
January 09, 2006 3:56 PM- one, singular sensation

(Do as she says or we're all gonna die!)

Over the weekend I read Clotilde's post about Best of 2005 and got inspired. Her list, comme toujours, was both lovely and provocative.

So I thought?yes! A best of 2005-- I?ll do that.

But, GRRRrrr. Try as I might, it just wouldn?t come together. Which kind of annoyed me?I mean really, how hard is it to itemize some favorite things from the past year?

Driving to work this morning I was rehashing my annoyance and I realized, not for the first time, that I reject the singularity of ?best of? anything. It?s not that I don?t like or appreciate it when someone else does it, rather it?s as if my body flat-out refuses to cooperate.

Truly, my feminist antibody, normally dormant, rouses herself, gives the amiable ?best of? a caustic once over before slamming the door shut in his face and heading back to her chaise lounge and half-eaten bowl of caramel corn. The singular is so decidedly masculine. I much prefer multiples.

That said, I still have a desire to review 2005 because it was unlike the many years preceding it. And, I very much want to set out some intentions for the year ahead.

So, here we go . . .

Words that come to mind when I think of 2005:


Images that come to mind when I think of 2005:

Moving up to Soliden


Halloweeeeeeen !


Words for 2006:

lush prosperity
daily creativity
great health
helpless laughter
kindred spirits
love all around me

Ways I?d like 2006 to take shape:

~ hack off two of the coils that keep me so tightly wound and LOOSEN THE F*CK UP already

~ have more wild, spontaneous sex because I have so much energy and feel so sexy ALL THE TIME

~ arrive late more often and not worry if I?m late for crying out loud

~ say yes when I?d normally say no

~ focus on the drops going into the bucket and stop worrying about when/how the bucket will ever get full, for F*CK?S SAKE

~ help keep others alive by keeping my fire strong

~ develop genuine healing skills of some kind

~ adopt another puppy

Me & Henry, January 2003

Henry, January 2003

got 2 cents?

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Maddy says:
A lurker, delurking to say how much I am looking forward to reading you in 2006.
posted on: January 09

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jennB says:
I love the way you write those. I'll second them all (except for the puppy thing... I'm all set with critters who rely on me right now. In fact, I have one staring me down. It's time for dinner, I guess)
posted on: January 09

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lizardek says:
Add this to your 2006 to-do list: buy a vowel. Might I suggest "U" ? >:P
posted on: January 09

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Chris says:
Why do I get around here so infrequently? No clue. I just suck. Happy DLW ;-)
posted on: January 09

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chlamygirl says:
yipeee i am not a terrorist!
posted on: January 09

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bella says:
I loved your list and yesterday's post, sorry, had no time to comment. Hoping you fulfill all - and more - in the new year!
posted on: January 09

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ozma says:
For some reason this made me all teary eyed and there is no hormonal reason for that. Love all around me? Was that the final blow? I like the idea of a feminist antibody. I know someone who has a beautiful, amazing house in paradise (vacation home) and she is never happy. Homes in paradise apparently don't make you happy but why is that so hard for me to believe? In any case, from here it looks as if you have everything and more to both fill your list and slop extra joy in random corners to boot. I hope so...I hope if anything is arduous it is undertaken on a completely voluntary basis.
posted on: January 09

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molly says:
My new motto for 2006: More Puppies.
posted on: January 09

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rebekah says:
That is some list for the next year. I absolutely love it, and may just steal a few of them right from under your nose. Great attitude, Chickie.
posted on: January 09

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violetismycolor says:
I find it fascinating that the words the come to mind for 2005 are so sad and harsh, while the images that come to mind are so joyful and uplifting! What does that say about you, BP??? You seem to be an enigma...
posted on: January 09

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samantha says:
It is the Year of the Dog, right? More puppies for everyone! Or just dogs in general, like nice sweet kinda young dogs that aren't so hard to potty train...I love how you hold Henry like a little baby. Here's hoping *raising my imaginary glass of champagne* that this year is all that you hope for and more - full of love gushing over and coils being hacked to pieces with a sharp tomahawk and plenty of warm fires.
posted on: January 09

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wee says:
OMG! Henrypup!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could eat him with a spoon, just one golden gulp! YUMMMMMM-OOO!
posted on: January 09

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Marilyn says:
Oh, Henry! What an adorable pup! (sigh) Wish we could have a dog...but alas, a no-pets rental... :(
posted on: January 09

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teahouseblossom says:
That IS an adorable dog. Do you put him in commercials?
posted on: January 10

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melanie says:
Oh my gosh - adorable puppy pictures!
posted on: January 10

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liz elayne says:
I hope 2006 takes the shape of all your hopes and dreams. And Henry is such a cutie...
posted on: January 10

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Sheryl says:
I can never think of a favorite or a best either. Great thoughts for 2006 (I'm a sister in coils with you. Let's form a group, The Uncoiled :P)
posted on: January 10

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Lauren says:
I need to start saying no when I'd normally say yes.
posted on: January 10

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Lil says:
Another dog? Oh yeah! But Henry will always rule!
posted on: January 10

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Heather says:
I'm all for more puppies ... but then I have four! And here's to more sex ... yeah, let's see ... how long has it been? :)
posted on: January 10

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christina says:
Now I'm all breathless from looking back at all those amazing views. How do you possibly survive the gloriousness of it every day? I love your list of stuff for 2006! I'm on board with every single one. And Henry--gah! What an adorable dog he is!!!
posted on: January 10

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bad penguin says:
Henry looks like a little lion cub in the photo of him in the snow. So cute. I would love to get another dog, too. Hey, isn't 2006 the year of the dog in the chinese calendar?
posted on: January 10

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Chris says:
Love those puppy pictures!!
posted on: January 10

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Sheryl says:
Gah! So sorry I italicized all your comments with my fledgling html. Feel free to edit!
posted on: January 10

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bp says:
No worries Sheryl-- I would take them off but I don't know how---
posted on: January 10

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God's Child says:
Hi Henry!! Nice try with the best of. I didn't even attempt it. My inner feminist eats popcorn in bed with chopsticks. If I make her get up, she threatens me with them.
posted on: January 10

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Reé says:
Delurking here after years of silent admiration, because, darn it, saying "yes" to things to which I'd normally say "no" is my challenge for 2006 as well. (Whew! You did it, Self! Now run away. Ruuuuun!)
posted on: January 10

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Milly says:
Hi Bluepoppy. Hope you're having a great week!
posted on: January 10

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Kara says:
It is indeed all goooood! Thanks for the comment at my new blog. By the way your site is great and I guess I am now officially de-lurking because you are one of my blogging inspirations!
posted on: January 10

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