
November 14, 2009 6:25 AM- a good hat is hard to find

photo taken September 17, 2009 by Denise Andrade

Why am I in prayer? Well, my niece Lauren is in Salamanca, Spain this semester. Her alleged purpose is to improve her Spanish, experience the pace and sunlight of Southern Spain and to futher her studies of rioja, pesquera, and sangria. I say alleged because as far as I am concerned, the girl has one clear objective: find my hat and bring it home to me.

You see, I once had a hat from Cordoba. (Can I just tell you as I wrote that sentence I wanted to say it in a Danish accent as it echoed the first line of Isak Dinesen's story, "I once had a farm in Africa . . .") As hats go, it was superb. Not only was it really well-made so that it could withstand the rigors of a dance party where it may or may not have found itself crushed behind a sofa and locking eyes with an advancing pool of beer that threatened to spread over its brim before I rescued it once again, but it fit my head perfectly.

As a rule of thumb, I like a hat that fits my head. (You laugh? You think this is simple? You obviously don't often wear hats). The hat shouldn't flatten my hair and it shouldn't leave a red imprint across my forehead that makes people wonder if I had just come from peering through the gates of hell. This hat was all that and then some. It was my favorite hat ever. Ever ever ever-- and I uh, lost it.

Maybe you all think I am overloading the girl-- perhaps you mistakenly think I am sending her off on a wild goose chase-- what a terrible burden to put on a pretty young thing to make her think that her aunt's happiness rests solely on her finding this hat and bringing it back to her? Oh please-- it's not like I didn't give her a photograph as a clue.

photo of Penelope Cruz wearing my hat

My life post lost hat has been most challenging indeed. I am left to wear soft, knit caps that are nice enough, but evoke more of a Greek washerwoman than a spanish spitfire as evidenced below:

yet another photo by the luminous, sexy, sultry, amazing, love bunny Denise Andrade

But I have confidence in my niece. She descends from a long line of strong, shopping savants. Her formative years were spent discriminating between cabbage patch dolls (too country) and the American Girl collection (too commercial). She will persevere--

Right now? I've got Daisy here pressing her nose into my thigh and whining-- a most irritating state of affairs. This writing a blog post has definitely cut into her walk schedule and she is none too pleased about it . . so it is off to the fields I go. However, before I leave you-- if you have not seen that Miss Doxie has returned, well then-- I am happy to be the bearer of glad tidings.

I had nearly given up hope . .. but she is back, with a kitteh, no less!

Bisous, E

got 2 cents?

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lizardek says:
I never wear hats. In fact, I upset my grandmother (dad's mom) so greatly at the age of 5 when I refused to wear a hat in the winter that she bitched out my mother for raising independent kids. :D
posted on: November 14

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bp says:
ahh, I love hats and you hate hats and yet, we are friends-- now why can't we bottle this magic potion of arbitration and sprinkle it over the heads of the fractious populace, hmm?
posted on: November 14

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lizardek says:
I don't hate them. I quite admire them...on other people. I just think I look like toad in them. I don't think I have a hat head.
posted on: November 14

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bp says:
oh stop-- that's just Barky talking-- she doesn't want anything covering up her glory.
posted on: November 14

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Megsie says:
I can just picture you in that hat. And, yes, spitfire indeed! I am still in utter ecstasy that you are back!
posted on: November 14

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pixie says:
I like the greek washerwoman look on you! With those blue fingernails, you are a goddess. Matters of hats are important ones. SO GLAD TO SEE YOU HERE, bp. xoxo p
posted on: November 15

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Jecca says:
I am a hat person, although I don't wear them nearly often enough. I have a very large head, which makes the fit part a bit challenging. I have full confidence that your hat will find you!
posted on: November 15

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beth says:
penelope might have your hat, but she has her arms around my boyfriend....hee hee YOU'RE BACK ?.....like to stay...like for good ?
posted on: November 15

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Coquette says:
OUAIH!!! You are back!!!!!!
posted on: November 15

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Swirly says:
You're pretty.
posted on: November 15

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Sam says:
Dang that Penelope Cruz. She has ONE of the most handsome, sexy men in the world at her beck and call, and she has your HAT, too?! I love hats. I guess it's a good thing, since I am occupying myself by knitting them, day in and day out! And you are ever-more beautiful, especially with your cool blue nails and lovely soft hat. I will shut up now, in case you start to wonder if I have a Bluepoppy shrine in the corner of my bedroom...
posted on: November 15

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michelle says:
there once was a hat from cordoba... sounds a bit limericky...
posted on: November 15

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Bethany says:
At least you bring out the gorgeous, delectable side of Greek washerwomen. (And the color blue may have been invented specifically for you. Holy cow, woman!)
posted on: November 16

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Claire says:
oh you are so cute! Love the greek washerwoman hat - and your nail polish. I wouldn't try and grab a stolen hat back of P Cruz tho - I hear she's got a violent temper... (I would insist that your niece return with the gift of Javier Bardem)
posted on: November 20

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jeanine says:
miss doxie is back too? my blogroll is now complete. also. you are rocking that hat, lady. and blue nails to boot. you are the sexy, sultry, amazing one ;)
posted on: November 23

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Jazz says:
Late late late... You weren't on my reader and in the whirl of the past couple of weeks, I totally lost touch with my brain and the fact that you're back. Must subscribe. And Miss Doxie is back? I am truly blessed this morning.
posted on: November 24

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Bombay Beauty says:
So pleased to have you back! Not to say that you had gone away, but back in sight, so to speak... When it comes to these things (perfect hats, perfect shoes,...) I am a conspiracy theorist... These perfect onjects must be scarce, lest everything else is debased... Conspiratorially yours, BB
posted on: November 24

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