
April 11, 2007 11:35 AM- with all the frills upon it

Why so glum, Henry?

Surely it?s not the absence of Spring? You love the snow. What greater fun than plunging your naked feet into the deep drifts of white each time you want to do something as simple as take a pee?

Oh, I see?it?s the ice--that nasty icy layer on top of the snow that abrades your tender flesh.

Yes, yes the ice. Well darling?guess what? We have more snow and ice on the way! Yes. That?s right. We don?t need no stinking grass in our Easter baskets we?ll do as little Eskimo children do and?wait, is Easter over?

Huh, well I'll be-- that old Easter Bunny must?ve missed our house buried as it is under all this snow?that, or, perhaps the Easter Bunny is dead.

Yes, Daisy. Don?t look so sad. The Easter Bunny is dead.

No need to fret, my pets?do what I do. Go outside, find a great big icicle?bonus if you find one with multiple points?lie down on your back (be sure to get your heart centered under the sharpest one) and let it drop right onto your chest.

There, now doesn?t that feel better?

got 2 cents?

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Amber says:
Ughh I know! Eight more freaking inches. Why? Why???!!!
posted on: April 11

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bad penguin says:
I can't believe how big Daisy is! don't worry Daisy, the Easter Bunny is just stuck in the snow, not dead. One of my co-workers and I were just wondering how you New Hampshireans put up with the snow in April. And then we wondered if New Hampshireans is even the right thing to call you.
posted on: April 11

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bp says:
ah Miss Bad Penguin-- most people just call us idiots-- and that works for me
posted on: April 11

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dodo says:
Dear Henry and Daisy, Fear not, news of the Easter Bunny's death was greatly exaggerated. She was, in fact, at my house, hoppity hopping in the sunshine. She says she'll come to New Hampshire next year, but if only you sort your effing weather out. love, Rose x
posted on: April 11

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dodo says:
and what makes the icicles go all ribby like that?
posted on: April 11

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impossiblejane says:
Yes, winter has out stayed its welcome.
posted on: April 11

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christina says:
Ooooh I am soo there with you. I've added extra ooos to emphasize the whining and the pathetic feeling and the desire to choke every time I see snowflakes drifting down. Why couldn't we have had snow at christmas, and be done??? Why???
posted on: April 11

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Heather says:
I'm with you entirely. We had 83 degrees one day and 18 the next. All of the lilacs and tulips and everything else got frozen and now all we have are the droopy dead remains. Hah. Spring rebirth my foot.
posted on: April 11

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bella says:
I think a lot of us saw snow in April - not as much as you in NH - but seriously. Come on now Mother Nature, this is ridiculous
posted on: April 12

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Sam says:
I'm so sorry, my sweet Northern bunny. The latest cold snap has been rather cruel, but icicles are taking it TOO FAR. Spring needs to get her shit together and stop this monkey business!
posted on: April 12

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bohemiangirl says:
There's more of that white shit coming our way tonight just in time for Friday the 13th. Ah! Mother Nature, you sure are a prankster (for lack of a more colorful word). That photo of Henry is precious - it makes me want to get another dog.
posted on: April 12

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Jazz says:
Montreal is getting more too. I suppose they're making us pay for the late winter. Unfortunately I have no icicles to lie under. Someone shoot me.
posted on: April 12

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Janeen says:
I suppose you'll hate me when I tell you that the big lilac bush in my backyard is filling with hundreds of buds, and will soon be filled with the best smelling blossoms on earth.
posted on: April 12

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bp says:
au contraire Janeen-- I can almost smell it from here-- god I love lilac-- I love knowing someone is experiencing Spring!
posted on: April 12

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tinker says:
The icicles look like chrysalis (chrisalises? chrysali?) At any rate - don't plunge to an icy death yet - God willing, someday soon they'll metamorphose into little springy April raindrops, and bring you May flowers. Don't cry Daisy and Henry - the Easter Bunny will rise again and be back next year (if he knows what's good for him - I don't think he'd want to tangle with your mom if she missed two springy Easters in a row...)
posted on: April 12

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