December 12, 2005 11:49 AM- bullet points
? No, I am not a deadhead. There are two songs that I love in particular (Sugar Magnolia and Ripple) but other than that--- ?twas never my scene. Although in college, I may have frequented the dorm rooms of some certifiable deadheads. And, in the interests of full disclosure, allegations that I partook of the host's offerings might have elements of validity.
? Friday I went to Cambridge and then Boston for sundry errands and DAMN if there wasn?t the wildest ass storm in the middle of the day! Five inches of snow dropped in 32 minutes. The wind was blowing horizontally as I tried to walk 200 feet to my car and forced me inside (lucky me it was an Italian coffee shop) where I looked around at the other dazed people with bright red cheeks as we uttered a collective WTF? And then it began lightning and thundering. In the middle of a snowstorm. If you are not from around here, let me assure you, this is NOT NORMAL.
? But the crazy assed weather left as quickly as it came and Friday night I walked with friends through the brownstone streets of Boston?s South End, marveling in the crystal clear air, the streetlights, the magic of fresh snow in the city. Our destination was an artists? craft fair where I got the greatest felt hat. Felt! It?s the rage. I also got some wonderful, unique presents for people---- then we went to a bar/bistro and I remembered how fun it is to sit down to dinner at 10:30 p.m.
? Soliden is delicious. It feeds my soul. I have a number of new creative projects for the coming year that, collectively, will allow me to sail free. My mantra, as ever: ?multiple streams of income.? Of course I will share ALL the details once they are launched.
? I got a hair cut in Cambridge and on Saturday I felt that it looked a bit too much like Catherine Keener?s do in Capote where she played Harper Lee. I love me some Catherine Keener and adore Harper Lee?but the do? Not so much. But this morning, I realized the cut is good--- it was the felt hat I was wearing ALL WEEKEND LONG. So, tip of the day, if you want 1950?s Harper Lee via Catherine Keener hair, just wear a felt hat for 36 hours.
? And yes, I saw Capote ages ago?and no, I haven?t opined on it. Just as I have not opined on jack in forever.
? Lizardek, do NOT give up on me!!! I am in process on your page. I am. I am. It will be winging its way to you. Promise.
Most importantly? Danni won Survivor! My faith in humanity has been restored. Best season ever.
got 2 cents?
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lizardek says: I would NEVER give up on you. :) posted on: December 12
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christina says: I adore bullet points.
The snowstorm missed us up here. Holy crap it sounds like it was amazing. Thunder & lightening in a snowstorm??? I have yet to see Capote. Perhaps I'll wait until you opine it. And please, BP, we must see pictures of the HAIR. posted on: December 12
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Rebekah says: Oh Boston!!! I'm SO jealous. It's my favorite city ever, ever. I used to spend a couple of days a couple of times a month there on business - stayed at the Boston Harbor Hotel (best service in the world) and walked, walked, walked everywhere. It's heaven - but it does have some scary ass snowstorms! Your proximity to Boston from Soliden is to die for! Please tell us about Capote. Haven't seen it yet, but I'm planning - like I plan to see half a dozen other must-sees so I can rejoin all the conversations around me. MMMM I'm still imagining Cambridge and Boston in the snow... posted on: December 12
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Joy says: That storm was friggin' terrifying. I was driving to Philly in it, and could only see the tail lights of the car ahead of me on 93, nothing to the sides, and nothing behind. I wasn't even sure if we were actually on the road. And then the thunder and lightning! Someone from my office was on the plane that got hit by lightning.
Totally terrifying. posted on: December 12
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liz elayne says: First, that weather sounds bizarre. Glad you are safe. Second, felt hat sounds super cute! Third, can't wait to hear more about creative adventures. Fourth, agree with everything you said re:survivor. Loved it last night! posted on: December 12
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ozma says: the absurd thing is that I almost bought a book from amazon about multiple streams of income. So if you learn anything I have one question: How? Tips, please. Not actually TIPS--I meant: When you learn some thing that could be done by the average person, will ya tell it to us?
I sell stuff on Ebay and it's not exactly working to enhance my income in any meaningful way but I feel that this whole 'earning money while not sucking on the teat of a university with a large endowment' thing is going to come slowly. I'm still in the early stages.
