
September 15, 2004 9:52 PM- down came the rain

First, I want to thank all of you for writing to me. Your emails were amazing and I had no idea you people were out there!! How utterly wild. If nothing else, I have a renewed appreciation for just how amazing this town of blogville is and what an opportunity it is for me to meet so many cool, cool people that I would never otherwise meet even if you lived in my town. Actually, especially if you lived in my town because I don't know anyone who lives in my town because I am a pathological introvert.

But really, thank you. I love that you love the story and I promise to keep you updated on its progress.

Obviously, I have decided to take down the story. Here's why.

On Tuesday I talked with my editor and she was wonderful but also quite frank. She told me if I valued the story and I wanted to see it published the most important thing to do would be to finish the novel and then start shopping it around. She emphasized that posting it as I was doing could easily compromise it and she recommended that I take it down.

Please don't hate me. I wasn't trying to be a book tease. A cock-tease, always. A book tease-- never.

For those of you who have been with me for awhile you know I was having a big struggle this summer. The way I wrestled one demon to the ground was to begin posting the novel. Somehow it made it more real to me. Plus I loved the idea of a weekly deadline which kept the engine purring. And, I thought it would be cool to see if this particular story had any appeal to anyone. So, although I didn't look at it this way before, it was kind of an experiment.

I feel sad about not sharing it further because in the end, stories are to be shared. But I know the full book and I do believe in its value and I guess I don't want to experiment with it if it means putting it at risk for whatever vandalism can occur to online stories. (Can a book get mugged? Spray painted by PETA?)

Or maybe, Dr. Good had me pegged back in high school when he expelled me from his chemistry class. When I asked him why he was kicking me out he said I all I did was flirt and that I had failed every exam. I think that was just a big cover-up. Clearly the real reason Dr. Good gave me the boot was that I didn't have the heart to see an experiment through to the end.

Either way, some of you might be happy to see that comments have been restored. You can thank T for that. Just know I'm really lousy about responding to comments-- sometimes I do-- sometimes I don't.

And, oh yeah-- you guys totally rock.

got 2 cents?

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Erica says:
Well, I won't say I'm not bummed, because that would be patently untrue. But what you're saying makes perfect sense, and is probably the right decision -- in fact, it's definitely the right decision, because it's yours, as is the story. I'm just glad I found your blog at all. Good writing is good writing, and a delight no matter what the genre.
posted on: September 15

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samantha says:
oh hooray! T totally rocks. Well, you know we will respect this decision, and whatever made that big fat demon go whistling on his way, if it took spooking him into someone else's cupboard by posting this story for a little while?, then so be it. I think you should keep up the Archie Belmus interviews, though, 'cause they are hilarious. ;)
posted on: September 15

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river selkie says:
yay, comments are back. (i'm a lazy emailer). i hadn't read your story yet, but i think i agree with your editor for the most part. the problem with posting things on the internet is that once they are on there, they never really disappear and that could be the biggest problem in the future. moreso, than a word-thief. i can be patient for the novel's publication...er, prolly. :)
posted on: September 16

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lizardek says:
Well, I can't say I'm not sad that I don't get to read along, but I think you are totally doing the right thing for your book. You are one smart cookie, popster, even if you may not always think so, and as for Dr. Good, I poo-poo in his general direction. Hurray for wrestling demons to the ground! Now we'll just have to nag you to WRITE FASTER! :) :) :) As long as you keep on posting your lovely bits, we won't go into total withdrawal.
posted on: September 16

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otter says:
She giveth and she taketh away. Woohoo comments!!! And concerning the book, I completely understand. It's a shame that for all gobs of us good hearted people who just want to savor your amazing novel, there might be one who wants to steal it or damage it, so you have to do what's right for you. I think life is all about finding the right path for yourself, whether it's religion or diet or exercise or politics or the existence of bloggity comments. Comments! Did I mention WOOHOO COMMENTS!!??!!!
posted on: September 16

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Laura B. says:
Okay, be that way. I can get by without further chapters of the book, just you wait and see. As Erica said, good writing is good writing so I'll be here for more of yours. And I'll be in my local bookstore buying the novel when it's out.
posted on: September 16

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wee says:
O. I'd weep copious tears over the loss of DTT, if I wasn't already wrung dry from the joyous weeping over the return of comments!!! YOO HOO! O, Bloggity Blue Babe... you know you light up my belly button, no matter what you do! Rock on, sistah friend!!
posted on: September 16

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deepbluesigh says:
oh, sigh. good decision, of course, but still i am left feeling like all i got was foreplay! i read the whole story and was waiting with bated breath for thursday. but i remember reading On Writing by S.K. and he made a rather pointed point of pointing out that you shouldn't share your work in progress. good advice.
posted on: September 16

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stephanie says:
So sad, but happy too. Let us know when it is available for purchase. I'll buy.
posted on: September 16

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Cindy says:
Ugh...the disappointment . Hurry get it done and published. Thanks for the peak : )
posted on: September 16

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Valerie L says:
I'm so so so bummed. But I do understand. I look forward to when I can buy it at my local book store! :-) Good luck!
posted on: September 16

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Chrishawn says:
Yeah comments are back! I came here the other day and was like, "Wha???? Where'd the comments go???" I so have missed you, BP. I have been so utterly busy, it's completely insane. But I have gotten all caught up on your blog now and THAT'S what's important :)
posted on: September 16

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bellabelly says:
Oh Bahluuuuuuuue Poppeeeee! I am so glad to see comments. I am sad to see the story go, I was really into it, but you know... whatever is best for you, your book, and your sanity. We love you and we can't wait for the book. Just make sure to keep us posted on whats going on with it.
posted on: September 16

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Very Mom says:
I'm so happy there are comments! I am sad also, to see the story go but I too understand. Completely. It is a good decision, and I hope to plunk down hard earned cash for it in hardback soon.
posted on: September 16

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violetismycolor says:
I am trying to write, too, and it is so easy to get bogged down and distracted. Congrats on your ability to get it started. Keep on keepin' on, as they used to say...
posted on: September 16

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