
October 06, 2004 8:47 AM- amusement rides

This is just a quickie to let you know we have completed the Seventh Circle of Hell ride--- don't they have that at your amusement park? Oh, too bad. It really is such fun.

First, you come home on a Friday night from work and you walk around your house saying, oh my god, how could I have left EVERYTHING to the last weekend? Then you make a pot of coffee and pack out the top two floors of the house. You go to bed Friday night, tired, but rather pleased with yourself because, you know?, it really wasn't so horrible and everything is just fine.

Saturday morning you wake up and here's where the ride that is the SEVENTH CIRCLE of HELL really starts giving you your money's worth. You are dead tired. You used up all your brave-I-can-do-this energy the night before and what you really want to do is sleep in until 8 or 9.

Ha ha ha hahahahahahahhaha.

You go downstairs into the kitchen and you collapse onto the floor as you realize every cupboard must be emptied of every blessed thing and every blessed thing must be handled by you either to be packed or tossed or (THE DREADED) emptied and cleaned and put into the recycling bin.

But you do it. You have a mantra. It goes like this, "this is the only move of my life, this is the only move of my life." And somehow, you make it through the day while simoultaneously doing laundry and keeping the dogs from killing themselves.

When you fall into bed Saturday night, your exhaustion defies description. It also defies sleep. Despite SLEEP being all you crave, your body has been so hyped up and over-caffeinated that you lie in bed and see all the work still left to be done in the single day of Sunday. Yet, oddly enough, you still believe it can all be done on Sunday and that you will be back at work on Monday.

Ha ha ha hahahahahahhahahahha

Sunday morinng, the Seventh Circle of Hell swoops you through the bathroom where you gaze longingly at the great big bathtub where your aching muscles would so love to soak themselves, but instead you empty the cabinets of every STUPID hair product and skin product you ever bought and never used but cannot throw away since they cost SO MUCH STUPID MONEY but you know you will never use them since if you were ever going to use them you would have already used them, but still they packed and sent forward. Because, you know, beauty products NEVER DIE. Not in the Seventh Circle of Hell.

Sometime Sunday. In the evening. Actually, quite late in the evening, you wander out into the barn that T has been laboring to empty for FOUR WEEKS and still you must avert your eyes because there is no way, especially not in the Seventh Circle of Hell, that this barn will ever be emptied or clear of the HUNDREDS of paint cans, THOUSANDS of screws, nails, tools etc. or the EQUIPMENTS that is covered in sawdust and too heavy for 8 lumberjacks to move.

With your eyes averted, you say, "I think I won't be going in to work tomorrow." To which he replies, "you sure?"

Oh yes, I am sure. Seeing as WE ARE SO NOT DONE moving. Oh my god.

Two hours later, as I am about to head to bed where I pray I will be hit on the head before hitting my pillow so I can be unconscious--deeply, deeply unconscious-- I go back into the barn, eyes averted, and say, "do you think we should get a moving van for tomorrow? You know, maybe a U-haul?" And he replies, "I was thinking about that. Yeah, it's probably not a bad idea."

Do you see now? Has it all been made clear to you? WE ARE THE INSANE people. People of the INSANE. Surely Steven King has written about us. People who are moving and only decide to rent a moving van THE LAST NIGHT THEY ARE IN THEIR HOUSE.

But we did rent the van. We loaded it all day Monday. We delivered it to our rental house in the dark Monday night. I proceeded to crash. T made himself another coffee and WENT BACK to the barn and continued working until midnight. Came back to the rental and collapsed. Slept till 6 am. We got up-- he packed the last of the barn stuff out. I picked up my car and drove back to the rental (I had called in another day off . .) and was ready to get some rest when I realized-- I needed to be at the CLOSING! At 10 am.

And I am paid to organize people? Truly?

But we closed-- easy peasey-- cash deal, no lawyers, no real estate agents. Sweet.

Came back to our rental that will be our home for the next 10 months and unpacked the rental van (could I have made the boxes ANY HEAVIER? Could I have possibly put dumbbells in the bottom of EVERY box so as to maximize their weight and sheer un-liftability?) return it. And then, the ride ended. The Seventh Circle of Hell spit us back into regular life. And here I am.

But let me just say-- never never never again. That was the only move of my life. *spits on palm* But also let me say thanks to the travel angels-- we had clear, gorgeous weather every day (no rain) and aside from blisters, splinters and sore muscles, we had NO injuries! Blessed be.

got 2 cents?

