
September 05, 2005 12:11 PM- grassroots

I will send a DVD of the documentary The Corporation to the first 9 people who email me with their mailing address (bpoppy AT gmail DOT com). My express wish is that after viewing the film, those 9 people would then each forward it on to another person. If I receive more than 9 requests, I will ask that the first group pass it on to the next set.

The ripples out will be tracked here on this website. I will keep track how the film circles out from here. My hope is that a year from today, Labor Day 2006, the film has reached at least 108 people.


A couple of weeks ago, Kat posted at her site about The Corporation. I was intrigued and ordered it. Saturday night, T and I settled in to watch it. We had to stop half way through cause I was too physically ill to continue.

I woke up heartsick/soul sick yesterday and, despite being in one of the most beautiful places in the world, despite the weather being as radiantly lovely as one could imagine, I proceeded through the course of my day agitated, depressed and nauseaus.

Now, before anyone ridicules at me for not being fully apprised of all that is explored in this film I would simply say. NOAH. ARK. ARE YOU BLIND?

That's right people-- who else builds a home that virtually screams "Bring it!" to the Armageddon? Have you not been playing along? Has the utter adorableness of my dogs distracted you from the fact we are nearing completion on a home that is completely solar powered, fed from a natural well, with acres of firewood at the ready and is a stone's throw from a number of fresh water lakes?

Okay then.

And, before anyone jumps down my throat and tells me how one-sided this film is, or how it is just some ?liberal propaganda? let me just say I agree wholeheartedly with the film?s producer Mark Achbar when he writes, ?when it comes to the fate of the Earth, I don?t believe in legitimizing destructive forces by validating their perspective in a ?balanced? television-style journalism format.? Achbar goes on to say, ?reform comes from within as well as without, which is why The Corporation also tries to expose the institutional constraints many good people working inside big corporations struggle with.?

Last night we watched the second half and THANK GOD it had a number of totally uplifting stories of how people have made a difference and how people have succeeded in countering the corporate agenda. Including the CEO of a carpet company that could have written "Amazing Grace" such has been his life-changing epiphany.

I feel better today. Much, much better. My focus is clear and I have a number of initiatives underway* that soothe my need to make a difference when, in fact, I am the world?s worst activist. No, scratch that, I don?t even merit the word activist. I am an ostrich, pure and simple. I have run from the world. My head is buried so deep in the sand my ass is pointing directly up at the north star.

I'm not an activist. I am a fatalist.

Formerly, upon watching something like this film, my first instinct is to kill myself. I?m not kidding. I can?t explain why that is my response?I?m just telling you that?s what I would have spent all night Saturday thinking about doing if I hadn?t spent the last 20 years creating new ways of thinking so that suicide does not top my list of what to do in a time of madness. Sorry Albert?it?s not that I don?t love you, it?s just that I had to move on.

Today, my personal philosophy (ever evolving) is to live my life well and trust that by doing so I will positively influence the people I touch. I work hard to cultivate a peaceful heart so that when confronted with angry, resentful, mean, or otherwise aggressive people, I can maintain my core and let their shit move on by. That is my best effort and believe me, it requires constant vigilance on my part as I work . . . dum, dum, dum, dum . . .in a CORPORATION. And this is not a company that is bringing anything good into the world, I assure you.

Here are two verbatim quotes from our new president when he came to town last week to pump up our morale, ?we?re gonna ram a stake into the heart of our competition!? and ?we?re so glad we bought you cause you?re gonna bring us the revenue we need to kill everybody else.? Hip hip hooray! *rustles pom-poms* Steak knives for everyone!

The number one thing I urge you to check into (especially if you have children and are giving them milk and cheese every day) is the legally sanctioned activity in the U.S. (which Canada and Europe refuse to allow) of injecting cows with rBGH. Did you know that American milk is BANNED in Europe?

But how could this happen? Wouldn?t the FDA protect us?

Oh my little kittens, ?The FDA has trivialized evidence for increased levels in rBGH milk and insist that any such increases in IGF-1 are not dangerous, and do not pose a health risk. However, a 1990 study by Monsanto, the leading maker of rBGH, explicitly revealed statistically significant evidence of growth promoting effects.?**

And, when two news reporters from FOX news put together a compelling story of how this was allowed to happen and what the threats are to human beings?the story was killed and they were fired (more details with interviews in the film).

