
June 23, 2008 6:33 PM- ad nauseum

The time has come said the Walrus to the Carpenter . . well, not really, it was just me talking to myself but GOD I have to get that last post down and yes, I really do have a range of things I might share with you, but no, I'm just not in the mood to write.

Do you ever get that way? Just full of things you might could* share, yet it's like a herd of sheep are lazily and most haphazardly crossing the road blocking up traffic for miles and all you can do is sit in your car and flip through radio stations with growing annoyance until you shut if off completely and curse the fact that the only cd in the car is Tibetan flute music because you know you are stuck here for hours.

Yeah, it's kinda like that.

Very drifty. Not so much with the floaty, more like waterlogged. We have been besieged with downpours of rain, thick heavy submarine shaped clouds from morning until night and not to suggest that the meteorological movements are directly influenced by my thought formations, but I'm guessing it's the universe's way of getting me to stop thinking I would ever want to move to Portland, Oregon.

Dear Portland Oregon,
You may have many, many cool people I would like to be friends with and many, many fabulous shops I where I might lovingly fondle interesting goods and many, many restaurants and bookstores that I would truly love to get to know, but your rain? It's a dealbreaker, mon cheri.

It's not you, it's me-- I seek high and dry and great big sky.

Be well. Let's not rule out a long visit sometime?

Bisous, bp

What was I saying? Oh yes, perhaps if I were in the mood to write a murder mystery and needed endless miles of fog to wrap across the field and through the trees for inspiration. Alas, Agatha Christie I am not.

Nor am I in the mood to walk the dogs at all. Poor, poor walkless dogs.

So, until next we meet-- I would tell you what I have planned for my next post, but that would be silly since we both know I will be in some other place entirely next time I write and god knows what will be in my head then.

Surprise is the key-- so says The Art of War, or-- at least it should. I wouldn't know as I've never read it, but I'm guessing there has to be something in there about surprise. It's a good tactic in most things, except parties. How I hate surprise parties.

You didn't know that, did you?

* I send that out to you my dear Eudora Welty.

got 2 cents?

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Tracey says:
The fact that you managed to write something, anything when you're having a waterlogged, roaming-sheep, non-dog-walking day, makes the above entry a gift. Note to self: no surprise party for BP.
posted on: June 23

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Swirly says:
My how I love your musings....they always give me a grin.
posted on: June 23

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alexis says:
come visit Oregon in July, August or September. the other 9 months it will be wet but I think the winter rain is nothing compared to your snow!
posted on: June 23

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lizardek says:
Don't give up on Oregon yet (it has desert, too, you know)...it may rain every day but it usually does it in the morning and then the rest of the day is gorgeous :) And it totally doesn't surprise me that you don't like surprise parties.
posted on: June 24

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nichole says:
you would totally fit right in for PDX. yeah it rains during the winter but really the PNW is the most dry area of the country in the summer months. I saw a graphic on the news the other day that shows we even get less rain than the southwest this time of year. weird. and of course. come visit me.
posted on: June 24

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bp says:
okay alexis and nicole-- watch out-- I'm coming!
posted on: June 24

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Heather says:
Yes, Kansas is getting WAY too much rain these days too. But it's good to hear Portland isn't that rainy in the summer. I too would love to visit it more than just a drive through I had a few years ago.
posted on: June 24

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Laini says:
Poor Portland, poor rainy Portland. Yes, it is rainy, it cannot be denied. Portland doggies must often walk in the rain. But, actually, it's not that it RAINS all the time, as that it is often overcast and looking like it MIGHT rain. I think. Strangely, right now, though I have lived here for 7-1/2 years, I can't really think what the weather is like except for right now, which is warmish and dry. And as Nichole says above, it barely rains in the summer at all. It can go months, so that you're yearning for rain. Yes: DO come visit!
posted on: June 24

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violetismycolor says:
I live in Portland and love it, too. But you know, it rained more in Washington, DC, when I lived there. And it rained once a week all summer long. I love the fact that we have almost no rain all summer, and no humidity, either. But everyone has their own place, and maybe yours isn't Portland. Your place is so lovely and I'm sure it matches you perfectly. xxoo...come visit us in Portland...
posted on: June 25

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hele says:
"Just full of things you might could* share, yet it's like a herd of sheep are lazily and most haphazardly crossing the road blocking up traffic for miles and all you can do is sit in your car and flip through radio stations with growing annoyance until you shut if off completely and curse the fact that the only cd in the car is Tibetan flute music because you know you are stuck here for hours." This is the best description I have read all year. It so describes how I have been feeling about writing lately.
posted on: June 25

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Marilyn says:
Dear BP, I have surfaced and am making the rounds to say, yes, I'm alive...and very much hope that you are, too. This is the second time today that I've read a mention of "The Art of War." (I get it, universe.) re Portland and rain...that's a myth we like to perpetuate (I say "we" because once a Portlander, always one) to keep the population down. If you really want rain, go to Seattle. ;)
posted on: June 28

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