work, it's not something he could phone in. Meanwhile, I went to dictionary.com to confirm my spelling of nausea. Weird word. I'd hate to come up against it in a spelling bee. Why don't we pronounce it NAW-SEE? Wouldn't that make life easier for everyone? And, in the interests of TMI, there are about 3 (maybe 4) things I loathe LOATHE in this world and puking is one of them. Now, loathe-- another strange word.

Wait, enough with the digression-- was there a story in here somewhere? Didn't I promise some kind of funny winter's tale for y'all? Surely you're not hanging around just to watch me reflect on the body's power to forcibly eject deadly toxins? Come to think of it. Why would I loathe something that is there to help me? Why am I not instead AWED by the amazing forethought of our great Creator?

Because I am perverse and American, that's why-- a noxious cocktail of internal widdershins and self-absorption.

So-- the story, the story---

Some years back we spent New Year's Eve weekend with a bunch of T's friends. (Yes, you might think after this much time I might consider them my friends, too-- but you would be wrong. They love T. I love T. But there's not much love lost between them and me). We're there and it's New Year's Eve and we are hammered and we decide to go SLEDDING! Yes. Wheee--- so we head over to some big hill or golf course, I forget cause it was about 2 am and I was in the bag. We climb the hill and wow. The hill is very icy. And wow. The hill is very steep. And wow. Look at that two foot deep trench at the bottom of the hill.

But we don't care. We are wild and free and very, very drunk so down we go. And as you probably guessed, there was a loud crack, and much screaming and crying as Georgia (remember her?) broke her back. T and another guy also cracked their coccyges (dictionary.com is my bitch). So we got Georgia onto a toboggan and got her to the hospital where she spent the rest of the week. The next four months she was in a body brace. Do we know how to party, or what?

Yeah-- not funny. I know. *sigh* Why is it all my funny stories are more tragic than comic?

Hey, how about irony? Check this out--

Each morning the receptionist sends around an "out list" telling us who is not in the office that day and she always puts a touchy feely message at the top. Today's message (I AM SO NOT MAKING THIS UP-- I swear it popped into my email box not 3 minutes ago):

"Never continue in a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. And if you have that, along with physical health, you will have had more success than you could possibly have imagined." Rodan of Alexandria

*insert maniacal laugh track*

got 2 cents?

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amber says:
Is that her trying to be subtle, or are the fates trying to push you over the edge? hmmm...
posted on: January 25

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gatsby says:
first- how did you know i was eating popcorn? is my cam still on? if so, can you help me find my wallet? next. i know it was you that broke poor harriet's back. you have an obvious dislike of this woman... her name was georgia? sorry. still, her "love", as YOU call it, for T got under your skin, rubbed you the wrong way- so that night- a couple drinks to steady your nerve- an icy death hill... you've got motive and the hill as i mentioned. "why not bp," you think, "she laughed at your diorama of lincolns assassination, you worked all night on that diorama- and don't forget the T thing" AND YOU PUSHED HER!! or at least directed her towards the menacing trench. AND NOW YOUR GUILT HAS YOU CONFESSING ON YOUR BLOG, of all places... terrible. why do you criminals insist on returning to scene of the crime? as we speak mustachioed cops are dangling from speeding paddywagons as they traverse the curvy mountain roads to your hideout.
posted on: January 25

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bp says:
hahahaha--- now you made me laugh--- Amber if the fates succeed in pushing me over the edge will I hit a 2 foot trench and break my back? And gatsby, my friend, I have many terrible traits but jealousy is not one of them--- if T wants to go off and shag someone he can have at it-- of course then, as he well knows, the barn door's been left open, so to speak . . .
posted on: January 25

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gatsby says:
bp if i ever cheated on you i'd be sure to shut the barn door. i certainly wouldn't want you to catch cold or be stolen by coyotes, (though, our love would be waning, and maybe the coyote thing would be an easy way out)
posted on: January 25

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bp says:
are you kidding? them coyotes would be my bitches in no time . . and then we'd be off to seek vengenance on him that left me for the wolves . .
posted on: January 25

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gatsby says:
you would make the coyotes your bitches? i hadn't thought of that. i would've probably just flailed my oil lantern wildly about and screamed as they tore swatches from my farmgirl dress. hold on let me write this down- "make them my bitches..." now of course i'll have to always carry this note.
posted on: January 25

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stephanie says:
Shriek on, demanding soul! Now, what were we talking about?
posted on: January 25

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Erica says:
Grocery-store-tantrum levels of embarassment? You have my deepest sympathies. The only remedy I can think of is a nice glass of Jameson's.
posted on: January 25

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lizardek says:
Finer metal, indeed. You don't know how tempted I was to simply comment "Bitch" to yesterday's post. Me so restrained. You so damn funny! "dictionary.com is my bitch" HAHAHAHA!
posted on: January 25

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Margaret says:
Was that message directed at you? Ironique, oui.
posted on: January 25

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Gale says:
How is it that a word with an 'x' in the singular has its plural formed with a 'g'? Shouldn't it have a 'c' like in vertex/vertices, index/indices, and kleenex/kleenices?
posted on: January 26

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