
September 04, 2008 9:55 AM- I've got no time for this

Dear Sarah Palin,

My dogs are not happy with you. In order to write this letter, I had to cut their walk short this morning and frankly, for them, my priorities are a bit mixed up. The problem is, if I don't get this off my chest, you are gonna be buzzing around my head all day like a goddamn mosquito-- so here we go.

Unlike you, I am not a political animal. Perhaps that makes me "elitist?"

From the way you used that word last night, I would think by your definition an elitist is anyone who doesn't share your beliefs. Surely you can't mean it to include someone who lives in a small town and works as a teacher, right? Because, small town Americans-- ALL small town Americans think just as you do, especially if they work, you know, "regular" jobs like real folks.

Wait, I'm confused. You clearly think there's an "us" and a "them". As you have described it, either people subscribe to your narrow definition of the correct way to live, or they are out of your group. You believe that all small town Americans are the REAL Americans and it's those other "elitist" Americans (who have multiple houses and don't practice religion as you think they should) who should get out of your damn way so you can start laying pipe, and drilling for oil.

Gosh Sarah, doesn't that make YOU elitist?

Surely you've seen a dictionary before, right? I mean, I know you have strong views about what kind of books can be allowed in a public library, but you aren't afraid of dictionaries, too-- are you? Because if you pick up any dictionary you would find that an elitism is the "practice of or belief in rule by an elite" and/or "consciousness of or pride in belonging to a select or favored group."

Honestly, Sarah, after listening to you last night-- that describes you.

Although I would fight for your right to live as you please and to practice your religion as you like, you don't seem to want to accord me the same right. Strange, since that's what the founding fathers of this country insisted upon.

That was the ENLIGHTENED view of educated people who had come through centuries of insane religious wars (NOTE: there are also history books in the library-- take a look, it might open up your perspective). Now, you might call those men elitist. They sure were some well-read peckerheads and big idea guys. Of course, I don't know that they knew how to gut a moose as you do, but give them some credit-- they were the original Americans, after all.

The ones who separated CHURCH and STATE.

The ones who understood people have different values, opinions, and cultural preferences-- something that religious doctrines can't seem to pull into their loving embrace.

And lady, there might be some who let your pretty face and perky sass cover up your ugly heart, but not me. You think your desire to control what a woman can or cannot do with her own body is based in a love of life.

I beg to differ.

You don't love life. Life is wild and unpredictable. Life cannot be controlled by small-minded human beings; it is beyond our ken. And, yet, you are righteous in your belief that there are only two sides to every story: good and evil.

Life is not just human beings, Sarah. You, you who think that killing animals is a sport-- a fun hobby-- you are chomping at the bit to destroy massive areas of Alaska (a wilderness that many people hold sacred, btw) and all the animal and plant life there in pursuit of oil.

That's not a love of life. That's a love of money and power.

And speaking of power mongers, who is this "Washington Elite" you have so much contempt for? People who have been working on Washington for the past few decades? People who advocate the policies of George Bush and Dick Cheney? People like, um . . John McCain?

I understand you had no option last night but to attack everything about Senator Obama that you don't understand. What else could you do? Try to find the good points about the past 8 years of political leadership that you subscribe to heart and soul? (You might think us good Americans are simple-minded, but you knew that no one could be unaware of the devastating legacy of the Bush-Cheney administration).

Why not just admit that you don't know the first thing about how to respond to a person of Obama's caliber. Slapshots are all you know.

Here's a newsflash for you, honey: you're playing hockey, he's playing quidditch.

Oh wait-- you don't know what that is, do you? That comes from one of your banned books, doesn't it? As a mother of five, you know that children should not be encouraged to develop their imagination. That's dangerous-- a terrible danger that leads to things like thinking and seeing the world differently. So glad you've got the kids' education well in hand. I'm particularly impressed with how you want Bible stories taught in science classes.

I noticed you have a penchant for sarcasm-- thought I'd send a little your way.

You object to penchant? Too big a word for you? Sigh, maybe I am an elitist.

How can that be, Sarah?

I am a teacher.
I live in a small town (pop; 1300) founded in the 1700s by a bunch of hard-working people-- just your type, really.
I was born in Boston and have lived in the United States my whole life.
I have always paid taxes and voted and have been a fine, upstanding member of the community.

Why can't I be in your club, Sarah? What is it about me you can't tolerate?

got 2 cents?

