
November 23, 2009 9:28 AM- from gray to pink

photo taken November 4, 2005

My head hurts.

Perhaps it is dehydration-- I don't drink as much water as I need to.
Perhaps it is a lack of sleep-- we had quite the social weekend.
Perhaps it is due to the fact I am down in T's office typing to you from his computer because mine has the flu, hoof & mouth disease or, quite possibly, all that plus a hefty dose of brain damage.

I don't know. All I know is that I cannot get any work done on it and I now have to find someone to heal it-- yes, the week before Thanksgiving when everything shuts down on Wednesday-- and be without it for who knows how long.

How I hate an accident. It replays in my head over and over and over-- how could you be so careless, so stupid? And, just like being sick, it makes me aware of how much I take for granted every day I work without incident. *sigh*

My computer is sick. wah wah wah

On the brighter side, I pulled a lovely card from my Trust Your Vibes deck this morning and it actually helped me feel better.

The card read: Take Your Time.

Slow down and take your time. There's no rush right now to make decisions. You can't feel your vibes, let alone trust them, if you're overbooked, juggling too many things at one time, constantly playing catch-up, or racing around like crazy. Being that hurried will not only dim your awareness to nothing more than a whirling, gray fog of confusion, but you'll also miss the subtle, intuitive guidance of your soul.

The pace you're keeping is caused by the fear that there isn't enough time left. So cool it. When it comes to the soul, there's enough for everyone and everything, including time. You're being guided to allow time to work in your favor.

Assume a more leisurely rhythm, and trust and actually stretch time. The elements necessary for your success aren't fully present yet, but they're coming together behind the scenes. Wait a little longer until more become evident. You'll be glad you did. Trust your vibes to wait patiently for the right moment to make a decision, and don't let anyone pressure you to do otherwise.

Yesterday, it was gloriously sunny and warm. I took the dogs up to the top of the mountain and brought my flip camera along with me and made you some short videos of the hike. Alas, that is yet another casualty of the woe-is-me (WIM) computer saga--- you'll just have to imagine over-exposed replay of leaves, rocks, waterfalls, meandering creeks, dogs tied with hunter orange ribbons and a rocky outcropping overlooking a series of lakes.

Did I mention that my head hurts and I can't concentrate and it's a funny thing how sitting in someone else's space can adversely effect your stream of consciousness.
Am I not me because I am not in my space?
Do our environments really have that much consequence on our state of being?

I don't know-- but I know I am off my game. Allow me to direct you to some sites where you shall find sweet respite and inspiration, as I surely do:

Jeana Sohn
Most especially her November 18th post where she shares a photograph of what I love to wear--leggings and loose sweats.

ahhhh-- how this feeds my desire for more creative time in the kitchen

quite simply-- Jeanine is one of my favorite photographers ever

and speaking of favorite photographers, the goddess Thea (I just can't put into words how much I love this woman) has begun doing vlogs which are so awesome because you get a hit of her radiance right through the screen!

I hope you enjoy these links and just sharing them with you put me in such a better mood! Go figure. See-- just writing to you makes everything feel better. And people always ask me, why do you blog? Now I know what to say in response . . .

Bisous, E

got 2 cents?

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Cupcake says:
Reading your blog was a great way to start my morning with my cinnamon coffee. I know you're feeling off-kilter due to the different work space, but you came through to me. No brombies this morning, but that's okay!
posted on: November 23

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Megsie says:
Thank you for posting that "trust your vibes." I am starting to become anxious about Thanksgiving and the fact that I haven't even made a grocery list yet. I am going to slow down and just do it. The laundry can wait. So can everything else. One thing at a time. I hope you get your computer back soon, not because you are not you....but because of that headache.
posted on: November 23

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lizardek says:
You sound discombobulated. If I were there: HEAD & NECK MASSAGE for you. If you come here, I swear you'll get one, and my daughter will sit on your shoulders and rub your back, too.
posted on: November 23

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bella says:
oh, love... sending your sweet head the warmest healing energies. all will be better as soon as that computer of yours gets fixed. ~love the links. jeanine is truly a fantastic photographer. xo
posted on: November 23

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Jazz says:
After juggling too many things at one time, constantly playing catch-up, or racing around like crazy I have finally caught up on your blog. Now, on to more craziness - and maybe eventually i'll manage to get to those links...
posted on: November 24

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Thea says:
if I could put into words how much I love you...giggle...so happy you are blogging again darling. I had two computer hard drive crashes about a month ago, it totally threw me off. The card-the concept of stretching time-I have heard this before and have been really trying to practice this. It is sort of cool when it works. blah clah-back to editing I go. love you oodles
posted on: November 24

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jeanine says:
ahhh. thank you, lovey. *blush* i must get my hands on one of those "trust your vibe" decks. sometimes, we need a little guidance from the universe. also... have i mentioned how happy i am that you are blogging again? because i am, very. good luck with your computer and i hope your head feels better soon. *smooch*
posted on: November 24

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