
February 07, 2005 1:03 PM- peace


I followed your collective advice(except for renting "The Money Pit"-- whaddya trying to do? Kill me!?) and I do feel like a new woman. This may also be due to the fact that the temperature outside is more beautiful than what we get here in May and I am positively intoxicated on air right now.

However, that is only part of the transformation.

We went away this weekend--- up to Vermont with T's brothers and sisters and their kids-- and it was lovely. They skied. I spa'd. And, I must abso.lutely share my new favorite thing: Thai massage. Have you ever had this done? Oh. My. God. Heaven on earth. Heaven. I will never be the same again.

I had no idea what it was when I signed up for it. The woman told me it was a lot of stretching and I would wear loose, yoga clothes-- and I'm thinking, stretching sounds good since I am wired tighter than a drum.

But then I told my sisters-in-law what I was doing and they said, "ew, they're gonna walk on your back." Which made me a bit apprehensive and I figured I would just tell the therapist up front that I wanted to opt out of the "walking on my back" part. But when the woman who was going to give me the treatment walked up to me, she was tiny. Petite. And I thought, hell-- she can walk on my back, I don't care.

But there was no back-walking. It turns out Thai massage was developed for Buddhist monks before they go into deep meditation. And I have to say, I felt like a Buddhist monk when I came out. I was insanely serene. A terrorist could've walked up to me with a bomb in his hand and said he was going to blow up the building and I would have smiled and said, "ok!"


Fabulous--- in a dream state.

And, I am also taking Lizardek's advice and have contacted a recruiter and am beginning a job search. Stay tuned on how that develops.

So. It's pretty clear to me how much y'all are helping me get my life sorted---- is it clear to you? And, I know there's been some serious ass troll/snark/nasty stuff going on at different sites I read with people just wigging---- but I have to say, I'm amazed at the love and support I get from blogging. If my mind wasn't already dialed in to Serenity Central-- I would say the idea of receiving so much kindness from strangers would blow my mind.

But nothing can blow my mind. My mind is gone. And I don't miss it. Not one bit.

Oh, and P.S. -- for those of you who comment-- the "http://" is ALREADY there-- if you type it in, your address doesn't function--- just an FYI . .

got 2 cents?

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amber says:
You get so much love back, because you give it out so willingly to the rest of us :) aaahhhh, massage...
posted on: February 07

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bad penguin says:
The nice warm weather makes such a difference, doesn't it? I was ready to dance a jig when I went out at lunch today and didn't need a coat. Glad you are feeling serene :) And if I contributed in some small way, then even better. I'm lucky in that I've never had a troll -- and I've found the people who read my blog to be wonderful and supportive. How could I act any differently on the blogs I read?
posted on: February 07

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lizardek says:
It's like a big lovefest here. You draw it out because you give it up, girl :) And I'm SO glad you are making that all important move and doing something positive to turn things around. The sun was out AGAIN today here too, and there is nothing like sunshine and a massage to make things feel better.
posted on: February 07

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Very Mom says:
I concur. You are loved because you love. And I'd like to love me a Thai massage! I'm glad things are looking up, nobody deserves it more than you. Kiss, kiss.
posted on: February 07

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Milly says:
Ah, I could use a Thai massage, my back is so sore. I'm in the same boat with the job search thing. I hope you find something you love! :o)
posted on: February 07

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Marilyn says:
I think I'd gladly let an entire Thai village walk between my shoulder blades right now. So glad you got away...and got to a serene place. And even gladder that you're LEAPING! I just know you'll find something fabulous for your bad self. :)
posted on: February 07

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Coquette says:
Ouaih for serenity! Singing the *gentils coquelicots* song in my head for you. Bisoux, ma cousine.
posted on: February 07

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gatsby says:
no money pit huh? you're missing the bathtub falling through the floor scene- and what about this dialogue: Anna: "That is such a dumb idea. Sometimes it amazes me you ever passed the bar." Walter: "I'm not surprised. You've never passed a bar in your life." Anna: "You are so much less attractive when I'm sober." Walter: "Thank goodness it's not that often." FANTASTIC. also, pre-monk massages? tying the carrot to the stick is such a deplorable trait; my carpet is green with envy.
posted on: February 07

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Margaret says:
That massage sounds wonderful! (and you seem much envigorated by it and positive, BP)
posted on: February 08

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pastamasta says:
Lifting heavy toddlers is not conducive to the well-being of my back muscles. I could do with one of those massages right about now. Chin up lass.
posted on: February 08

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Gale says:
Yay, massage! Yay, invigoration! Yay, job search! Yay, bluepoppy! (Ooops, I almost typed bluepoopy, but that wouldn't be so much Yay! as Ew! And so not you.)
posted on: February 08

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meg says:
Oh it made ME so happy to read that you are doing better. Love begets love, sweetie.
posted on: February 08

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Sheryl says:
Oh, sooo glad you got away for some R&R. Here's hoping the weather stays sweet.
posted on: February 08

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Auntie M says:
Ah... the job search. On to bigger and better (and happier) things I'm sure. I must try this Thai massage. Not sure I would have liked someone walking on my back either.
posted on: February 08

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frecklegirl says:
I am so glad you are feeling better! I am a big fan of massage... I mean, who isn't? That thai massage sounds lovely. I hope your job search goes well- keeping my fingers crossed for you!
posted on: February 08

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katherine says:
I loooooooovvvvvvvve Thai massage . . . and I am dang glad you are leaving that hideous job. When you finally walk out its doors, would you please give it the finger for me, too? :)
posted on: February 08

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violetismycolor says:
so BP, where in Vermont did you go? Some of our dearest friends live in Warren...and I would love to know if your Thai Massage place is near there cuz then I will take my friend, Shannon, next time we go out there. Or, I'd love to hang out with you, Thai Massaging, drinking Mai Tais, and talking about a trip to the Thai forests...
posted on: February 08

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Sarcomical says:
oooh. how long were you able to maintain serenity? i just love the feeling after a massage. i would love to find someone who does what you had done around here...sounds like heaven. also? cool about finding a new job! good luck!
posted on: February 08

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