
November 24, 2009 7:55 AM- M-I-C-K-E-Y . . . .

MAGIC Owl art print by pixie

Dear Pixie,

As you are the animal spirit guide mama, please provide a bit of insight to the animal spirit that seems to be insisting that I pay attention to it now:


You see, there was another little interchange with a mouse a while ago. I wasn't blogging then, so it didn't make the press as I only write about the day at hand. However, on this day, some weeks back now, I had to make the long drive down to the golden mile. This is rarely something that I enjoy and is always something that takes some advance planning as it cuts into my whole day.

About ten miles into my journey, I notice something in the passenger side floor. What was that, I wonder. Back to driving-- then again, something flashes in the corner of my eye. Pretty soon I get a gander and it is most definitely a mouse moving quick as lightning up and down the incline of the foot area and ending under the passenger seat.

Much as I wish it weren't true, the motion of the mouse unnerves me. I simply can't drive and have it be next to me like that. Every time it races up the back, I have an involuntary shudder. And so, I pull over into the back parking lot of the grocery store.

It is a hot and sunny day. Really hot. I have some bagel, so I get out, open the passenger side door and put a piece of bagel on the door jamb. Then I keep putting bits down to the ground and leading away from the car. And then, I stand and wait. In the hot sun. In the hot, hot sun-- I stare at the open passenger door and will the mouse to jump out and run away.

I begin to wilt.

I don't know what to do-- I can't get back into the car with the mouse there because I can't drive. I need to get down to the golden mile because I have a ton of errands to do.

A man in a white truck pulls alongside of me. It is the Hostess Donut truck delivering to the grocery store. He asks me what I'm doing and at that moment, the mouse comes to the edge and we both see him clear as day. And I know you won't believe this part, but I will tell you anyway, the mouse was hunched on his back legs so his head was fully up. He was soft brown and his ears were big and pointy. His eyes were dark brown and I hate to say it, but he was adorable.

But that was the only glimpse we got. He saw us and darted back under the passenger seat.

Donut man offered me some white powdered donut to entice him with. I sprinkled that about, same as before, creating a trail away from the car. At this time, I realized, not only was I melting in the heat, what field mouse would leave the cool shelter of a car to spring onto hot tarmac that stretched for yards? Not mine, I'm sure. So, Donut man drove off and I climbed back into my car. My body was filled with agitation. Not only for missing my errands (because no way in hell was I driving anywhere but home with this creature), but because I didn't want to drive with him doing the running back and forth thing.

The whole way home I was cringed into a ball on the left, which took me a week of yoga to un-torque, but we made it back and he was never seen again.

And then, last week, as you might recall-- more mouse energy.

I might have continued on my merry way with nary a thought to what mouse was trying to make me pay attention to had we not had one more incident last night.

After three mournful days of computer woes that had me planning the purchase of a new computer and batting my laptop into a pile of smithereens with the help of an axe and a 2x4, my husband came home last night and went up to see if he could make sense of the bizarre symptoms I was reporting.

In a matter of minutes, the cause of all my suffering was diagnosed: the mouse.

(Well, there was one other oddity-- the date on my computer was wrong. Doh. That cause a bunch of weirdness, too-- but mostly? It was the mouse. the coffee saturated mouse).

Sooooooooooooo, my dear friend, oh wise one of the Animal Spirit kingdom--- WTF is Mouse trying to tell me?

Thanks and bisous, E

got 2 cents?

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Jazz says:
Sometimes I think my cottage exists only to give a home to wayward field mice.
posted on: November 24

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Megsie says:
I love that painting. So, so beautiful. And the mouse? I wouldn't be able to drive either. I am fine with mice, really. But they need to LIVE OUTSIDE. Then, they are cute, maybe even fun to watch. Outside. Yes.
posted on: November 24

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lizardek says:
That owl is totally swooping down to get your mouse!
posted on: November 24

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michelle says:
i like mice. i mean, i get it that others get the creepy crawlies, and i'm sensitive to that. but i like it when they come visit me. then again, anytime any creature visits...snake, rabbit, spider, turtle, stray cat, osprey...it makes me happy. even mice. i often think about that fable...the lion and the mouse, where the mouse removes the thorn from the lion's paw and they are forever friends. the powerful lion respecting the mouse for his own strengths. mice are brave, and can get in and out of tight situations with ease, they are nimble and quick... wondering pixies thoughts, too!
posted on: November 24

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pixie says:
Ooh, I love these readings. The mouse in your car, was it the one whose harvest was removed with the air filter last week? Pity it was going to have to replenish the stash with donut crumbs and bagel bits! :) Okay, I'm going to have a go: Mouse can bring about a need to pay attention to the details. This one unnerved you while also winning your affection. I'm wondering if she is a reminder to adore the little humble things in life. My personal work with mouse is often having to do with humility. Animal Speak asks these questions: Can you see the forest for the trees? Are you remembering the big picture? What is being neglected because your focus has been on one or two things? Are your energies scattered about? The mouse in the car was skittering about, nervously, out of her element, shaken, and trying to find a way out. What is it about her energy that could be a reflection of yours? How might you remedy these things? Mice are prey for many other creatures. How can you survive when so many things are swallowing you up? Animals show themselves to us three times when we really need to tune in. Also, totem animals show up in threes. Some mice are fastidious housekeepers and others are very resourceful (the deer mouse stashes away food for the winter with great enthusiasm), while others are expertly groomed and charming. There are many sweet traits of mouse to accept if you're open! Tell me, what do you think this little critter was trying to tell you? Take a moment and bring mouse energy into your body and see where it settles and how it wants to help you. And then tell me all about it!!!! xo pix
posted on: November 24

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hillary says:
I generally do not have a problem with mice, but I think even I would be unnerved by having one running around in the car while I was trying to drive.
posted on: November 24

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heather says:
With all these mice appearing around you, that makes you the cat, yes? So make like a cat and nap. Okay, I'm no help. ;-)
posted on: November 24

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Sam says:
I just read Pixie's animal analysis with absorbing interest. Little mouse, little mouse, what does it mean? I just think you are too sweet to the mouse. Seriously, DONUTS? :) This mouse knows a good gig when she finds it...
posted on: November 26

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Claire says:
I don't mind mice if they're outside but if they invade my space and move in I really don't like it. So I would read it as reminding you to re-assert your ownership of a space. But let's talk about me! My current vermin bete noire is the pigeon. I was looking out the window and it flew right at the house, hitting the wall, fell 10 feet. then my neighbour and I had a whole power struggle - she the kind dr doolittle character phoning wildlife rescue centres and bandaging its wing: moi - ready with a shovel to put the poor half dead thing out of its misery. Pigeons are supposed to represent homing instincts but it flew into a wall! That night I went to a friends house and he has pigeons nesting happily on his window ledge. They laid eggs in his plant pots INSIDE during the summer when he kept the windows open. What does it all mean??
posted on: November 28

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