
November 21, 2007 8:13 AM- hello winter

The snow found us yesterday. It fell for hours in a rather light, haphazard way which had me into thinking it wouldn't stick. Ha. Tricky flakes-- it accumulated to about 4 inches, but at least it was light and easy to scrape off my car when I got a call to go pick up T at the bottom of the drive. His VW Jetta was not going to make it up the unplowed hill.

What's that? You're asking me why I didn't plow the road myself? Please. I only do that when left alone for two weeks and have no alternative.

Besides, the dogs loved getting out for one more run in the dark. It was an adventure!

I'd been writing a post about how everyone should buy handmade this holiday as never before has it been easier to support individuals and small businesses and oh! the utter fabulous creations that are out there--and, of course, the idea of empty malls on that hateful, marketing creation "black friday" filled me with a special glee. I even began listing out links and whatnot, but then my anarchist spirit trashed the whole thing.

"Hey, Pedantic One," shouted my Inner Anarchist, "People have a tradition of going to the mall and box stores. It's their thing-- if you want to buy handmade then freaking buy handmade. Live and let live, you tiresome halfwit."

Who knew anarchists were so insulting? Clearly, he's been spending too much time with my inner critic.

Miles to go before I sleep and I just woke up, but that's just how it is right now. Holiday prep (hey! thanks to all of you who linked us up with Alton Brown-- we brined the turkey last night. Fingers crossed that it doesn't taste like the rind of salt pork at tomorrow's dinner), projects calling to me, a dream of sitting and reading (more like a mirage), and a body that is missing its vim and seems to be sporting flu-like symptoms of nausea and body aches. But that simply cannot be.

No indeedy not. Mind over matter. Spit Spot. -- fabulolus, my inner anarchist has been replaced with Mary Poppins.

May your Thanksgiving holiday be filled with grace. Blessed be.

got 2 cents?

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Tami says:
The pictures of the snow are lovely. If we had four inches here, they would call off school. I hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving.
posted on: November 21

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wee says:
oh my. These images are filling me with bittersweet twinklings that alight on my skin and dissolve to wet pinprick diamonds. I can just picture myself there, mug in hand, feet bare, dogs whispering about, awashed in the lavender glow of it all. I love the first snow. It's so solemn and sweet. We're suppose to get ours tonight.
posted on: November 21

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Jazz says:
It's snowing here right now. I kept hoping that yesterday's snow was a fluke. But no... As for buying handmade, I feel like not buying at all this year.
posted on: November 21

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endment says:
Our snow came and went but at no time did I have a view as spectacular as those you have captured. Im with jazz I feel like not buying at all this year. I am going to make some computer generated cards and ... Perhaps you had better send Mary Poppins to visit out my way :)
posted on: November 21

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Sherry says:
Snow? That would be a HUGE news story here with the reporter bending down as he comments on the snow to scoop up a handful of the less than half inch accumulation, hold it in his hand like it's the cause of all functioning coming to a halt. It's a big story here. Good to hear you pulled up your boot straps and took on the "manly" tasks. Women power. Have a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving!
posted on: November 21

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Amber says:
I am so with you on the handmade gifts! Every year I get grinchier and grinchier as a direct result of retail cramming their wares down our throats. This will be the year that I buy absolutely nothing beyond supplies and Little Miss Ava some toys. Handmade all the way, baby!
posted on: November 21

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Melissa says:
Spit spot. I say that all the time! : ) Blessed be to you, as well. It's been a bit since I've had the time to stop by. New job and all. I love the idea of making gifts, and I'm doing that a lot this year, as last. I'm soaking it up. Happy Thanksgiving.
posted on: November 21

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Anne Kelly says:
I'd say you need to keep your inner anarchist and inner critic from meeting over coffee, but, honestly, they crack me up! I married my inner anarchist and his favorite line when I've spun myself into a tizzy of 'have to get dones' is, "You know you don't *have* to do anything. This is your choice." He makes me crazy when I'm mid spin, but I'm starting to listen to him. I just pretend I don't.
posted on: November 21

