
January 05, 2007 8:38 PM- five not-so secrets

I have been tagged secretly (really, secret sites are so 2007), but I?m at a loss. I?m pretty much an open book. I think I?m going to have to do a fall-back thing-y onto the old 5 things you don?t know about me. So very 2006, alas.

1. In my last post Tinker reminded me of Tom Robbins who I adore. For a long time I said my favorite book of all time was Skinny Legs and All, but it?s been so many years since I?ve read it I don?t know if that would still hold true. But he is the only person to whom I have ever written a fan letter. HEY! That?s a secret! There you go--

2. I had the most wonderful friend for nearly 15 years. We went to college together only she was older and more sophisticated and married an actor and I was always the sidekick, or at least that?s how I felt about it.

She had such a profound influence on me and introduced me to a life of authentic, luxury living as well as opened the door to yoga, meditation and the like (which was all new to me). Things shifted slowly. She was always extremely secretive and got more so the deeper into the Hollywood scene they got. One day she called me up to tell me she had met someone else and divorced the guy we had gone to college with. Their little boy was 4. The guy she hooked up with was a total scam artist. She refused to see it.

Not long after she called me up to tell me she was utterly, desperately broke and needed to borrow a lot of money, promising to pay it back at 20% interest in a month?which was so utterly bizarre and sounded like him, not her. I wrote her a letter telling her that I?d be a terrible friend if I didn?t speak my truth and that I thought this guy was totally taking her to the cleaners and that she needed to get out. I knew full well I was putting our relationship at risk, but I like to think I wrote it as gently and compassionately as possible. Regardless, it was not what she wanted to hear. We have never spoken since.

3. Napping is my opiate.

4. There is a black and white photograph here in my studio of Georgia O?Keeffe. I got it on my last visit to New Mexico. It is a fabulous shot of her; she is leaning back in a chair and looking straight into the camera with the most inscrutable smile at her lips. Sometimes I think she has my back, other times she is so clearly mocking me.

5. Late Wednesday afternoon, as the full moon was readying to rise, I filled the two ceramic pots T gave me for Christmas with potting soil and planted 6 lily-of-the-valley pips in each. That?s as close to intention-setting as I?ve come this new year.

Now, I tag each of you?go forth and spill 5 secrets. Go on?go!

P.S. THANK YOU for all the book recommendations in the comments to the last post-- damn, y'all read alot.

got 2 cents?

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AblePonder says:
1. When I worked as a cleaning woman in college, I opened my client's bedside drawer and read a few pages of her journal. 2. I don't think you should ever feel guilty about breaking up with someone you're not married to for somebody else. 3. I have to be conscientous about giving my husband's dog as much love as I give mine. 4. There are so many secrets I'd never tell anyone. 5. I read insanely fast. About five times as fast as normal people. Only close friends and family know, because it makes people really uncomfortable.
posted on: January 05

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Cupcake says:
1. I talk a lot but never about anything personal or intimate. 2. I've been addicted to reading since I was a child but have the habit of reading the same things over and over. 3. I always think about this boy I dated for 3 weeks in high school. That was 28 years ago. 4. Sometimes I wish my mother would just get it over with and die. Her hypochondria is getting on my last nerve. 5. Everyone thinks I'm the sane one when really I'm constantly seeking balance just like everyone else.
posted on: January 05

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Irene says:
1. three years ago I worked for a fashion magazine and was the assistant of the editor-in-chief. my husband and I believe that "The Devil wears Prada" was largely based on my experience there. 2. I have pretty good intuition but people often don't take me seriously. 3. this winter, my entire wardrobe consists of two pairs of jeans, one black sweater and a couple of tshirts. and my Converse shoes :) 4. we have financially helped our close friends in the form of annual, anonymous donations. 5. I need a bikini wax badly.
posted on: January 06

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La Vie Arty says:
Love your secrets, I can relate to the friend one, oh so totally! Boyfriends - easy peasy, female friends - we are such a complex species!
posted on: January 06

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lizardek says:
I could tell you my secrets but then I'd have to kill you.