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blissful*thinking says:
posted on: September 04

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kelly says:
oh my gosh....i wish i could put my feelings into words like this when i am dealing with my "mccain/palin" friends. so much of this is what runs through my head. but to get it down in writing, well i don't have to - because you just did. peace.
posted on: September 04

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Bethany says:
I haven't actually seen any of this Palin character (one of the perks to living overseas), but I've read up on her, and I'm thinking we wouldn't get along. At all. She sounds to me like the kind of narrow-minded hypocrites holding tight to whatever religious dogmas they've been told that I've spent years getting away from. I have no doubt she's sincere in her beliefs--even to the point of forcing them on others--but the wildlife issue in particular shows me that she hasn't employed much *thought*. How can you be rigidly "pro-life"--as in no abortion, no euthanasia, no "pulling the plug"--but relax by killing animals? And rather than invest in alternative fuel sources to protect our planet and the people on it, make it your primary objective to destroy the wilderness? (Right after doing away with the freedom of press, of course.) Nuh-uh. I felt a lot better about the possibility of McCain becoming president before she got on board.
posted on: September 04

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DiaryofWhy says:
Thank you thank you thank you, BP.
posted on: September 04

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Heather says:
This election has got me mesmerized and I agree with you whole-heartedly BP!
posted on: September 04

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sherry says:
A good book to read about drilling in Alaska, a book that gave me a first hand perspective on the negative aspects of drilling is called Caribou Rising by Rick Bass. And why nuclear energy? I fear we would leave a huge, toxic mess for future generations. Why not focus on solar or wind? These issues sway me. Have you considered sending this OP on to the Palin camp?
posted on: September 04

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Cornball says:
I admire you for being able to put 2 coherent sentences together about this, as I am simply vibrating with disgust and can barely talk about it at all. I can't watch any of it, the lies, the spin, the mockery of a certain upstanding, outstanding American who has been accused of being un-American, while this, she-who-I-can't name, belongs or belonged to a sect trying to secede from the U.S. The hypocrisy is nauseating. And don't get me started on the aerial hunting--how very sporting to shoot animals from a federally funded helicopter. Breathe, Corny, breathe...
posted on: September 04

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Claire says:
I just wrote a really long winded comment but I deleted it. Really all I want to say is AAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH how can people fall for this calculated wheeling out of a right wing robot barbie? Who ARE these fuckwits? (The same ones that got George W. a second term?)
posted on: September 04

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whaler says:
Hey BP- It's been a while since I've written to say hi, but I've been lurking. I like to visit because you write so artfully and your pictures are wonderful. But hate doesn't become you. It's been a long time since I left blue poppy with a bad taste in my mouth, but I have to say today I will. I'll be back, because I like you...and you've been kind to me in the past with encouraging words about some of my art. But I hope that this was a one time rant...a "letting off of steam". If I want to read that kind of venom I'll visit Rush Limbaugh or dailykos.
posted on: September 04

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bp says:
Hi Whaler--- thanks for letting me know your threshold for "venom". It's true I am usually gaily skipping through the forest with a basket of roses on my arm so it might seem shocking to know I have strong feelings to articulate. Thing is, Whalen, from my perspective, this is a most mild, emotionally restrained response. I have exercised all of my hard-earned wisdom not to regress into angry froth. If you are indeed a long-term reader you will know I have never, ever sought readers nor popularity. So, if you don't wish to acknowledge the FULL spectrum of who I am and only want a piece of bluepoppy (ha-- I can hear my husband making some remark about he's the only one to get a piece of bp . . .) then I wish you happy trails. Go forth and do great things!!
posted on: September 04

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melissa says:
after reading this, I must say that I'm glad I did not watch her speech last night. I would have gotten just has angry as you are. I respect political & religious freedom but I just don't understand how people can think that this ticket is good for us. Thank you for articulating the way I don't think I could.
posted on: September 04

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Liana says:
I'm glad I'm not the only one who is simply MADDENED by this woman...and the more I know, the more frustrated I become. This articulates such frustration pretty well! I love this little rant, BP. :)
posted on: September 04

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lizardek says:
Bluepoppy for President!
posted on: September 04

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whaler says:
Whoa...maybe I have misjudged you over the past 4 years. Did I not detect some rather biting sarcasm in your response to me? I just tried to give you an honest reply to your post. And while I know you're not interested in building a fan base, you've always been respectful and polite to your readers. But this is your forum...and I have the choice whether to stay or leave. What drew me here 4 years ago was the curious combination of an artsy engineer. I married a woman very similar to you. I'm surprised that you're willing to turn me away solely because I gave an opinion not to your liking. Art
posted on: September 04