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daphne says:
Yes, handmade is so much better and heartfelt. We stopped buying gifts altogether a few years ago. It really makes the season better - less stress, less spending, more time for relaxing and enjoying the wonders of the season. We got our first snow this morning, too. Yay! Oh, and the brining, it is delish! No pork rind-y flavor to be had. I've been making turkeys that way for the past 4 (OMG it's been that long) years and won't go back.
posted on: November 21

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lianne says:
You know what is sad? I don't even want to do Christmas gifts. I just want to sit around the tree and look lovingly at my kids and family. Yeah, they are really going to go for that. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
posted on: November 21

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Claire says:
that view with the snow is SO beautiful...ahhh, just rain here. And more rain. I'm doing handmade gifts too this year - last year I cunningly forced through a major change in our family gift buying by making my dad do it for the first time ever...which means this year I no longer have to buy 35 gifts for my extended family...the madness has stopped! happy thanksgiving, I feel like joining in - you get to eat sweet potato and pies, oui? x
posted on: November 21

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lizardek says:
You're among the things I'm so very thankful for this year :)
posted on: November 21

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Naomi says:
Ahh so envious of your snow! And I am going semi-handmade with my Christmas gifts this year, including 24 handmade Advent surprises for my sweetheart. (But sshhh don't ruin the surprise!)
posted on: November 21

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catherine says:
Have a wonderfully blessed house full of laughter, smiles, toasts and hugs...Happy Thanksgiving! :)
posted on: November 21

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nichole says:
yep handmade fo' sure. My yoga studio's retail area is chock full of local artists' stuff: jewelry, knit hats,gloves, and scarfs, individually produced audio inspirational CDs, even tibetan style hot sauce and salsa.
posted on: November 21

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christina says:
Happy thanksgiving, lovely E! I do so hope you're feeling better already (Bean got fantastically sick--all over the place--at dinner tonight, so I'm feeling particularly sorry for anyone with even slight nausea.)
posted on: November 21

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tinker says:
Snow! That's what I want for Christmas - I have about a snowball's chance in h-e-double toothpicks of getting it though. So I must soak up yours vicariously - thank you for sharing yours so generously. Wishing you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving, BP.
posted on: November 22

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Marilyn says:
Just stopping by, BP, to say Happy Thanksgiving to you and T -- hope it's a good one!
posted on: November 22

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tinker says:
I came back to take back my wish - after looking at a eleventy hundred photos of snow - I just remembered how cold it is! Wishing you a warm Thanksgiving, BP!
posted on: November 22

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Chris says:
Snow, wow, an early winter for you, eh? Happy Turkey Day! May you enjoy your visitors, not get the flu, and somehow find an hour to read.
posted on: November 22

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Sam says:
Oh, it's truly winter wonderland at Soliden! Hey, I would love your buy handmade post with links and such...I think I really am going to try to do so, as much as possible. (Maybe I can find a cool princess dress for the Green Bean Kid? Because she LOVES all her princess garb, as any fabulous girl does...) Your taste is always amazing and so I say kick that gremlin in the shins and go forth and preach! :)
posted on: November 23

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lynne says:
BEAUTIFUL images as always. So serene. I loved the link back to your other post since I wasn't reading you then. I could get into the plow thing as long as I could still tell where the sides of the road were! At times at our mountain cabin in CO we couldn't tell! Not a good thing. Your driveway looks a bit intimidating! I showed it to my husband and he's ready to move to where you live! ;)
posted on: November 23

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Princess Haiku says:
The poetry in your writing is this clarity I first picked up on. do you have a link to poetry you have written in your archives? There is a musicality in your writing... You could go back and extract a poem straight from this if you were looking for it.- Your own voice. I can't quite put my finger on it but something original.
posted on: December 01

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