What stays with me most from this film is how corporations were allowed (under a heinous twisting of the 14th amendment) to be considered ?a person? with all the attending legal rights. However, as the film systematically shows, this ?person? is nothing short of a pychopath per the standard personality disorder diagnosis checklist:

~ Callous unconcern for the feelings of others

~ Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships

~ Reckless disregard for the safety of others

~ Deceitfulness: repeated lying and conning others for profit

~ Incapacity to experience guilt

~ Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors

Now I know I?m getting all heavy and political here and is there ANYTHING MORE BORING?!!? And, as T points out, this is more than a problem of corporations. Corporate dominance (to the point where they have more power than actual governments) is a natural result of a capitalist society if greed and acquisition is always more important than the welfare of living creatures or the planet.

All I?m saying is, I believe we must make a conscious shift. And I believe we can.

So, how about them Red Sox?***

*One of the first things I am doing this week is joining a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm. For more information about this you can go here. CSAs are a network of mutual support between farmers and consumers. And, the CSA movement is growing. In 1990, there were about 60 CSAs in the country; now there are over 1,500 nationwide.

** rBGH

*** Inside joke. Whenever T and I get into a heavy conversation that needs to be put to rest for awhile, one of us will inevitably say, ?how about them Red Sox?? Funny thing, I said this to him the other day in a store (we were purchasing our appliances and things were getting a bit edgy) and the guy behind the counter says ?Yeah!? and starts going off in detail about the game the night before. Go Sox!

got 2 cents?

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nichole says:
we are SOOOO leaving gulf coast texas and moving back home to oregon as soon as we can. You don't even know how much your post hits home today....
posted on: September 05

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Milly says:
From your description alone, I am too scared to watch that movie...I know what evil lurks and I'd rather not watch it. As for the rBGH, that's why I drink organic milk or soy milk. My sister's only give their kids organic milk. I've heard the rBGH hormones cause early development in children. I'm going to check out the CSA farm link, thanks for the info!
posted on: September 05

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stephanie says:
Can hubby, the hounds and I come live in your compound? I'll bring the ability to make margaritas and he can spout useless music and sports trivia to keep you entertained. The dogs, well, they do nothing and do it very well.
posted on: September 05

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Marilyn says:
This is exactly why I: a) bought land in New Mexico and Colorado, and b) took myself out of the well-paying private sector and took a super low-paying job at a school. And don't ever underestimate the damage/greed of SMALL corporations--some have only a few shareholders--they may be tiny, but in certain arenas, they can have incredible power and be up to absolutely no good. I look forward to the day when you can kiss that soul-sucking corp. job goodbye and just hole up at Soliden with T and the boys and be the writer you were meant to be. Maybe by the time of your Soliden love fest next year???
posted on: September 05

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Sarcomical says:
i am a little scared to watch, too. but i just may have to give it a try. on one hand, i'm glad we don't have to know everything that is going on in the world in the upper levels, because i think we wouldn't be able to handle it all. on the other hand, we have no way to change it if we have no information. double-edged sword.
posted on: September 05

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Sheryl says:
I saw The Corporation...I can't remember if it was in TX or OH (the states all begin to blur together in our nomad-icy), but it was a while ago, so thank you for the reminder. Thanks also for the tip on CSAs, living here in the heartland, I will definitely be scoping it out.
posted on: September 05

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E says:
You're exactly right -- a conscious change is exactly what is needed. We're working on doing that, and you and T and Soliden are a wonderful inspiration.
posted on: September 05

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pastamasta says:
Aargh. Corporate Greed Poisons Our Kids. Yes it does, folks. I'm so glad I live in the UK, where all our milk is free of artifical hormonal nastiness. Now, if I could just get rid of the highly-fluoridated water and the genetically-discombobulated sunflower oil, I'd be fine.
posted on: September 06

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chlamygirl says:
there are no coincidences... i just placed a request for the dvd from my local library a few days ago.
posted on: September 06

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Lil says:
It is a scary ass movie, or so I've heard. I never saw it, almost rented it last week, but I was feeling too bleah to impose it on myself... As for your question BP: " Lil, yes, Henry has Sharpei in him-- we think--- he was a rescue. And, "you finished the blog" what does that mean?" I meant that I had just read your blog from the very beginning and I'm now in "just keep up" mode. I've developed an obsession with blogs since I read Danny Gregory's...
posted on: September 06

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katherine says:
. . . so glad you got to the parts about the carpet guy :) . . . how cool is he? . . . and I didn't know your house was so green . . that is fabulous . . . and have you noticed how quality documentaries seem to be taking the place of hard hitting no-bullshit fearless reporting that newspapers and tv news used to? The truth is out there . . . or in here . . . one of the two, or maybe both, I forget :)
posted on: September 11

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