
May 22, 2008 8:40 AM- there may be spoilers, be advised

Dear People of Atonement,

Let's talk about the suspension of disbelief, or, for our purposes, SOD.

As you know, generating SOD for your viewers is key for a story that might otherwise fall into that category of, hmm, I don't know, utterly implausible?

Perhaps the book is more artful in its story development (I wouldn't know as I tried to read it -- valiantly, I might add -- on three separate occasions but never got beyond the first ten pages), but this film you have concocted was so silly as to elicit derision from this consumer.

A bit more attention on the SOD, people. You must create SOD.
SOD does not come willy nilly; it must be carefully, intelligently crafted.

Granted, I was only there to see the green dress and take in some of the 20's clothing as I do truly love the sartorial style of the 1920s-- wait. The film began in 1935? Funny, how'd I get that so wrong? Anyway, the green dress-- please. Please. Do you actually expect me to suspend incredulity for that? A slit up to her girl bits? Completely backless with skinny straps in 1935? Worn by a girl of the upper class whose mother is in the house?


For the record, my favorite dress was the dropped waist, pleated wonder that Briony wore. And now, since we're talking about Briony-- um, do you people ever do like, I don't know, reality checks?

Here's Briony, an important role to cast well to be sure, and you did-- with a tow-headed, fair-skinned little chickie. Fine. But then her older sister has dark hair and dark brown eyes. Maybe this was also in the book? And the mother doesn't look related to either. Come now, is it really so hard to try an illusion of family? I guess what annoys me is that you would have had to darken Keira Knightley's hair to that horrid, unnatural color and I just don't get it. Why?

(Oh, and if you think I'm going to diss the fact that Keira can't act and you might have chosen any one of the gazillion talented British actresses available to you, I won't. I'm not na?ve, you need the big star draw . . I get it, but you might have fed her, seriously).

(And, the casting choice of young woman Briony SO did not lead us to Vanessa Redgrave, people. Come on. Are you paying anyone to cast this movie or do you throw darts at the wall?)

Other problematic sequences: Briony was the only person to see her sister so very slowly take off all her clothes, jump into the well (the well that is IN DIRECT VIEW of the house), climb out of the well, stand dripping in front of her boy-o for a good long time, re-dress, then walk across the grass back into the house soaking wet and with her shirt undone? Let me make sure I got that right, the only person who noticed this rather big show was a little girl up in the window because, oh, that's right, there were only three other children in the house, a full staff of servants running around and houseguests all of whom must have been, you know, distracted.

And a guy just happens to decide to rape a little girl because they are out looking for two little boys and he thinks there's time enough? And Briony is so confused by all the sex going on around her, oh sure, her sister's gonna be going at it in the library in that green dress before dinner AND Briony's gonna just happen to walk in on that-- yeah, I know-- in the book it must've worked, so very plausible, I guess.

Okay, enough of all that. Here's the good news: I did come away with something from this film. Granted, I've never been much of a how-romantic-to-live-in-a-English-mansion kind of girl (more of a small-cottage-by-the-beach type, myself), but thanks to your movie set choice of a truly hideous interior, I have been effectively immunized from ever falling prey to the let's-go-live-in-a-big-stone-house-in-England fantasies. Hoagly. Most hoagleriffic.

Wait, maybe big ugly house was in the book, too?

Alrighty then. That's all for now. Do better next time.

got 2 cents?

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Tami says:
From watching Pirates of the Caribbean, I truly thought Keira had a chest. However, this movie proves that she has nothing, nada, zip under that wisp of a green dress. I agree; they should have fed her!
posted on: May 22

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lynne says:
I have no desire to see the movie having slogged through (skipping huge chunks) of this book. UGH. I hated it! It might have made a good short story but there was no need to turn into anything else. Every one I've talked to has LOVED both book and movie. I was beginning to think I was the only one who didn't like it! Thank you bp!
posted on: May 22

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Bethany says:
Oo oo, so glad I wasn't the only one aggravated by this movie! I wasn't bothered as much by the unbelievability, though, as I was by the extreme unlikeability of every character. You kind of WANT them to all end up dead (er, if you're a closet misanthropist like me, that is)!
posted on: May 22

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Chris says:
I had SUCH high expectations for this movie, because I love me some WWII-era tragic romance. But this movie was just too damn depressing. And Keira, darling, I'm not buying the "I'm skinny because I've always been thin" BS. I saw you in "Princess of Thieves" (yeah, I know) in 2001 and you were an adorable, normal-sized girl. The emaciated skeleton you are now is just caving to Hollywood-standards. Be yourself and eat a burger, girl!
posted on: May 22

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Chris says:
Sorry, BP, that kind of turned into a rant. Won't happen again!
posted on: May 22

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bp says:
ha ha-- oh no BRING on the rant-- this is a rant post, after all-- and Bethany you crack me up-- "I want them to all end up dead" HA-- come on over for tea, you're just my type---
posted on: May 22

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Tracey says:
Just watched this one last night! Jeepers. Best Picture of the Year = POPPYCOCK. I found it a good example of a contrived film, forcing empty emotion. I do enjoy Vanessa Redgrave, though. Have you seen her in (Henry Jaglom's) Deja Vu? To me, THAT is a love story (even without a smashing dress).
posted on: May 22

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catherine says:
I have much much much much much lower expectations from fiction - movies and/or books - all through the movie JP kept saying, why is she doing that? who is that? why is this happening? I told him to shut it and just watch the silly thing. Sometimes all a movie or a book has to be is commercial free uninterrupted fluff, no need for reality, I get enough of that every day. Now, Lars and the Real Girl - that was nicely done. Good movie. :)
posted on: May 22

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lizardek says:
I couldn't manage to read the book either, finally gave up and threw it in the flea market pile. The movie holds no attraction for me whatsoever; your review puts the capper on that.
posted on: May 22

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bp says:
*shaking water out of her ears* *blinking* WHAT? The book reader of all book readers who consumes novels like I plow through a bowl of tortilla strips tossed the book, too?!! AM REDEEMED. I AM REDEEMED.
posted on: May 22

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Heather says:
I read the book first and was like, ho hum. I friend dragged me to the movie and I really didn't understand what the fuss was. I didn't think the green dress was all that great, Keira couldn't act worth s*** in it ... the older Briony was hideous. However, I did LOVE how the younger Briony walked and yes, I too LOVED her dress. But yeah, pretty much the movie sucked.
posted on: May 22

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Jazz says:
Damn. I have the book but haven't read it yet, nor have I seen the movie. Nor do I feel like doing either now. Yay! one book I can cross off the list!!!!
posted on: May 23

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Molly says:
Have yet to see the movie, but I did enjoy the book--at least, the style of writing. I much preferred Enduring Love.
posted on: May 23

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Swirly says:
GENIUS - that's you. Spot on, girlfriend!
posted on: May 23

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Wexfordgirl says:
I LOVED the green dress, but I agree, no young society miss of the era would have worn it. I thought the movie was pretty, but it left me cold.
posted on: May 28

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