
April 14, 2005 3:27 PM- movies and Mookie, part one

Have I told you about my movie collection? I didn?t think so. And I bet you are surprised that I have a movie collection, non?

Actually, I?m not surprised that you?re surprised. If you?ll recall, I was a veritable luddite when it came to CDs. Oh wait, you can?t recall can you? So let me just give you the snapshot version.

When CDs first arrived on the scene, I was living in my baby brother?s condo in Cambridge. My baby brother (we?ll call him Mookie) spent his freshman year of college worshipping at the altar of geekdom and only left the computer lab to pursue inebriation and fornication (I?m only guessing about that second part as he and I are close but we are Yankees after all). Thing is, I think his major might?ve been history or Greek mythology but it certainly wasn?t How to Be a Hacker in two easy semesters and as a result, he failed every class he had been signed up for but failed to attend.

My dad wasn?t too pleased with Mookie and told him to shape up or ship out. So at the tender age of 18 Mookie left his pretty, liberal arts campus and found an apartment in Queens, New York. Within a day of arriving, Mookie had some kind of techie job (hey, he sucked up all the geek genes in the family, it?s not my fault I don?t know how to describe what he did) with a civil engineering/architecture firm in Manhattan. Life was good for Mookie.

That is, until about a year and a half into the job when the owner told Mookie that coming in at 4 or 5 pm and working until 2 or 3 am was no longer acceptable. The people in the office needed computer help early in the morning and Mookie needed to be there. Oh, and the motorcycle boots and grunge t-shirts weren?t cutting it either.

So, if you were Mookie, what would you do? Here you have no college degree yet by the blessed angels of fate you have landed a fabulous job pulling down the big bucks and all you have to do is splurge $10 on an alarm clock and exchange the boots for some hush puppies. No biggie, right?

Yeah. I believe the exchange went something like:

Owner: You need to be here by 9 am every day.

Mookie: I?m not seeing that movie.

Owner: You need to be here by 9am every day or I?m going to have to fire you.

Mookie: So fire me.

Those darn kids. So full of their immortality. Mookie enjoyed his city life until the money ran out and then packed his knapsack and headed to Cambridge because that?s where our big brother (we?ll call him Big Head) was living at the time.

Mookie rented a room in a house on Arlington Street and Big Head would bring Mookie food from the Harvard dining halls. Within a week, Mookie had landed a job folding shirts and ringing the cash register at Banana Republic. At least this is what I am told. As I never actually witnessed it, I find it hard to imagine any retail-clothing manager (outside of perhaps Harley-Davidson couture) hiring Mookie to sell clothes. But who am I to mess with legend?

By day, he was a mild-mannered sales guy helping people choose between kiwi linen or cantaloupe cotton khakis, but at night, his inner geek was unleashed and Mookie continued his hacking ways. (Needless to say, the parents were most concerned at this turn of events as this is before the golden age of the 90?s when geeks were cherished and revered. Yes, people this is before Al Gore invented the internet!)

One day in the check-out line of a grocery store (things had obviously progressed by this point if Mookie was actually buying his own groceries) as he stood paging through a computer magazine, a guy behind Mookie struck up a conversation about whatever the techie, geek-a-zoid cover story was. And, a great friendship was born.

Bob (I don?t have to change his name because it really was Bob and there?s only a zillion Bobs in this world so I feel pretty safe he won?t find me) was an MIT grad working at some super high-tech software company. He also had a condo with three bedrooms because his job paid that kind of money and he was the kind of guy who invested his money in real estate. He was also an incredibly boring, please-don?t-let-me-get-stuck next-to-him-at-a-dinner-party, sort-of dick, but who am I to cast aspersion on the man who set my baby brother on his path?

Cause not only did Mookie move into Bob?s amazing Cambridge condo, Bob got Mookie a job at the super high-tech software company.

And oh my god. I did it AGAIN. How is it I sit down to tell the simplest damn thing?SIMPLE, I tell you?and find myself in the never ending post?


The story of my movie collection will have to be continued . . .

got 2 cents?

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lizardek says:
LOL! Damn you, BP! You suck us in EVERY TIME!!
posted on: April 14

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Milly says:
Ooh, so what happened next?
posted on: April 14

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chlamygirl says:
you really do know how to leave us hanging!
posted on: April 14

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amber says:
I so love your bloggish novellas!
posted on: April 14

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otter says:
You are a born storyteller, plain and simple. I could sit and read you for hours (hey, wait, I've done that!) More Mookie, please.
posted on: April 14

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meghan says:
I was just certain you were going to say that Mookie discovered that he is gay and he and Bob lived happily ever after in the three bedroom condo.
posted on: April 14

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bp says:
ah no, Meghan, Mookie doesn't swing that way although Bob did have a blow-up doll of his motherboard . . .
posted on: April 14

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Meredith says:
I'll be in Cambridge this weekend. I'll say hello to BIg Head and Mookie for you. And do continue the tale of Mookie. What happened?!
posted on: April 14

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Erica says:
I rather like the multi-part entries -- I always try to predict what happens next, and I'm always laughably wrong.
posted on: April 14

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river selkie says:
we are beyond the 'accidental' epic, multi-day posts. you enjoy torturing us and making us wait!
posted on: April 15

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Marilyn says:
I tried to read this while fervently trying to forget the fact that among musician circles, my boyfriend is known as Mookie. Looking foward to part deux...
posted on: April 15

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Gale says:
Bluepoppy: the miniseries. :)
posted on: April 15

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meg says:
See, you're so damn good at weaving yarns that you have to stop for breath. Don't worry, we'll wait. :)
posted on: April 15

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wee says:
perhaps your tag line needs to be modified from "the drowsy fabulist" to the "long-winded but-o-so-fabulous fabulist." I'm just saying.
posted on: April 15

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Kari says:
I want to know more! Must know more! BTW - I am a New Hamshire Blogger! Although I found your site through La Coquette's!
posted on: April 15

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Joy says:
Don't remember where I found you but I love reading your stuff--especially when you write about my own neighborhood! Joy in Inman Sq.
posted on: April 15

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Chrishawn says:
Youre story telling is amazing. *sigh* So what happened to Mookie? Where's he working? And all that.
posted on: April 15

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