
December 18, 2007 8:29 PM- medici artist? pas possible.

You will not believe this.

No, you won?t. I?m typing it down in order to believe it myself. (I?m typing with a rather halting pace due to the third glass of pinot grigio I just pounded to try and take the edge off my excitement?no, white wine after September doesn?t work for me much like some people can?t handle white shoes after Labor Day, but it was all we had open?thanks Ms. Daffodilly? and I wasn?t really in the mood to crack open a bottle just for a glass, or two, or three?obviously, my analytical prowess is not in fine form this evening).

Although I SHOULD. I totally SHOULD crack open a bottle of my favorite red.

Because, oh my. You know what? I?m posting buzzed, aren?t I? I am. When was the last time I did that? We can?t even remember, can we? Certainly it was in my long ago youth?long long LONG ago forgotten youth wasted on brooding literature, existential poetry and hey?wait, thank god for The Clash and The Talking Heads--- I think they redeem my misspent youth. So. Wait. What was I saying?

Ha. I totally typed ?swaying?! HA. I am posting buzzed. Love it.

(Funny thing is yesterday = craptastic. This morning? I was yelling at myself. Yelling epithets AT. MYSELF. In the mirror. Honestly?are you sure you want to be reading this? Any of this? I?m thinking you should be questioning your choice of blog reading matter?very carefully).

Anyway?I had a point.

Yes. So I went down to Boston today?stopped at my sister?s (so good). Had lunch with Tara (so lovely). Then went to SMFA to pick up my artwork from the sale.

Now that it?s over, I suppose I can divulge where I was taking one of my art classes this past semester: SMFA. Anyway, they have this annual December Sale that is the largest public art sale in New England,

you know, allegedly.

Basically, as a student, you are allowed to submit up to six pieces, which I did. Then, when the sale is over, you go pick up what didn?t sell, which in my case would?ve been six pieces.

Except when I got to the table I was told I had nothing to pick up.

All. Six. Sold.

Which makes me a ?medici artist.?*

I sold all six pieces. Every piece I put in sold.

(Can you see how I?m still trying to get my mind around this basic concept as it?s been hours now since I was informed of the situation and still, the loop, it perambulates).

Hence, the giddy, giddy girl. Hence, the need for a bit of a celebration.

Hence, okay?I will dispense with the hence.

But I just had to share because I?m not sure, but this could possibly be one of the best days of my whole life.

*Medici Artists are those artists who sold more than $1200 worth of work at the December Sale. They are given a one-year complimentary membership at the Cobalt level to the Medici Group. Additionally, Medici Artists are given the opportunity to submit more than the standard maximum number of works at the December Sale.

P.S. EMAIL ME YOUR SNAIL MAIL address (please don't put it in the comments) if you would like a New Year's card from me and the brombies. Yes. I am making cards, people. Making and mailing! It's a brand new day!

got 2 cents?

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otter says:
WOW. WOW!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!! Oh, E, that is so, so, so wonderful. I am squeeing around the house for you! Totally deserved, my dear, you are amazing!
posted on: December 18

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christina says:
You fleaping ROCK! Of COURSE all six pieces sold. You are talented and gorgeous and oh dear I am so very very excited for you! CONGRATS!!!
posted on: December 18

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wee says:
I had NO doubts you would sell out. None. Medici on, my friend, Medici on with your fabulous sell out self! (erm... sell out sounds bad, but you know what I mean and that I mean it in the most wonderous sense.) And good God girl, break out the red stuff! This is a major coup! Celebrate your buns off!!! Howl at the moon!
posted on: December 18

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nina says:
I have tears of joy in my eyes for you! That is so fabulous. Of COURSE you sold your work, darling, because your work is as beautiful and thoughtful and full of life as you are. My heart soars and I'm sending hundreds of virtual kisses your way. Felicidades!
posted on: December 18

