
October 19, 2007 3:56 PM- we got no calendars, hey!

19 October 2007

I am not an angry person. Some people (that?s to say, my husband) think I suppress my anger and that it is buried somewhere deep inside of me. For a time, I thought this must be true and even though I couldn?t feel anger, I imagined, intellectually, that I was a walking time-bomb of repression.

Eh, not so much.

I?ve come to a point in my life where I understand myself pretty well and know with a rather high degree of certainty that I am just not an angry person. I did have a great deal of rage that surfaced in my late teens and early twenties. This deep-seated anger manifested in the most common, garden snake variety of juvenile destruction of both self and the world around me, but those wounds have been healed and the only emotions left kicking around that pile of embers is plain old sadness and loss.

However, having said all that, there are two buckets from which my anger can pour. One is in the face of mistreatment and/or destruction of beauty, animals, people, life?it?s the great irony that confronted with a human being?s cruel stupidity I am infused with a murderous rage. Not that I act on it, but stupidity and cruelty will flip my switch.

The other bucket? Getting sick.

Yep?if I get sick I get so mad at myself. Maybe it?s simply misplaced frustration, but it really feels like straight up anger, no chaser.

And, you guessed it?Tuesday night I began to feel that slow, sluggish, muscles aching feeling and an ominous tickle in the back of my throat. Wednesday morning I got up at 5 am so that I could be home by 8 am and have the whole day in front of me to give the dogs a huge walk, and accomplish zillions of tasks, but instead, I was hardly able to be upright for 15 minutes at a go. It sucked. And I was furious at myself.

Then, that same afternoon I received a package from the amazing Laini which shifted my feelings entirely. It was a like a giant wave of light and love and sweetness lofted through the window. And I was so profoundly grateful to her and to the exquisite timing of it all.

Now this woman, I mean, please?not only does she make art that is filled with spirit and magic, she has written a freaking fabulous BOOK that is blazing a trail of rave reviews AND she has another book coming out with no less than Harry Potter?s publisher AND she shares inspiration, encouragement, and all sorts of good things at each of her blogs. She is just such an example of all that can be accomplished (provided you have self-confidence, determination, a helluva work ethic and riotous talent, obvs). She?s extraordinary.

In the package she sent me buttons she made for her Not For Robots blog that I gave to my writing students yesterday who LOVED them.

I?m really at a loss to explain her?do you think she?s perhaps a creature from another planet only posing as a human? Hmmmm, let me think on that.

And in the face of such creative output, I can heartily assert that there will be no 2008 calendars coming out from this neck of the woods. I can hardly get the minimum done?(any extra creative exertion will be relegated to my impending senectitude which I envision as a long, protracted phase of my life where I putz about muttering nonsense).

So, as thrilled as I am that you enjoy these snapshots, they?re pretty much relegated to this here blog until such time as I have a fully-staffed household with no less than two personal assistants, or failing that, a blood transfusion from one of those alien creatures who hail from the same planet as Laini.

19 October 2007

19 October 2007

19 October 2007

19 October 2007

P.S. Two more treats:

Also in the mail I got my copy of The Arrival, (thanks AGAIN to Laini who recommended it on her site) and oh, it is so freaking amazing, I have no words. Let me just say, if illustration that knocks you to your knees is your kind of thing, I suggest you put your hands on it posthaste, or go to Shaun?s website to see what I mean.

And, my dearest friend, the one who has ruined me forever since I can now only enjoy genuine English or Belgian chocolate?the one who has shared in our addiction to Survivor lo these many years?she has a blog! Do stop by and tease her for her British spelling--

got 2 cents?

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Laini Taylor says:
Hi you! I'm glad the package was so well-timed! Thank you for all the wonderful things you said about me -- I'm blushing! Perhaps I should have another button made that says "Not an alien" -- ha ha! Those photos are so beautiful! I can't imagine living in such splendor!
posted on: October 19

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endment says:
Thanks for sharing yourself and for such a great post...
posted on: October 19

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lizardek says:
Being in the throes of a dread virus myself, this also brightened MY day. *cough* Laini is such a lovely inspiration...how could she not be, with that HAIR? :D
posted on: October 20

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catnapping says:
beautiful in heart and talent. amazing work. thank you for the links. i'm glad her timing was so spot on. i hope you feel better soon. colds are nasty any time of year. love, cat
posted on: October 20

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Miss L says:
What fabulous photographs - it looks like the right place to live.
posted on: October 21

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lynnerobinson@mac.com says:
Lovely photos!!! I must get out and see what our fall color has done while I've been away this week. I don't think it's going to be as colorful as last fall because of all the dry weather we had. Laini must be an amazing person; what great art. I wish I had such a gift ... You mean you admit to being addicted to Survivor? Okay, if you can admit it then so can I. Please count me in.
posted on: October 21

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Amber says:
Calendar idea: Since so many artsy creatures flock to your wonderful site, why not throw twelve bids out there for each month. Your pick your favorite shots then let the first twelve to volunteer create a month and lo a calendar is born. Or not, orchestrating could be too much of a bother. Lovely photos though - gifts and trees!
posted on: October 21

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kateri says:
The views are breathtaking. I want to comment on the anger. There are things that justify it in my mind, and you hit mine...mistreatment to children and animals and especially anything that cannot possibly defend itself against the means of aggression. I turn into a full-blown volcano. My husband witnessed me walk between him and man with a rifle who was threatening him along an Arizona highway once. He says I had no fear, and the look in my eyes was like nothing he ever wanted to see again. He said when I opened my mouth the full wrath of God came out. The offender backed off and returned to his vehicle. I have absolutely no memory of the details. I guess we are lucky that the guy had a grain of sense in him, because at the moment I apparently didn't. I have done the same in many other instances...stopped my car in the middle of the street when I saw a young boy being bullied by older boys. When I have seen a women yanking her dog so hard by the collar and screaming at it that she lifted it off the ground, and then kicked it! The problem is that I get physical too. I lose it. I think I'm lucky I've never been in real trouble for my rescuing efforts. It's a side of me that I can't predict, and that I wish handled differently...but it's almost a visceral reaction. Anyhow... what lovely treats. Gorgeous photos. Wish I was in New Hampshire this week! (Although it's really lovely here too)
posted on: October 22

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hel says:
Oh. How lovely you are
posted on: October 22

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Lianne says:
As one who is recovering from some strange autumnal gamboo and still feeling like bed would be the best place, I totally understand your anger towards illness. However, I came to understand this time from my bed of affliction, that sometimes God needs us to be still, to rest, and to consider the lesser things. Life will go on. But sometimes we need to be still.
posted on: October 22

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violetismycolor says:
What beautiful autumn photos. You live in a most lovely place.
posted on: October 22

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nina says:
Love that first foto with the chairs. There's often something beautiful and poignant about empty chairs, especially when they're outside, and you captured that feeling perfectly.
posted on: October 22

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