1. I not only wrote to an author I was a fan of when I was 13, but started a short correspondence with him AND got a dedication in one of his books
2. I miss the gizzards my mom used to serve occasionally.
3. I know all the words to way too many Barry Manilow songs, not to mention Neil Diamond.
4. I had my stomach pumped once when I was around 6 years old because I ate pesticide I found outside in the woods (I thought it was a grape)
5. If people would let me, I would sleep in longer and longer every day until my daily cycle was flipped entirely around.
posted on: January 06

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bella says:
Look what you started BP! 1. I too, wrote to an author of a book I loved. We did correspond for a couple of days about the book via email. I'm embarrased to tell people about IT or the name of the book. 2. I wear black shirts all the time for 3 reasons. I sweat alot. Doesn't matter if the temp is below freezing, I'm still HOT. I'm clumsy with food, it drips and falls all over the place. It's a slimming color. 3.All cabinet and closet doors must be closed if not in use. In my house - or if I'm visiting you, I will close these doors. 4. I'm obsessed with reality t.v. You name the show, I probably watch it. 5. About 10 years ago, I made my husband smoke pot with me. He didn't think he was high. He was. His head wouldn't stop twitching and he couldn't stop laughing. It was his first time. (He's a foreigner, not used to the American idea of fun.)
posted on: January 06

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Wendi says:
I love Tom Robbins, too! My favorite, though, is still his 1st, Another Roadside Attraction. Really, I love them all. I wish he would write faster!!
posted on: January 06

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leah says:
no way, that has been my favorite book of all time for ages too! it's one of the few i wont loan out. i should probably read it again to see if it still holds true. 5 secrets, damn, this meme gets harder as time goes on, what's left? 1. i'm totally nosey. I love to eavesdrop on strangers in public places. 2. I have a weird obsession with picking lint balls and cat hair from between the couch cushions. I enjoy it. It's rather weird. 3. i wore my shirt inside out for half the day today without noticing. 4. i would love to name my first girl child emma, but i can't now because that's one of my cats names. 5. i'm totally in love with the Harry Potter series and I wish I went to Hogwarts.
posted on: January 06

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river selkie says:
hmm. i dunno! i tend to spill most of my secrets on my blog already! 1. whenever i am in someone's home visiting their bathroom and they have the shower curtain closed, i have to look behind it to make sure no one is hiding there. 2. i really, really hate when people do not think of me when we eat a meal, either by choosing a restaurant or they are making food. i know it's completely selfish, and i try to be used to it and be flexible. but there is a small bit of resentfulness that won't go away. 3. i want the man i one day marry/commit to for life to bring my mom and sister flowers as well as me. without me telling him to do so. 4. i sometimes think about how i would escape to another state or country if someone were stalking me or if somehow i became wanted by the police but was completely innocent. or if someone wanted to kill me. 5. one of my first crushes was on a boy named daniel li. i would always compete with him to get my assignment done before he did. he was so smart and so fast! it was hard to beat him, but i often did. and he had a fancy mechanical pencil that i admired so much i begged my mom to buy me one. she did.
posted on: January 07

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tinker says:
1. I'm torn between Skinny Legs and All, and Jitterbug Perfume. I love them both. Still Life With Woodpecker is up close to the top of my list, too. 2. Almost wrote Tom a letter myself, once, but was too ADD to actually finish and mail the letter (just chickened out is probably more like it :). 3. I listen to Coast to Coast AM (Art Bell/Geoge Noory talk radio) way more often than any sane person my age should. It's on in the background right now. 4. I only drink coffee a few times a year, when it smells just right. The rest of the year, it smells like skunk aroma to me. I haven't figured out why or how that changes periodically for me, but it does. I'd generally rather drink tea or pepsi. 5. Not only do my grown children read my blog, but, I discovered, so does my boss and at least one co-worker that I know of. That sometimes makes me feel a little weird. I'd go underground with another secret one - but if I stop posting on this one, I think they'll figure it out and hunt me down, and I don't have time to keep up two blogs. Thanks for the link, and letting me spill my secrets here :)
posted on: January 07

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Stephanie says:
Been Lurking for a few months- love your blog! You've made me a daily addict. My secret (many to choose from here): I'm such an Anglophile that when driving on a country lane (I live in the boondocks of western NY) I'll switch to the other side just to remind myself of the feeling that it gave me while in England. funnily enough- when I'm in England I do the same thing only in reverse! I'm pretty much living there in my mind... I have "grass is greener" syndrome.
posted on: January 08

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catherine says:
oh yes! I'm among other Tom Robbins fans...I too WANTED though never did, write a fan letter, I conjured some pithy (moreover pathetic) remarks in my head, only to feel great shame and here's my secret: 1. I didn't want to be seen to be like everyone else. God forbid! I should be grouped with "everyone else" - ack! 2. I want to be like everyone else. 3. I believe I am so completely paradoxical because I was born on the cusp - between two signs. 4. I talk to my dog and he (I) answers me (myself). 5. I like animals more than people. ...oh dear, I sound like a complete freak! yikes. :)
posted on: February 05

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