
May 24, 2005 11:23 AM- the peaceful kingdom

As I recently proclaimed, there has been an end to the ego-driven, rage-fueled, petty-minded rants against the tribulations of life. I am so over that. Ghandi?s nothing but an obsessive-compulsive nomad compared to me. I?m fucking Amphitrite calming seas and making the winds hush.

Witness the following:

Last night I returned to my pied-a-terre where I made a simple supper of edamame and samosas. Simple. Because the frozen samosas merely needed to be reheated in the oven while I boiled water to cook the soybeans.

However, as submarine galleys are cavernous compared to this kitchenette, I managed to burn my hand on the broiler when I tried to flip the samosas. This was before the water for the soybeans boiled over (since I was too busy running cold water on my hand to pay attention) which caused the smoke alarm to go off. Which is when T arrived with the two wet and muddy dogs.

Which set the other dogs (those that belong to the owners of the house) to wild barking at the sound of intruders.

And I? A vision of serenity.

Smoke detector? Gone. (Ripped from the ceiling and shoved in a drawer).

Our dogs? Not a peep. Lying like good angels on their dog beds.

But the barking continued. Is there a sound more irritating than a stupid dog stupidly barking endlessly? Yes, there is. But I cleared my thoughts and focused on the great stillness that is in all of us.


Christ! Can?t they shut that fucking dog up? You see--- that?s the kind of thought I might have had were I not an empty vessel filled with light.

Eventually, the dog calmed down. We hit the lights and climbed into bed ready for sweet silence. Then, a grinding, loud motor began in the wall behind our heads. Which set our lovely dogs to barking wildly to try and protect us from the alien invasion.

What the FUCK? That?s the kind of statement an unenlightened person might have said in this circumstance. But not I.

It was merely the electronic garage door being opened. See? To everything a season. And this was the time for the people to come home and return their vehicle to its proper resting place.

Sadly, when our dogs began barking they also ran to the door so T jumped out of bed to grab them and get them back onto their beds. In the dark he pushed the white wicker chair out of the way and screamed in pain before whacking his ankle on the faux wrought iron coffee table.

I flicked the light on and we looked at the two fingers of his left hand that had streaks of fresh blood.

@@#&#&*($($(*)(#*$@@###!! (I believe that?s what T said. But then, he has not expressed an interest in achieving the enlightenment of inner peace).

We examined the innocuous looking chair and found two nasty looking nails sticking straight out from under the arm of the chair. I had no ointment or band-aids to administer as all I had brought here was work clothes and toiletries. I told T to wake me if it started to swell and throb in the middle of the night and it looked like we needed to take him to the emergency room. He assured me he would.

And so, again, we hit the lights and settled our bodies onto the full sized mattress with the crappy pillows and frou-frou bedding that might make a judgemental person gag.

As we lay there, the quiet was broken with the loud ticking of the ever-so-cute faux cuckoo clock that we hadn?t noticed until just then.

You see? When you are a person filled with peace, you can focus your intention and your awareness of all the small things in life grows.

Remember how earlier I asked if there could be a sound more annoying than a dog?s insistent barking? The universe is vast and limitless and so is the number of annoying sounds. It?s all so beautiful.

As if our life wasn?t already pure cake, we decided to add the frosting and help one another fall asleep in that wonderful way that Adam and Eve first discovered.

And then, just as Eve was all about Adam-- the fucking bed detached and I held in my hands the fucking piece of shit headboard that slammed into the wall a few times before Adam and Eve could register what had just occurred.

##$$@*@*@$*)#)(*#$(*(#(@!@#)(@)*$#)#(*@ !!

In the interests of full disclosure and a pure, open heart, I must admit that perhaps I said this.

Blessed be.

got 2 cents?

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Sarcomical says:
holy wondrous powers that be. i am dying here. what a strong beautiful woman you must be to endure such hilarious misfortune with so much grace. ;)
posted on: May 24

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river selkie says:
i don't even know what to say to that!
posted on: May 24

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amber says:
Yes! You broke the bed! I wish I could hear how you are going to explain that one, or perhaps see how it may be rigged so that the owners don't see it until you are miles away, laughing the whole way.
posted on: May 24

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lizardek says:
You broke the bed?! You are my hero.
posted on: May 24

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lizardek says:
Good thing you got the mattress rocking, so you couldn't hear the drip...drip...drip of some faucet somewhere, or the bzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzz of a fly or the whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine of a mosquito. Those beat the ticking clock, although not by much.
posted on: May 24

