
September 27, 2004 12:35 PM- green acres

Six things I might have done this weekend:

1. I almost posted buzzed Saturday night, you know, for old times sake-- but fortunately I wasn't so drunk as to fail to realize that my buzzed post would be heavy on the old and sad and veritably diaphanous on the funny. So, instead I logged into yahoo games and got thrashed in a couple of games of Literati which made me feel like the biggest loser on the planet and then I went to bed.

2. I should've finished packing everything in the kitchen into boxes and then made some inroads on my office, but instead I packed a total of 6 boxes and helped T run one meager load of furniture to the storage unit before I collapsed on the couch to watch a very, very bad British TV DVD.

3. There was a moment when I might've finished another chapter of my sweet novel. I actually opened up the current file and had my fingers poised on the keyboard, but then I thought, I should be packing boxes. And then I thought, I can only ever have two priorities and right now that is working out and packing. And then, when my voice of outrage bubbled up, I quelled it with the thought-- I am doing the best I can. Which made me want to puke because I am not doing the best that I can unless my picture is pasted in the dictionary right next to the word MEDIOCRE.

4. I could've eaten a big bowl of Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia ice cream Saturday night, but I didn't because I have a five month goal of having The Body Toneth. Of course, my self-congratulations lasted til about noon Sunday when I consumed a bag of carmel corn in a single inhalation.

5. I should've gone for a swim since the weather has been absolutely gorgeous--- stunning Indian summer days-- but instead I sat on the porch smoking cigarettes and saying goodbye to my old (200 year old!) rock maple who I love so very much and who I will miss and worry about that she stays healthy and strong as this once-upon-a-time-small town turns into a fucking golden mile of fast food, car dealerships, and hot tub purveyors.

6. I certainly could have freaked out when I realized I have exactly 7 days left before we move to finish packing and so far I have packed the pottery, paintings, crystal and books. That's it. Holy shit. I really should have freaked out but it would take too much energy and I'm obviously pacing myself here.

One thing I did do this weekend:

1. Became a redneck wife. Yes, that's a photo of Ruby. T's new pick-up truck with a snowplow that is also a DUMPTRUCK!

Let me just say, Eva Gabor in Green Acres has nothing on me--- except for the faux slavic accent and the air-dried blonde bouffant, of course. Even Henry looked away in disgust.

But you know dogs. In the end, all they care about is roadtripping. Although, if you look closely, Henry still has a look of tremendous discomfort as if he is thinking, "they're going to make me ride around in this? In PUBLIC?".

got 2 cents?

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wee says:
dang. That's shore is a purty truck you got there lady. And you looks like youse gots all yer teeth too. You shore is fancy!
posted on: September 27

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redneck wife says:
Ahm fancy. c'mon back around and ah'll show you how I git'er done. . .heh
posted on: September 27

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Amber says:
You aren't officially a redneck where I live, until you can run and own a Stihl chainsaw. The truck is most definately backwoods though!
posted on: September 27

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stephanie says:
posted on: September 27

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yogagirl says:
hey wait, where's the gunrack?
posted on: September 27

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lizardek says:
No gunrack and no confederate flag in the back window...you need some lessons in how to be a redneck, dahling. :D I'm confused! I thought your house wasn't even built yet!? How come you're moving already? Or WOW you guys build fast.
posted on: September 28

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pastamasta says:
So what was the terrible British telly DVD then? (Like, as if we ever make bad TV, sucka.)
posted on: September 28

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redneck wife says:
The bad telly was Meet the Braithewaites-- I wish we had the one with Julie Stevenson where she's the wife of a prie minister . . . and Lizard-- we are moving to a rental while we build-- I guess I should post about all that. Props to you for keeping up at all! *smile*
posted on: September 28

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otter says:
Good Lord. I'm a southerner and I'm even flummoxed by the truck. Well, at least you got yourself something nice to get to the Walmart now. (Do they still sell those Dukes of Hazzard car horns? Cuz that would be sweet.)
posted on: September 28

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samantha says:
you know you have a blogging addiction when you WORRY about your fellow bloggers! Lizardek, I was there with you, all worrying, 'where is Bluepoppy going to live?' that is a mighty fine truck. Do your nephews know about it yet? They are going to crap their pants!
posted on: September 28

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Sheryl says:
Um, have I been living in a parallel universe? I wanted to comment on this post but then I remembered you did away with your comments when you came back in August. Bu here I am commenting. I clearly must be losing my mind because here I have been reading you, now and then wishing I could comment and...I could have. Anyway, now I have forgotten what I wanted to say but the gist of it was don't be so hard on yourself. Also moving is a huge pain. It is the goiter on the neck of tasks. Hang in there.
posted on: September 28

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Sarcomical says:
i love your logic about having only two priorities at once. i think i must steal that. ;) also, henry SO looks like that child that is totally embarrassed by his parents. next thing you know he'll be asking you to walk a nice anonymous distance behind him on your walks, like kids in the mall.
posted on: September 28

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violetismycolor says:
I have a very beautiful maple (turning red right NOW) in my yard that I would miss horribly if I moved. I know just how you feel about that.
posted on: September 29

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lizardek says:
Oh littlesambook, ain't that the truth! I'm STILL worrying, because she hasn't answered and put my fears to rest, and if she's LIVING IN THAT TRUCK we have a problem.
posted on: September 29

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Chrishawn says:
Wow, only 7 more days to move? Oh, and nice truck *hehe*
posted on: September 29

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