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wee says:
i would say something wickedly witty, something so astounding and brilliant that you would be slapping your thighs with the incredible amusement of it all for an hour or more.... but your post has completely exhausted me. I'm going back to bed.
posted on: October 06

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otter says:
*mixing you a mojito* *dumping magic poppy dust into it* Rest, my sweet BP, you deserve it...
posted on: October 06

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bellabelly says:
aaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwww..... I HATE moving. It wears me out completely. (and yet I married a military man who moves every few years!) I'm so sorry you have to go through it! Get some good sleeps.
posted on: October 06

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samantha says:
oh, sweet fairyblogmother, I will share all of my wine with you. The Boyfriend owes me a bottle, and I'll pour you a glass - as soon as we find them. as the daughter of a military daddy, I still remember how overwhelming moving felt, every single time. I feel for you!
posted on: October 06

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Kat says:
oh my sweet bluepoppy . . . I wish I could have been there. . . to help hump boxes, to give your feetses a little rub at the end of the day, to give encouraging words and proclaimations of fabulousness and fortitude, if for nothing else so that I could guilt you into helping me when I make moy move next week . . . your blog is most appreciated as it has spurred me to acquire a rental van for next week ahead of time :) many smooches to you . . . (ps - this is the only move of your life . . . really :)
posted on: October 06

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Chrishawn says:
My dearest BP, I wish I could have been there to help. I really would have. You need rest. Lots and lots of rest. *hugs*
posted on: October 06

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Chris says:
I'm glad you survived. You see now why my wife and I have made a solemn vow to never move ourselves again. We have a bank account...it has money...money can pay people to do this for us.
posted on: October 06

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violetismycolor says:
We have lived in our house for 20 years. We have 2 kids in college and one soon to fly the coop. I consider downsizing (I hate housekeeping) but the thought of going through 20 years worth of stuff that I was too lazy to part with, is just TOO much for me. I might be here till I die. And that should be a scary thought for my kids, who will have to dig out for me...
posted on: October 06

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lizardek says:
As one who has moved 29 times in 40 years, I have only one word for you: wuss. Hee! You did it! You only have to finish the house and move into it now. The hard part is over! Hurray for getting through the hard part! I'm glad you kept your arms and legs INSIDE THE RIDE! *hugs*
posted on: October 07

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biggest wuss ever says:
Oh yes I am a WUSS. I am so not cut out for this physical labor stuff--- you should SEE my arms and legs-- I look like a recovering heroin addict. Bruises up and down of all shapes and sizes in all shades of purple and brown-- it is quite a sight. I have my strenghts and gifts--- but physical labor is not one of them. And Chris, you are so right-- but there's no way I could pay anyone to pack cause I needed to sort through it all myself-- but on the other side? Oh yeah--- it is a phone call to the movers-- for sure! And thank you ALL for your sweet messages-- I don't know what I've done to deserve such warmth and kindness-- y'all sure love you some misanthropes.
posted on: October 07

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yogagirl says:
yep. i've been there. that very circle. we moved into this house 4 years ago on a weekend houston decided to heat up to 104 degrees and mr. yogagirl decided it was best "not to ask anyone to help us"...at about the 2nd truck load I looked up at him inside the moving truck and exclaimed "THIS WAS A VERY VERY BAD IDEA TO DO THIS OURSELVES". about 25 bruises later I survived. at least I can now carry around that stupid badge of honor that exclaims I helped my husband move a entire 2 story house all by ourselves.
posted on: October 07

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Dawnie says:
Ah, yes, the JOYS of moving. I am so very grateful that I have but a wee apartment and not a full-sized house with barn. Still, though, it has to be empty. In four weeks. Shoot me now.
posted on: October 07

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Sarcomical says:
was THAT the ride i was on when we moved into our house the same weekend we drove a state away to be at the hospital when our niece was born, then get back the morning of her birth to close on the house at 10am, then move all the crap in 1 1/2 days? ...aaahhh, yes. what a fun ride. hope you recover!!! weekend sleep should make you whole again. ;)
posted on: October 07

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Erica says:
Somewhere around the fortieth box of books, on our fourth move in five years, I turned to my husband and said, "That's it. Movers." I'll happily stay up until all hours boxing and sorting, but the days of lifting and toting are long behind me. If being a moving wuss is wrong, I don't want to be right.
posted on: October 08

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Very Mom says:
Oh no, oh no, oh no. This shall soon be me. Can I please turn in my ticket and get on the 7th Heaven ride or something? ::weeping:: sobbing ::gnashing of teeth::
posted on: October 08

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penelope says:
I have moved so many times and can totally relate to your tale. Exhaustion, grumpiness, and swearing to never do it again. But I know that I will move again. And I know that I'm gonna hire movers next time.
posted on: October 08

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Michelle says:
You said it! Packing is the most miserable experience. It really does a number on my mind and body. Thankfully, I have slimmed down my possesions to where it's doable, but not the least bit enjoyable. Ever. The trick is to start way, way in advance. But I think that to myself every time I move, which only goes to show that no matter how soon you start, it's never soon enough. Makes me want to burn every last thing I own. But anyway, GOOD LCUK and happy trails!!!
posted on: October 09

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