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lizardek says:
Once when Martin was around 1 year old, my husband and I were awakened in the middle of the night by one of his plastic baby rattles in the shape of Pooh bear that played a tinny electronic version of the Winnie-the-Pooh theme song. It was playing veeerrrryyy slowly, but loud enough to hear through 2 bedroom walls and down the hallway. I went to get it and after picking it up realized that 1) there was no on-off button and 2) it was broken and wasn't going to stop. So I put it under a bucket or something and went back to bed...only to go slowly mad as the whining slow strains continued. Door shut? check. Pillow over head? check. Still hear it? AAAUGH. Finally, Anders got up and a few minutes later I heard him go into Martin's room and then the music and his footsteps went downstairs, opened a door, closed a door...then silence...then WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM!

Hammers. Good for what ails you.
posted on: May 24

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bellabelly says:
So sorry to hear about your night-- But the bed breaking was the best part! Hubby and I broke a bed one time in a hotel, and accidentally pulled down one of the wall lamps, which blew a breaker in our whole section.... And whats WORSE is that it was only late afternoon!
posted on: May 24

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Erica says:
I'd hate to think what your evening would have been like had you not been such a beacon of grace and acceptance. That headboard would have been kindling, I suspect.
posted on: May 24

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otter says:
Oh. Dear. God. Stop. Can't breathe with the laughing. Between this and the backlog that you linked to in your last post, I am fit to be tied. I may have to don a pair of them there Depends britches (from THE Walmart) before coming back here.
posted on: May 24

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Marilyn says:
And you're staying there HOW LONG?!?!
posted on: May 24

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samantha says:
cue the sexy music, puh-lease... *bah-bomp-chicka-wah-wah* I so aspire to break the bed.
posted on: May 24

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Meghan says:
I SO needed that. Thank you thank you thank you for sharing your inner peace and enlightenment with us poor mortals of lesser tranquility. May I borrow your OHM next time the SANDs (Stupid Ass Neighborhood dogs) begin their nightly rituals of admiration for the moon? Or, like tonight, when I ever so cleverly grabbed the hot cookie sheet our dinner packets were resting upon?
posted on: May 24

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Lizardmom says:
Oh thank you,- for such joyful laughter - I can soooo relate!
posted on: May 24

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Margaret says:
Oh la la! Ton mari et toi, vous ne vous etes pas bien amuses! (les chiens non plus)
posted on: May 25

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lizardek says:
Hey! You're someone now! My MOM commented on your blog!!! :D
posted on: May 25

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bp says:
oh god, lizardek-- your MOM!!! when she says she can relate that's not to breaking the bed, right? surely she means the annoying sounds of a tiny, rental apartment . . . but hey, HI lizardek's mom! please tell me you won't show this to my mother . . .
posted on: May 25

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nina says:
You are so %@@#%* enlightened! And hilarious.
posted on: May 25

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stephanie says:
I'm so impressed that you managed to cook in such a tiny kitchen. Oh? What? That wasn't the point of your post? Huh.
posted on: May 25

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Sheryl says:
Good thing there weren't any mirrors on the ceiling, or you might be posting this from a hospital bed.
posted on: May 25

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Meredith says:
I wish you were my neighbor. Not because I wished to have overheard this ordeal but because you funny. So funny.
posted on: May 25

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Lizardmom says:
Where's your Mom? I travel often! And I have several good friends I plan to share this with- at a retreat next week! Thanks for providing additional comedy to enliven our discussions and rememberences!
posted on: May 25

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leah says:
"Ghandi?s nothing but an obsessive-compulsive nomad compared to me. I?m fucking Amphitrite calming seas and making the winds hush." you are a genius. great writing.
posted on: May 25

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frecklegirl says:
hahaha Don't you just love nights like that? I guess that will take a guy's attention off of an injury... I hope you just threw the headboard on the ground and kept going! ;)
posted on: May 26

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Chanelbaby says:
Ohhhhhhh BP I am so sorry for your catalog of woes, that you nevertheless endured with superhuman serenity! At least you did not lose the iPod your wonderful bartender boyfriend gave you because you got so deeerunk on the flight home from Atlanta. Yes. And he is such a wonderful man he wasn't even angry.
posted on: May 26

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Very Mom says:
*wipes tears from eyes* This has to be the best blue poppy post EVER.
posted on: May 28

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Gale says:
Hee hee! Bed-breaking good times! I second the nomination for best BP post.
posted on: May 28

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Auntie M says:
Breaking the bed in the pied a terre? Really, very impressive. Great post.
posted on: May 29

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