
March 10, 2009 9:41 PM- bird squawk

Okay, Ashwini-- you crack me up!

Although my motivations may appear inscrutable, nothing puts fire under my ass like someone saying, "where the hell are you!?"

You may, of course, regret your rash question once you've reviewed all I've got on offer here today-- this video was taken this morning. I didn't add any music because I thought you should hear the stillness-- unfortunately, the blue jays, as blue jay are wont to do-- chose to punctuate the quiet with a discussion of who was hogging the sunflower seed and other scintiallating blue jay topics of note.

In anticipation of your questions:

1. Yes, the collars on Henry and Olliver are electronic, but since training them we have never had to use them-- they are there to save their lives. If you don't know the long saga of Henry and Oliver's escapades, you'll just have to take my word for it. And, I have put them up against my own neck, and given what I've experienced just to have a cavity filled, I assure you, this is no issue. It is a deterrent. Do I wish we had trained them correctly in the first place? Why no-- spoiled, untrained dogs are all I've ever wanted.

2. Is Henry motivated by biscuits and only by biscuits? Of course not, he is also intent on getting the best position on the bed to snuggle with you. Those are his two main pursuits in life.

3. Would it have been possible for me to jiggle the camera anymore than I did? You know, could I truly create a sense of motion sickness? Next time? I'll try harder--

got 2 cents?

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liz elayne says:
oh i love this video! i am delighted to see everyone running and playing in that beautiful snow. and i loved hearing all the sounds of this moment in your world. smooches to you all!
posted on: March 10

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Claire says:
Yes, that just makes you want to sit down in the snow and give brombie smooches all round. So beautiful.
posted on: March 11

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Marin says:
Have you ever put those booties on their feet that are supposed to protect their paws in the snow, etc.? If you ever need comedic relief, try it.
posted on: March 11

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Jazz says:
wow it's great to see them "live". So biscuits are the secret to a close up of Ollie!
posted on: March 11

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Bombay Beauty says:
Love the stillness - by this what I mean is the absence of the background hum that permeates my soul living in NY and Boston - reminds me of some walks we would take growing up (the Canadian portion of the childhood...) BB
posted on: March 11

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Swirly says:
OMG- that moment when Henry looks up, you can totally see his thought bubble: "Was that a biscuit?" Hilarious!! My friend, I want your life. I am going to watch this everyday and dream about being your neighbor...
posted on: March 11

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Liana says:
Yay! What a great video- beautiful view (*drool*), cute dogs, loud but funny blue jays...ah. I miss New England!
posted on: March 11

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hele says:
the absolutely best movie i've seen all year. seeing so much dog happiness made me feel so fine.
posted on: March 11

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ashwini says:
No, You crack me up each time I come to your blog. And I missed it, and my trick worked. :) The Brombies and the Blue Poppy are back people. Hurrrrray!
posted on: March 11

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lizardek says:
the only thing that would have made that any better was the sound of your voice :)
posted on: March 11

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carolyn says:
thanks for sharing a snippet of your day with the 3 pup stars! adorbale!!!! my two fur kids ran up to the screen when they heard the birds at the end of the clip!
posted on: March 11

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Steph says:
Oh I LOVE this!! There's just so much joy and sunshine. Thank you. I'm glad my Golden Cassie is lying on the floor right now; she'd no doubt be very jealous at the sight of all that running around in the snow. :)
posted on: March 11

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sherry says:
You've been missed immensely!
posted on: March 11

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christina says:
Oh the snow. You have so much of it still. Finally here some is melting! I'm glad you checked in... was missing you!
posted on: March 12

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catherine says:
love them! :)
posted on: March 12

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gatsby says:
there's a vintage quality about the palette- makes me think about home films of riding snowmobiles in the seventies.
posted on: March 15

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