
August 06, 2008 10:59 AM- anna leeleelou who?

photo taken at The Glass Knob, an antiques shop up the road from here

Last night, as I drove home from Manchester, it felt like my entire body had been flooded with enough electricity to light up Las Vegas, only one of my Christmas bulbs was missing from the chain so the whole system short-circuited in a most abrupt and discourteous fashion.

Fried blue poppy-- almost like fried green tomatoes, but not as tasty.

This whole planning of the SAW thing is much, much bigger than I ever imagined it to be. It's less like an impromptu gathering of 150 people, or so, for some art fun and hanging by the lake and more like planning a wedding, you know, if your wedding was going to consist of four separate ceremonies over the course of a long weekend in about 10 different venues-- which I guess is what they do in India, god bless them.

Trust me, I love doing it. I love every aspect of it. Sure, I'm nervous and want everything to come together beautifully and much of it is out of my control, but I am genuinely delighted to be putting this together-- it's just. a. lot.

And I am?

Well, you know what I am: a weeny whiny wuss of a wimp who has the emotional constitution of a tightly-corseted antebellum Anna Leeleelou who can't get up from her chaise lounge without the fortifying hit of some smelling salts.

Yesterday, I got up, returned emails, made calls, wrote press releases, walked the dogs, got out of the house (wearing clothes with a washed face) by 10:30 am so I could get to Concord in time for a noon meeting. The meeting was great and sent sparks of energy in all direction as I was talking with Katy Brown who has founded Concord Arts Market and is a force of nature in her own right. Let me just say, this woman is so filled with projects and businesses and creative undertakings it makes me look like I sit at home and pick at my cuticles all day. She is amazing.

And I am thrilled to have connected with her, just over-stimulated, by all the ideas! And energies! And possibilities! And Ideas! And Projects! And possible collaborations!

Whimper-- god, I am a wuss.

Then I spent the rest of the afternoon running errands for printing needs for all of our posters, flyers, what have you. The kind of errands where I have to make choices and decisions and, you know, exercise the gray matter. (NOTE: exercising the gray matter hurts. Must lie down with a pink silk lavender sachet over my eyes-- thanks to Otter, I actually have one).

Picked up some dinner goods from a lovely Bistro in downtown Concord and then headed south to Manchester to hook up with my girl Lisa who is helping to keep my head attached to my shoulders (TIP: double-sided tape-- awesome stuff).

We ate, talked about all the wonderful ways our lives are exploding like shooting stars in a million different directions-- worked on SAW stuff and then I got in the car and drove home. Spent. Fried. A head filled with visions of lying prostrate on a feather bed, for days.

This morning I woke up and the heavy, dark rain that has been a rather frequent guest here this summer of 2008 was pouring down with no end in sight.

(checks out the window) Yep, still pouring. Heavily.


See why I go days without writing to you? It's to spare you this.

You're welcome.

Now Jeeves? Please draw me a hot, bubble bath. Tout de suite.

another photo from The Glass Knob

got 2 cents?

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Chris says:
I am so bummed I can't make it to SAW, but I am sending tons of good vibes your way. It just know it's going to be a super succes!
posted on: August 06

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Jazz says:
You are doing great. SQUAM will be great. Your grey matter is obviously working fine. Most people would never care enough to organize something like that. You rock girl, and don't you ever forget it. Now, what scent do you want your bubbles to be?
posted on: August 06

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bp says:
oh thanks you guys!! and um, olive oil scented . . yum
posted on: August 06

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Heather says:
BP - I am in awe of you girl!!!! You are such a wonderful soul to be organizing all of this and I know it will be a success. Enjoy your bubbles - perhaps some bubbly to go with?
posted on: August 06

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bella says:
And here I had you pegged as a lavender girl. All that running around will no doubt pay off, as I'm sure that SAW will be a bleeping awesome event. xx
posted on: August 06

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christina says:
You are NOT a wuss. Not even a tiny little bit of one. You are amazing and brilliant and you are giving the world this amazing, astounding gift of collaboration and creativity. I don't know a single other person who can do what you do. Smooches to you.
posted on: August 06

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Tracey says:
Feeling unstitched is perfectly normal at this hour. You are doing a marvelous job, even wisely delegating to boot (ie. yahoo group moderator throne). Just remember that miracles will unfold on their own; SAW will be what it ought to be. Fret not. Manage what you must and Providence will do the rest. Take good care of you. Oh, and sign me up for the Glass Knob tour! XO
posted on: August 06

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river selkie says:
i love the gnomes! and speaking of forces of nature, bo, you are one too, in all the grand ways. :)
posted on: August 07

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Swirly says:
Geez. I love you more and more every time I come here. Now THAT is CHEESE OVERLOAD. You're a rock star and you are doing an extraordinary, brave, magnificent, brilliant thing and I am profoundly grateful for YOU.
posted on: August 07

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lizardek says:
You are just about the BIGGEST non-wuss wuss I ever met. *rubs your neck*
posted on: August 07

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Claire says:
fried blue poppy drizzled with olive oil... can I just copy and paste what swirly said: "You're a rock star and you are doing an extraordinary, brave, magnificent, brilliant thing and I am profoundly grateful for YOU." thanks, I felt it needed to be said twice.
posted on: August 07

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bp says:
hey all-- it's morning here and, wait for it-- GRAY AND RAINY-- but I'm enjoying a fresh cup of coffe which OVERFLOWETH with love and affection for you all-- I am so lucky to be connected with each of you-- BISOUS!!
posted on: August 07

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Bethany says:
If you're a wimp, I'm a slug. And boy oh boy do I wish I could come to SAW... Enjoy the olive oil bath! (Hint, if you add some linguine, garlic, and a dash of red pepper flakes, you'll have lunch. Multi-tasking!)
posted on: August 07

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Sam says:
Oh you. I can't imagine how overwhelming and crazy it must be, but it's gonna be like Harry Potter kind-of magical. I've always known you were full of magic, and now you're just spreading it out, being the fairygodmother to the masses. I will enjoy SAW from the sidelines this year, but oh holy Lord when next year comes? My joy will explode from it all, I can't wait ALREADY.
posted on: August 07

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immersion says:
What every you do, don't loose that flow of electricity. . . I've long ago lost my extention cord and need a jump.
posted on: August 07

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immersion says:
That should be lose. My mind is a bit loose.
posted on: August 07

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hele says:
You rock even when whimpering.
posted on: August 07

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jin says:
I have to add my heartfelt words of gratitude for every wonderful magical thing you have done. And you are still keeping on doing! You are amazing. Well done for everything!!! And THANK YOU. Big hugs xx
posted on: August 07

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Sheryl says:
It must be crazy trying to manage all that. But good crazy. Anyone would be exhausted doing all that stuff. You are going to enrich so many people's lives it's going to be awesome!
posted on: August 09

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dodo says:
dressed AND with a washed face?? you surely cannot ask for more than that?
posted on: August 11

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Sistah says:
I LOVE your blog, BP!!! Gorgeous writing interspersed with gorgeous photos-- what a delightful combination. All I want to say is: you've got nothing to learn from me. But I hope the sunshine this weekend makes up for the 11th-hour visit last month. And yes, houses-- full of dogs-- that don't smell like dog... that is truly a gift to all visitors! Love, C.
posted on: August 11

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violetismycolor says:
Oh yes, trying to spare us from the rain. I live in Oregon, you know. I can take it!
posted on: August 11

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Molly says:
Oh, oh, but this glorious thing that you are doing. What an amazing adventure. xo
posted on: August 12

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susan says:
isn't katy the absolute best?
posted on: August 13

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