
February 19, 2009 11:07 AM-
from page 843 of BP's How to Cope with Winter manual

In the past week several people have said to me, "only four more weeks til Spring!" and your heart would swell with admiration for my benevolent response which held the swift karate chop to their grinning face in check.

I'm not sure what planet they live on, it would appear that these same folks have lived in this region as long (or longer!) than I have so how could they possibly delude themselves into thinking that there was anything remotely resembling Spring on the horizon?

Perhaps they are on drugs? Now that I think about it, two of these comments were directed at me while I was in the waiting room of the doctor's office. A podiatrist, let's remember who is administering the weekly shot of alcohol into my toe-- could there be something FAR BETTER being offered in another room down the hall?

Because for the record, aside from the swollen black and purple bruise on my sweet foot and the need to now LIMP as it hurts too much to walk normally, the injections have not provided much change.

Perhaps they have a different meaning for the word Spring? It seems possible that when they say "Spring" what they really mean is mushy snow and temps in the 40s, whereas when I say "Spring" I am thinking of blooming magnolia trees and the scent of viburnum in the air.

And, as I gaze upon another 12+ inches of snow shaking down from the sky to settle over the shoulders of this house like a comfortable, old cardigan-- I can only guess that I got it right the first time --


This is when you wonder how a person who is not particularly enamored with the six-month variety of the winter season copes. Well, this is why I say, art saves lives.

For instance, on the pale blue wall of the dining room is a framed print of Jennifer Hill's Andalucia. As I have actually been to this part of the world and am therefore once of those incredibly obnoxious people who pronounce it An-dula-THEE-a --- for me to gazae upon this bright, cheerful, spirited loveliness is to bring oranges and perfume and fabulous tile and late dinners and even later indulgent mornings followed by gorgeous coffee to mind.

It sits right next to the window, so I can choose where to focus my thoughts. THIS is what they mean by functional art, people.

In fact, if it were a kid in fourth grade getting a mid-term report I might add, HIGHLY functional art!

got 2 cents?

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gretchen says:
Mark Twain got it right: "In New England we have 9 months of winter and 3 months of darned poor sledding." Too funny! Blooming magnolias in spring? even funnier!
posted on: February 19

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bella says:
...mmmm ~ you said "blooming magnolia trees". That will be my focus on this particularly frustrating, craptastic, gray foggy day.
posted on: February 19

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lizardek says:
I've been hearing a lot of that "spring is nearly here" crap too...*peeks out window to confirm that yes, the snow is still falling*...we started later than you did, but I suspect we'll go longer with Winter here, too. *sigh*
posted on: February 19

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lizardek says:
ALSO, could you please send me a PDF copy (lo-res is fine) of your How to Cope With Winter Manual? I'm thinking that would make some excellent bedtime reading. While snuggled under lots of blankets. Yes.
posted on: February 19

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carolyn says:
don't forget all the people saying "we turn the clocks ahead one hour on march 8!". well what difference does it make if there's snow on the ground? more daylight to enjoy the dirty snow. seriously though.....the thought of spring brings me grat comfort and joy but i am not looking forward to the same period of time known as "mud season" dog owners know what i mean.
posted on: February 19

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violetismycolor says:
The beauty of your part of the world is not enough to make you want karate-chop people who utter the word 'spring'?
posted on: February 19

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Terry H. says:
Yes, we in New Hampshire are always holding our breath, hoping beyond hope that May 15 will bring spring. Only 3 more months to go! And this is the truth, as we know it.
posted on: February 19

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ableponder says:
in mississippi... the daffodils are blooming. eat your hearts out :) but my vermonter husband swears he'd trade it all for snow.
posted on: February 19

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gracia says:
With a limp... dear me... xo
posted on: February 19

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catherine says:
ohhhh...I have no complaints where the sun does shine shine shine. come for a visit, the weather is lovely this time of year. We'll sit by the pool and drink rum, bring the dogs of course.
posted on: February 19

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tinker says:
Ow - your poor toe! I think they must be booking you into the wrong room there...obviously you need one of the good rooms, where at least you can get proper painkillers, till that elusive spring arrives...
posted on: February 20

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Jazz says:
Spring Schming... she says as she watches the snow fall from her office window. Dates mean nothing here. Quebec has two seasons: Winter and July. I would like to request that Obama annex Canada so I can go live legally in Arizona or New Mexico.
posted on: February 20

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bad penguin says:
I remember my first New England "Spring". Here in Maryland where I grew up, you really do start to see signs of spring by the end of March. March came, and it snowed. April came and it was still freezing. I was getting particularly forlorn by the time May rolled around...and then finally, we got what I call spring. I hope your foot gets better soon.
posted on: February 20

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Heather says:
I'm personally thinking the Greek Isles right now. The poster rocks.
posted on: February 20

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Christina says:
I love this poster! I'm sending love your way. Believe me, I understand your pain about the snow. We are expecting a blizzard this weekend. Wisconsin not so much. A warm beach? Yep. : ) Hope that foot feels better, soon.
posted on: February 20

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Bridgemor says:
Spring is a long way off here in Minneapolis, as I write my neighbor is in full swing with his **** blower this morning, ridding the sidewalk of the four inches of **** that fell last night. I am hopeful though, spring always comes, and I am patient. Sorry to hear about your toe/foot, never pleasant for a bipedal to be lame. On a digressive side-note, I too am interested in fairy tales and came across this website I thought you might find some interest in. Have you seen this site? If not I hope you find it interesting. The author is a talented illustrator and her traveling home, at the moment, is, if anything, fascinating. Enjoy. www.intothehermitage.blogspot.com
posted on: February 21

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DiaryofWhy says:
I'm actually in Spain right now, and how's that for synchronicity? I have to say, it's definitely not snowing here, and orange trees, late dinners, and coffee, check, check, and check. It has to be an other side of the fence thing, but I'm sitting here thinking how lovely your pictures are, and how nice would be a romp through your perfect pristine snow!
posted on: February 21

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brittany says:
Elizabeth--oh, thank you for sending that to Rory. He is truely gifted! It would be nice for him to know how much his art touches people...well, ME:) I'm getting so excited for September. and for Spring. pleeeease, let it come! smooches, B
posted on: February 21

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nikki says:
I'm a wimp. Just spent 10 days in Seattle and could not believe people live like that. How strong and brave and fleeced-lined they must be! I'm back home in the south kissing the unfrozen ground.
posted on: February 21

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Bethany says:
I can't decide if I would prefer your winter wonderland or orange-scented Andalucia, but I'd certainly take EITHER over the humdrum gray infecting our part of the world. Admittedly, I AM on drugs and not to be trusted in matters of opinion...
posted on: February 22

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sherry says:
Hey! I'm glad to see I'm on the print! =)
posted on: February 23

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