
January 17, 2005 9:14 AM- promises kept

It never ceases to amaze me the power of a pity party. One moment you feel like this:

And then, once all that stupid, petty bile is out of the belly and splattered all over the Internet-- out comes the sun and you feel like this:

Have I not mentioned that I descend from a long line of manic depressives*? That I learned to swing on moods before I learned to crawl? But as promised, today I feel dramatically better due to the fact that after I pissed and moaned my pathetic drivel yesterday morning, I went upstairs and wrote for hours. And really, there is nothing that makes me feel better. Nothing.

So, back to your regularly scheduled programming. We went out and saw The Life Aquatic last night despite all the terrible reviews. I went because I adore Bill Murray and wanted to show some support. T went cause he has a keen appreciation for the subtle quirkiness of Wes Anderson. I'll get to an opine on it later this week, but in a nutshell? Unless you are a diehard Bill Murray fan who will watch him pour concrete or a Wes Anderson aficionado with a very forgiving heart-- I suggest you skip it.

* Though antiquated and fallen from common useage, I prefer the term manic depressive to the more common appellation 'bi-polar.' Bi-polar is too clinical, too cold-- it doesn't have the requisite heat and agony thus, in my humble opinion, fails to capture what it is describing.

got 2 cents?

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Coquette says:
Confession: I read your pity party post last night. I wanted to write something profound and helful, because I LOVE THE BLUE POPPY, and MY WHOLE FAMILY LOVES THE BLUE POPPY, but I was watching the Golden Globes at the same time and i was worried I'd accidently slip in "there's Kate Winslet looking at her nails!" or "surprise special guest--PRINCE!" or call you "Blue Poopy" in an horrible typing blunder. Everything you do, Blue Poppy, for us, for T--you will be rewarded. I have no doubt. And it will be sweet. And didn't a wise person once say you need the sour to appreciate the sweet?
posted on: January 17

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type a says:
writing is the best feeling. there is none better. your tiara looks fabulous, by the way.
posted on: January 17

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stephanie says:
What? I missed a pity party? I could have added so much. There are volumes and stacks of manic behavior I could have added. p.s. I'm more of the bi-polar set. It goes well with my OCD.
posted on: January 17

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Suzy says:
I have the manic-depressive thing in my family, too, so I know what you mean. And I want that tiara!
posted on: January 17

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samantha says:
I missed throwing Hershey's Kisses at your pity party parade, and I do apologize, because I adore my fairyblogmother and friend who never fails to bring light and life to me. And I giggled at you saying that you wanted to 'show some support' because that's how I feel about my favorite artists/actors/entertainers. Who cares if they suck, they NEED SUPPORT!!
posted on: January 17

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wee says:
Tis but my humble opinion, but THE BLUE POPPY (to borrow Coquette's entirely appropriate characterization) would be so much less fabulous if she has but one mood to trapeze from.
posted on: January 17

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Sheryl says:
Glad you're feeling better hon. Thanks for the tip on Life Aquatic, because I was debating about whether or not to see it.
posted on: January 17

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Marilyn says:
AHAHAHAHAHA! That first photo popped up on my monitor right after responding to your remark about winter aging a gal. I take it the big gal lives in a cold climate... :) I, too, watched the Golden Globes last night. Although it's been years since I was amused by Robin Williams, he may have had the best line of the night, "Prince, Puff Daddy, William Shatner and Mick Jagger all in the same room. Surely the sign of Armageddon."
posted on: January 17

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lizardek says:
AAAGH! My eyes! *scrubs eyes* Geez louise, that first image is GODAWFUL. :D
posted on: January 17

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suzanna danna says:
Glad you are feeling better, but please don't beat yourself up for being human. Take care! Love the tiara!
posted on: January 17

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Margaret says:
Manic depressive is so much more descriptive of what actually happens too. Writing is very therapeutic, isn't it?
posted on: January 17

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Auntie M says:
Glad you are feeling better today. T sounds like a great guy. I'm glad you have him around to tell you things straight. Just get your own tiara and tell yourself there's always tomorrow...
posted on: January 17

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meg says:
May I just say you are doing the most amazing job of keeping yourself sane for the problems you face. As you read on my blog, I'm sure, this last week was a bit sad for me due to the anniversary of the death of a very dear friend who suffered so and would not be reached out to. I'm so happy to hear a different story. It makes me feel so much better and hopeful. congratulations!! You're awesome!
posted on: January 17

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melanie says:
I loved that first picture - both scary and funny at the same time.
posted on: January 17

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violetismycolor says:
I saw the Steve Zissou movie, too, and it was just okay...but I thought the color stylization was cool...everything was yellow, light blue, and red in every scene, did you notice? I thought it was awesome.
posted on: January 18

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pastamasta says:
The Missus has those I'm-useless-and-have-achieved-bugger-all days occasionally. It's all I can do not to grab her and give her a good shake and point out forcibly all that she does, in fact, achieve effortlessly and therefore doesn't realise that she's achieved it. She just likes to focus on the negative. Muy destructivo. Me, I'm an optimist, which often gets me the Glare of Death but helps with getting up in the morning.

Incidentally, "blue poopy" is what happened to my daughter when she ate some play-dough the other week.
posted on: January 18

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Gale says:
I missed a good pity party? Hope you saved us some cake and ice cream! Really, glad to know that you're feeling better and got it out of your system.
posted on: January 18

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