
January 13, 2007 10:51 AM- the WINNERS

Before I reveal the prize winners (yes! there was a tie! we have TWO winners.), Daisy wanted to express her profound hurt and outright objection at being made the subject of a most unflattering bet.

However, I told her that she, too, would be eligible for a prize just for playing along.

It's funny how the mere mention of a prize seems to soothe even the most wounded ego (my god, did someone actually suggest 34 pounds!! The shame of it).

Now that her ruffled feathers have been smoothed, I can share with you the results of this little contest. Before T left for the vets on Tuesday, I guessed that she would weigh in at 11 pounds; he guessed 12. Her actual weight that morning was 18.9 pounds.

That's right! Garden Wife and Jess are our winners as they both guessed 18 pounds.

Of course, I do need to mention that we had some close contenders as Plain Jane and Otter each were in range with their bets of 19.5, but of course, they went over the target. And, Huberama came in second with a bid of 17.5.

So, Jess and GW-- send me an email with your prize requests. And to all of you playing at home, tell me what you want for consolation prizes.

Right now I've got to get the big brombies out for a good hour+ walk as it is late in the day. (And, for any of your global warming enthusiasts out there it is another lovely warm, March-ish day here in the White Mountains. I've been in Bermuda when it was chillier than it is today.)

Why such a slow start to the day? We stayed up to the wee hours last night watching The Wire. Which, given its original air date of FIVE YEARS AGO should really be your consolation prize that you can laugh out loud at me only getting addicted to it discovering it now. But I have thanks to my West Coast pusher friend for that.

Yeah, I'm looking at you Laini, mofo.

got 2 cents?

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dodo says:
glad to see she's not scarred for life! Years in dog therapy after being rescued then subjected to this might have cost a pretty penny!
posted on: January 13

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Gardenwife says:
Oh, and I never win anything! Tell Miss Daisy I never thought her anything but satiny and svelte. ;)
posted on: January 13

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lizardek says:
My consolation prize request is more doggy photos! :D
posted on: January 13

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susan says:
oh poppy - one thing youmust know, i can't not judge age or weight. or how many jellybeans are in one jar. come by another time dear and we will have some fun!
posted on: January 13

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Claire says:
aw poor baby look at the hurt in her eyes. I must say, I am terrible at guessing weights especially since I only know Lola's weight in kilos and I measure everything else in pounds. Sorry Daisy! For a consolation prize: a puppy, thanks...
posted on: January 13

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melanie says:
I didn't even bother playing along because as anyone who knows me knows that I didn't get the estimation gene when my gene pool was gathering. I probably would have guessed something like 65 pounds or 8 pounds and thought that both sounded reasonable.
posted on: January 13

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river selkie says:
hmm. i was not too far off. oh well. she'll be at 22 pounds before you know it! then...THEN i'll be right! so my correctness is merely in the future.
posted on: January 13

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poppycock says:
oh man, and i really thought she was 13.5 lbs because daisy looks like a supermodel :)
posted on: January 13

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Irene says:
that first picture of Daisy is the best consolation prize ever.
posted on: January 13

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I Think You Should says:
As I read this, my lovely TIVO began recording the very first episode of "The Wire" on BET. Had to delurk at the coincidence of that added to the fact that my Etta shares Daisy's ladyubug collar
posted on: January 13

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plain jane says:
And my first impulse was to guess 18.5 #, then I got all rational and tried to reason it out. Sheesh. I just heard a radio program about dogs on Prozac, maybe that will help.
posted on: January 13

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Heather says:
I'm with lizardek - more photos will be just fine as consolation prizes!
posted on: January 14

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