Basically, when I think multiple streams of income I always think of the sex industry--that's about as multiple stream as they come. Dominatrix? Could I do that? In a pinch? What about phone sex? Maybe I could set up a phone sex hotline right here in my living room with a filter on my phone to screen out the noise of Sesame Street (a dead giveaway).
Anyway, my new motto is: Think like an immigrant. posted on: December 12
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teahouseblossom says: I like Catherine Keener more and more with each movie I see her in.
I'm sure your hair is cute! posted on: December 13
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tinker says: -snowstorms, lightning, thunder, - yikes! glad i'm in sunny so. cal!
-Boston, felt hats, artist craft fairs, Soliden - wish i were there!
-constantly changing mind; gotta get a grip!
-multiple streams of income - must get more info!!!
-haircuts - must get one; someday soon!
-bluepoppy - adorable! catherine keener - not so much...but then i still haven't seen Capote...must rent; sometime after haircut.
thanks for perking me up again! posted on: December 13
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jes says: oh my.....I was in full "Dead Head" swing back in the day. Even sold me some jewelry at the shows....but I was also in retail management at the time toting a brief case and wearing suits, so I guess you could say I had two lives. I like the 30's me so much better.
I used to live in Ipswich back in that time frame as well....had to work in Saugus and much of the North Shore...and OH HOW I MISS BOSTON! ESPECIALLY at Christmas time!
Yes....Dani won!
The sign on my site....I'd so love to steal it, it would look way cool in my livingroom!! posted on: December 13
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samantha says: Yes, yes, all of us koo-koo about you people want to see the lovely not-Harper Lee-hair!
I can't imagine a snowstorm with thunder and lightning. I did think it was thundering and lightning the other day when we had a big rainstorm, but it was my over active imagination. It would've been odd to have a thunderstorm in December.
So glad you had a lovely weekend in Boston. Sounds magical! posted on: December 13
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impossiblejane says: that was lightening I kept seeing? I thought I was going mad during that storm. What a weird day it was for sure.
Jane posted on: December 13
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frecklegirl says: OMG- I had no idea about the snowstorm either and was stupidly making my way to the Burlington mall at the time. I just kept going because I couldn't believe it was happening! I could barely see! (I know, I am the stupidest.)
Go to see Jennifer? I sent Casey to see her and he loves her now because she informed him that his sideburns like to grow different ways and that he is not inept for never getting them to look the same. ;)
I love her- she gave me my super short pixie cut and everyone is always complimenting me on it.
I am so intrigued by this felt hat buisiness. What craft fair? posted on: December 13
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Heather says: Wow - lighting in a snowstorm. Freaky. Anyways, I envy your proximity to Boston, but hey, I live 20 minutes from Danni's hometown! PS - the books are on their way today! posted on: December 13
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nichole says: but I thought you were a steph fan? hehehe...I'm glad you jumped her ship this go 'round..she really disappointed me. I muchly adored her last time when she was humble and losing all the time. And what was with that hair at the reunion? did she just walk out of a mall? well...a worm hole out of a mall in the 80's I mean. She looked like my crazy college roomate in 1989 who would hair spray her bangs straight up in the air. (shudder) posted on: December 13
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violetismycolor says: Your WTF comment about the pink cheeks and horizontal snow completely crac! And what in the world is the deal with thunder and snow AT THE SAME TIME?
Very funny post! posted on: December 14
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saltwaterprincess says: I'm happy your soul is being fed. The coziness of Soliden will help you soldier on until spring! posted on: December 14
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Jillian says: i am green with jealousy.
but, a nice ocher shade. posted on: December 14
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Lauren says: Yes, do post pics of new haircut please! My little sister is moving to Bean town in January. Now I can visit her and embarrass everyone by ordering clam chowdaaaaah at every restaurant. posted on: December 14
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Joy says: I must say that I have had cupcakes on the brain for a while now... posted on: December 15
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patry says: Can't wait to hear more about "multiple streams of income"!
posted on: December 15
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Swirly says: That storm sounds wild! I miss big storms out here in CA. posted on: December 16
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