
July 22, 2008 7:45 PM- was there something I was supposed to be doing?

Okay-- I just could not resist.

A bit of silly fun.

If you want to do the same, go here.

Other than putting dog photos into cat photos, what have I been doing? Lots of long, long emails where with some sweet people who are helping me make sense of my nonsensical head. Lots of emails and mailings and calls and bizz-bizz with SAW. Lots of walks up and down the lane with an occasional up and down the mountain with those three yellow dogs.

Some painting, some puttering-- a complete lack of beach time however as the weather has been CRAP for six weeks and that is all I'm going to say about the w-e-a-t-h-e-r.

In short, you have missed nothing. When I am back on my game and have some goods to share-- I will share like it's Thanksgiving after a bountiful harvest-- until then-- abondanza!!

got 2 cents?

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leah says:
o my, those kitten butts are killin me!! :-)
posted on: July 22

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Tracey says:
When I saw Henry on Vogue, I thought it was real! I was like, go Henry makin' the fame-train. He IS a natural beauty and oozes charm. Keep on puttering and playing and enjoying yourself, E!
posted on: July 22

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love squalor says:
missed nothing? i was missing you already!
posted on: July 22

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lizardek says:
I can totally see Henry sweeping 'em on Top Model. Don't stay away too long, you rock our socks, you know :)
posted on: July 23

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Claire says:
haaaaa! a vogue coverdog if ever there was one...x
posted on: July 23

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Jazz says:
Ollie! I love Ollie we don't see enough of Ollie.
posted on: July 23

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Sharon says:
love it so very much. I have to echo lizardek..... you rock our socks.
posted on: July 23

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christina says:
When I saw that first photo--I didn't even blink. Henry just looks like he should be there. I was wondering who your pretty cousin or neice was who was reading V.
posted on: July 23

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bella says:
hey, nothing better than seeing your lovie on the cover of vogue. mmwahh. heart your sweet comment.
posted on: July 23

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hele says:
Thank you for making me smile :)
posted on: July 24

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violetismycolor says:
I thought it was just me having weird non-summery weather in the summer. The sun finally broke through here...yesterday is was like 63 degrees at 5 o'clock...what the???>
posted on: July 24

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coquette says:
Henry looks great! For a second I thought that was Kate Moss on the cover again, but I'm always getting those two confused!
posted on: July 24

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Heather says:
Hey wait a minute - I thought you weren't going to be posting for a while! Anyways, love the Henry cover!
posted on: July 24

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Liana says:
I love that Henry appears to be on the cover of not only Vogue, but RUSSIAN Vogue. SO awesome :)
posted on: July 25

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Swirly says:
Oh you are right in the middle of all the juicy stuff...so much goodness...isn't it funny we feel like we have to have something amazing! and brilliant! and announcement-ish. I just feel lucky that I am one of those who gets to walk with you on this journey. So honored!
posted on: July 25

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Pippa says:
Blue Poppy I am passing on to you the Arte Y Pico award because your words and your photos always fill me with a sense of awe. More detail over at the Porch. Hey girl, it is truly time you tell me where to find your feed! :) Enjoy the summer rest... Love & joy Pippa
posted on: July 26

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