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Sue B says:
THANK WHOEVER THAT MY PAL SENT ME THIS WEBSITE!! This election cycle has been one of the most foul and vile I've seen in my 60+ years--and living in Republican country, I've forgotten that there are OTHERS out there with whom I can bond. This woman, like her co-runner, wants to "progress" backward about 150 years. Can't stand the thought. Can't say anymore than Blue Poppy..who said it all and said it well...Does McCain REALLY think that Hillaryites will automatically turn to this Barbie Doll because she's a woman??? She may be a woman, but she's not a leader. . . I'll be in the Obama camp this November.
posted on: September 04

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catherine says:
I second that emotion...BP for PREZ! what venom? ... mmmh... I'll have to look around some more, but I swear I didn't see any. Palin makes me puke. What kind of woman wants to restrict other women's rights? She's no different than GWBush and McCain?? gag. always glad to hear your opinion BP. :)
posted on: September 04

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frecklegirl jess says:
Agree! All of it. I couldn't listen to her for more than 2 minutes at at time- I had to keep clicking back to that hottie Bear on Man vs. Wild. It is weird that I found him making a sleeping bag out of the skin and fleece of a sheep less gross than her speech? ;)
posted on: September 04

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maryse says:
this is my first time visiting and i wish i had half of the talent you do for writing. and for so eloquently saying what i've been thinking. and the funny thing is, i'm not angry about ms. palen. she's entitled to her opinion, even if it's wrong. (heh) what i'm enraged at is how mccain is again pandering to the same fringe group of voters that bush panders to, and that so many americans are eating it up. have they been asleep for the last 8 years? whalen may not be back, but i will.
posted on: September 04

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mhs says:
yay for BP!!!! i am full of joy to read your eloquent expression of pure disgust. leave it to you and your lovely prose to cooly expose this woman for the biggoted psychopath she is. no joke, i have only been able to string together sentences littered with unpublishable swear words when it comes to this whole---oh jeez, here it comes--- (*&$(*&^($&! sarah palin bullshit. thank you. once again, you've made my day. xo
posted on: September 04

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kelly rae says:
i so respect your balls, elizabeth! well said! xoxo
posted on: September 04

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Sam says:
OH WOMAN! That line - "You're playing hockey, he's playing Quidditch" - that says it ALL. Oh, she could never stand up to you, almighty and powerful Elizabeth Bluepoppy. Your righteous scorn would zap her like a tiny little mosquito.
posted on: September 04

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Cornball says:
You see how important your post was today, BP? It brought us all out. This is about the only thing that has made me feel an ort better today...merci, cherie
posted on: September 04

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Tracey says:
No worries, dearest. Sarah's club will have a brief lifespan. Come November, we shan't have anymore dealings with the likes of her. Just the same, I applaud your passion. I'd much rather see a demonstration of high emotion rather than apathy during these shaky times. Now, be sure to walk those sweet pups extra tomorrow; we can't have unhappy doggies. Oh and Whaler, methinks you can't request only the "happy" parts of a strong-willed, complex woman and not expect a lashing.
posted on: September 04

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la phoenicienne says:
palin scares me a little. she's quite charismatic. and though i cringed when i heard her words, part of me refused to understand that her ideas are not ones that i believe will make this country better and undo the damage of the dubya admin just because she was an engaging speaker. i worry because last time around i thought for sure that the nation would understand the damage dubya did the first 4 years and not re-elect him and i was tragically wrong. and this year, before palin, i thought obama will trounce mccain. but now i worry. much as we can see through palin as not a lover of life and not a supporter of women's rights, there are many who do not.
posted on: September 05

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lynne says:
You go bp! Thank you, this was a breath of fresh air after reading another blog where all her readers were singing this woman's praises. It was all I could do to stop my fingers from zapping off words I knew I would regret.
posted on: September 05

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Jazz says:
Unlike La phoenicienne from my neck of the woods (Canada) I've never been that sure that McCain wouldn't get in. And she's right, Palin is charismatic. And that's scary. Cause if the republicans get in again, there will be no place to hide.
posted on: September 05

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jin says:
BRAVO, bp... and AMEN, sister.
posted on: September 05

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annie says:
you said it better than anyone...you should submit that to the NYTimes! you rock!
posted on: September 05

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Heather says:
Wow, well said. I'll be sharing this with many!
posted on: September 05

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Julia says:
So well said. We're registering absentee voters tomorrow for Democrats Abroad and I'm going to take this post along. And I agree with Annie, send it to the NYT!
posted on: September 05

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judy wise says:
Brilliant. Thank you so much for saying it so well. xo
posted on: September 05

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Deb Lewis says:
Amen, sista'!! xox Deb
posted on: September 23

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