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Milly says:
Congratulations! I wish I'd known about it so I could have sent my sister over there. She lives in Boston and graduated from the SMFA. She would have enjoyed the sale.
posted on: December 18

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endment says:
Cheers Kudos and all the rest!!! We know you are GREAT!
posted on: December 18

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catherine says:
excellent BP! a pox upon you for thinking anything LESS than SIX...of course six sold...and those six merely made their buyers HUNGRY for me...I wouldn't expect anything else... :) a banner day indeed, salud! or should I say...merry christmas to you my dear internet friend.
posted on: December 18

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lizardek says:
That is SO AWESOME! How very very exciting and what a huge boost to your convictions that your direction is the right one :)
posted on: December 19

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Claire says:
YAY!! I'm not surprised though...
posted on: December 19

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bohemiangirl says:
OMG! OMG! OMG! I'm so thrilled for you. I'm doing a little dance for you. You rock!
posted on: December 19

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Amber says:
WooHoo! What an awesome sense of accomplishment that must feel like! Also, may I just say that you mastered the art of building suspense. I was in a tizzy by the time you let us in on your great news.
posted on: December 19

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Jazz says:
Of course everything sold. Did you have a look at the piece you posted yesterday right here? It was fantastic!!! Now. Stop. Yelling. Epithets. At. Yourself. Is that understood?!?
posted on: December 19

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kateri says:
Oh I am laughing and cheering a good old Texas YEEEE HAWWWW! and clapping and thinking, wow! I hope you opened that bottle of red. I did ;-) Cool beans, Miss Poppy. Now go make more! The world needs your art... xx00xx
posted on: December 19

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bad penguin says:
Go BP, go! Of course you sold all six of your pieces, because you are fabulous. I'm so excited for you!
posted on: December 19

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Anne Kelly says:
Just hearing your good news broke apart my funk! Thanks. Amazing! Wonderful! Congratulations! Good job! Hooray, hooray, hooray!!
posted on: December 19

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DiaryofWhy says:
Congratulations!!! And I very much enjoy the tipsy post every once in a while, especially when it's buzzing with as much excitement as this one. :)
posted on: December 19

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Daffodilly says:
Are there no limits to your talents???? You are the best.. strangely enough I over indulged on the Pinot Grigio last night too! Daffodilly
posted on: December 19

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bella says:
Oh, you sweet thing... I wish I was drinking wine with you.. I am so super happy for you. Enjoy your celebration!!! xo
posted on: December 19

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MKC says:
That's really exciting! Congratulations!
posted on: December 19

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Tami says:
Congratulations to you BP! I can understand why you?re totally giddy!
posted on: December 19

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Sam says:
Oh, SO EXCITING. I am so proud for you! But not a BIT surprised! It is a feat definitely worth celebrating - and I adore your buzzed post. I shall be sending you my snail mail address, because our refrigerator is simply calling out for a picture of the Butterscotch Boys and the Brombie Princess.
posted on: December 19

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liz elayne says:
oh my goodness girl!!! this is fantastic! i am so proud of you. so. very. proud. bravo!!!!!!!!
posted on: December 20

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Croila says:
Oh gosh! What a fantastic feeling that would be - congratulations! :-D
posted on: December 20

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tinker says:
OMG! Woo-hoo! That is fantastic news - congratulations!
posted on: December 20

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Linda says:
WOW! That is so exciting. If my daughter had any good wine I would raise a glass to you myself. Instead, I'm doing it Mime Style! and will do it again for real when I find some!
posted on: December 20

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Joy says:
Woohoo! MFA is my Tstop! I wish I had known about the sale. Many congratulations!
posted on: December 20

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Pippa says:
Wow, BP, I only just saw this. What a soaring feeling you must have! Many congratulations, you ROCK!
posted on: December 23

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daphne says:
Of course you sold all six pieces. You are wonderful. Now the word is out. :)
posted on: December 27

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Di says:
Congratulations!! I'm so glad I stopped by to catch up on your posts.
posted on: March 25

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