
June 09, 2008 6:14 PM- a title eludes me

Sometimes I find it hard to live with myself.

Other times, I think, hey, I'm all I've got--come on now, how about a little sugar?

When I drop, most unexpectedly, off the cliff-- it is with great relief that I discover the strong bungee cords (okay, maybe they are not bungee cords, but-- you know, some kind of mountain climbing ropes, come now, don't get me tangled on the details or we know I'll never get through this) have me safely wrapped in their care.

Sure I bounce about in the whipping wind there for a moment. Sure, there's an involuntary flooding of whatever those hormones are that create fear and panic (again, let's not worry about the details, like proper names, etc)-- but as I bounce back and forth against the cliff wall until it all settles down and I can begin climbing back up, I know it's going to be okay and oddly, I always find stuff down here that I've totally forgotten about-- and sometimes I even bring it back up with me when I return to the top.

Like today. Had I posted earlier to you today, I would never share what I'm about to share. No, at that time, I would have told you about this weekend and how Saturday was one my all-time happiest days ever. Seriously. Just in a deep joy place and god, did it feel good. I wish I could tell you that it was because Jon Stewart and Ira Glass stopped in for dinner and we had SUCH a gas hanging out-- or that we got a call from our dear uncle that we've never met who lives in the South of France and guess what?! He really wants s to come and stay with him, you know-- for as long as we like!

No, it was nothing glamorous or exciting.

We moved furniture.

Yep, that was pretty much it.

Last week I had gotten rid of a bunch of furniture that really needed to move on to its next happy home and that somehow shifted the energy fields and damn, if I wasn't still nursing my first cup of coffee on Saturday morning when T says to me, "hey, you wanna bring all the stuff from the tv room down to my office and make the tv room into a guest room?"

I know-- almost as good as opening the door and finding Jon Stewart and Ira Glass--

And we did-- this was serious, hefty moving-- doors off hinges, grunting, hauling-- but when it was all done-- we had two brand-new rooms and they feel amazing! It's like the house was telling us, dudes, you've got things all wrong here-- straighten it out. And we did, and lo, it is good.

So then I walked the dogs and the weather was heady and sublime-- I was just so deeply content. The day continued on in that manner, little funny surprises and twists and it was all just delightful-- to me. I KNOW.

(Thank god most readers of this site use it as a sleeping aid as they dozed off ages ago-- shhhh, I'll keep going, but we'll have to be quiet).

Sunday was equally wonderful with more activity, heavy on the feng'in and the shui'in.

It continued into this morning when I had a most unplanned, propitious meeting with someone who gave me a real shot in the arm with regard to SAW and so, you know all is fine and dandy and la dah la dee dah until I make a fateful error.

*cue Jaws soundtrack*

I called my mother.

*ducks* *winces*

I know-- I KNOW-- WTF?? What was I thinking??

Well, today is their 107th wedding anniversary (or is their 110th? I've lost track) and, more to the point, they are coming here for a visit (for the first time ever, I might add) this weekend and I hadn't heard from them in months and I thought, hey, you know-- check in, confirm plans---


Imagine a fragile vase, perhaps made by a child, maybe a few hand-painted flowers adorn its little belly-- now imagine a wrecking ball descending from where it just demolished a towering New York City brick building into a pile of rubble and smashing across the room -- obliterating the vase and the table it was sitting on and taking out a few windows on its way.

That's really the best way to express how it feels.

And, if you are rolling your eyeballs at me in scorn and irritation--- I can appreciate that, I really can. But I needed to write this out-- I needed to get it out of my system. It helps to see how petty it all is.

I got off the phone and took the dogs down the road. It's warm and humid today so we stopped at every creek along the way. I walked fast and we walked for miles.

When we got home, I went downstairs to a 3-drawer metal file cabinet in the basement where all my old writing is and I dug through folders. I was looking for one specific thing (that I found) and then kept digging in and scanning through ancient journal entries and scribbles and it actually made me feel better. It is so heartening to read my voice from the past and see all I have come through and how I was able to form a life utterly unlike the one I was born to.

And then? I found a photo that made me laugh and laugh. Daisy and Henry came over and they laughed, too-- it was quite the party down there on the cool cement floor by the open metal file cabinet.

Ever had trouble reconciling bluepoppy --the whacked out homestead queen-- with the alleged corporate wank?

Well, your days of furrowed brows are over! (Sorry Henry, not for you).

Behold, the wank that was-- please hold all deer in headlight jokes--

I call it, "bp on crack."

got 2 cents?

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Colleen says:
OMG BP! How can I wait til SAW to meet you? Homestead Queen, love that, and of course you're gonna tell us all about the transformation? As the sweat rolls into my eyes as I water the garden adding to the humidity.....thanks for the pick me up, I am not alone. That whole mother thing.......22 years and she couldn't find NH(from CT)
posted on: June 09

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Chris says:
Even as a "corporate wank" you had great hair, kiddo. Good luck with Mom as Houseguest.
posted on: June 09

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lizardek says:
You are more than welcome to borrow MY mom whenever you like, you know that. And deer in the headlights aside, you SO PRETTY!
posted on: June 10

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Naomi says:
A little bit corporate yes... but I don't see any wank at all! (And I am ENVIOUS of your hair).
posted on: June 10

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Bethany says:
Your first line says a whole hell of a lot, except I might substitute "Sometimes" with "Often" or "Usually" or "Every Freaking Second That Doesn't Involve Coffee." Your cliff analogy is perfect, though, and makes me feel 30% less freak... so thank you. Also? That's an awfully gorgeous crack photo!
posted on: June 10

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Jazz says:
Not having met the whacked out homestead queen, I am blown away by the corporate wank. As for the mom visit: breathe. Just breathe.
posted on: June 10

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immersion says:
If there is a prize or a prestigious reward for blogging, you have my vote on this one. From beginning to end, it is a hilarious journey. Loved the surprise photo too. Quite assertive!
posted on: June 10

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catherine says:
I think in those days of corporate wankness you ate babies for breakfast AND stopped wars single-handedly - really. Fierce and fiercesome, in a good way, I mean, those babies were ripe for the eating anyway. ;) I haven't seen my biological mother since 1986. She's a total whack job. Out of my three sisters and I, I happen to be the lucky lucky one to get the majority of her genetic handmedowns, some days I'm surprised I make it back up the cliff at all. Ditto on all your fabulousness BP :) xo c.
posted on: June 10

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Claire says:
You achieved "executive impostor look" with aplomb! and I feel like that every time I speak to my dad - which I always seem to do when I'm feeling good with everything lovely and perhaps I've achieved something especially wonderful that I'm proud of. Yeah. What were we thinking??
posted on: June 10

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Mindy says:
I called my mom on Sunday to chat and instead got a 20 minute rant from her about all the negative things in her life. The whole time I just said, "Yep" every 5 minutes or so. Later my hubs said he thought it was a telemarketer b/c I hadn't actually spoken a word. I feel your pain. On day I will be able to crush the joy out of my child's day with just one short phone call. Your corporate photo hair looks kinda like my yearbook photo!
posted on: June 10

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Heather says:
I've tried to write a comment several times and I just don't know what to say! Not that I didn't like the post or anything (zzzzzzzzz - just kidding!), I just don't know what to write, but I wanted to just I say I stopped in today!
posted on: June 10

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leah says:
great post, bp. that corporate photo is fabulous, you're so pretty! and you gotta love the windblown look. as for the mom, sending you as many peaceful family vibes as I can muster. xoxo
posted on: June 10

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