
May 23, 2004 11:13 AM- all of me

With all this national nonsense about who gets to marry who depending on their gender it's got me to evaluating my own.

Though my husband would tell you that I am all-woman of the femme fatale variety and that, case in point, the night he met me I was surrounded knee-deep in homo sapiens of the male variety (I would submit that we were wildly partying at a remote lakehouse where the ratio of men to women was 15 to 3 and those aforementioned homo sapien specimens would have readily swarmed a three-legged goat, but I digress).

Let me just say, my physical femaleness in this lifetime is quite intact and complies to current standards (though without breast implants, I fall short of that oh-so-mammary-obsessed realm of female perfection).

And yet.


There are clear signs that I am nothing more than a man in this body and some might argue (myself included) that this may be my first lifetime as a woman given all the struggle I have had to learn the female laws and language which still confound me from time to time.

NOTE: True, I have cited previous lifetimes as an Irish brood mare with 13+ children, but it's possible that I read about this and absorbed the experience so deeply that I erroneously believed that I had actually lived such a life. Much like the fact that I still believe I was a svelte titian-haired beauty who cruised around in a blue convertible with my two bestest friends as we solved mysteries under the benign supervision of my adoring attorney father. (Yes, if as an 8-year old you read Nancy Drew as religiously as I did, you might believe the same).

So, what would cause me to think I am a man in his first lifetime as a woman?

Allow me to submit:

Exhibit A: Last night (not for the first time, mind you) when T called out to tell me that The Secret Life of Machines was on TV I ran to the living room and sat, like a 10-year old boy in absolute fascination as I watched my hero in an episode I've already seen more than once.

Exhibit B: There is nothing I detest more than housework yet, I cannot tolerate a home that is not immaculate. T is fully apprised that as we work to reduce our expenses the absolute LAST item to be removed from the list (after healthcare, dental visits, milk, bread, telephone service, electric & heating bills, and toilet paper) is the weekly visit from our cleaning woman.

Exhibit C: I work in an engineering/manufacturing company where I report to the CTO and founder of the company and am the only woman in 97% of the meetings I attend/conduct. I've outplayed Wharton wonderboy MBA'ers and have infiltrated the boys' network to the point that if I came into their bathroom to take a piss at the urinal I don't think they'd even notice.

There's only one thing that concerns me, however. Two hottie girls making out is as arousing to me as licking stamps. Cock and the muscular body attached to it is all I want.

God help me, I'm a gay man in a woman's body!

*Sigh of relief*

Good thing there's no laws against people like me getting married.

got 2 cents?

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Katherine says:
which is the same as being a straight woman in a gay man's body, right? . . . but would that make you a drag queen or merely Rupert Everett?
posted on: May 23

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pastamasta says:
Well, if it helps, I'm pretty sure I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body. I prefer the toilet seat left down, I know how to pick outfits for my wife, and I get a lump in my throat watching sad movies. QED.
posted on: May 24

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Zoot says:
HA! I'm show mixed gender signs as well. I love sports/mainly football. I hate makeup. I love the outdoors. Hmmm....I hadnt thought of it. I think I'm a redneck man trapped in a womans body. EEK.
posted on: May 24

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Lizard Breath says:
we've agreed on this for years! LOLL does cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. - traditionally seen as "woman's" roles, I enjoy a fine cigar, hockey, woodworking and regularly earn a higher-paid income. so what, we're happy, healthy and it works for us?! bring on another 10 years!
posted on: May 24

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wee says:
O No! I'm all outta Clever. Dangerously low on Witty too. Must restock else will have nothing with which to woo the Poppy. And the Poppy must be wooed. The Poppy is infinitely woo-able. Must save remaining stores of Clever and Witty for Tuesday nite date.
posted on: May 24

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gimmy says:
Same dealio here. I build muscle faster than most women, I love watching stuff like Ultimate Fighting Championship and I'm always threatening to beat people up. I'm a man who just got a bikini wax. 8)
posted on: May 24

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Kate says:
My male idiosyncrasies include: rather dark arm hair despite my blonde upbringing, lack of self-care such as jagged nails, and an unpleasant affliction of overactive sweat glands. I sweat worse than my husband. Therefore he often smells alot better than me. Of course he has been called, "Stewart Martha" because he is sometimes Martha in a man's body. A body which I love...
posted on: May 24

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bp says:
So there it is America! The pundits have spoken-- take your gender nonsense and be gone-- clearly, we're all a mixed bag of goods.
posted on: May 24

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Bianca says:
Quoute "There is nothing I detest more than housework yet, I cannot tolerate a home that is not immaculate." I could not agree more, but I hate cooking even more, so therefore my husband and I have a great deal, he cooks I clean. I must say that you site is great, I often read it, but don't post - today I enjoy the post just as much as the comments left by others! Have a great day, BBB
posted on: May 24

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bp says:
Hey Bianca-- glad you stopped by. I agree-- I only put up posts to get the comments cause the COMMENTS are the best part--
posted on: May 24

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Red Baron says:
Ooh, gender debates again, splendid, I shall do my best to get in as much trouble as last time!!! BP you are clearly 'all-woman' and for the following reasons - firstly Exhibit A: -if you were the stereotypical man you would not have needed to be called in to watch the programme you would have ensconsed yourself there 30 minutes before and ensured you had suitable liquid refreshment for the duration of the programme and the doldrum period thereafter where you can't be bothered to get up! Exhibit B -only gay men tend to like 'immaculate' houses, and not all of them either. Most men like the tidying done for them but they're not that fussed about some things left on the floor etc. There are usually 1 or 2 areas within which our anal organisational obsession is confined -for me books and records -they must be stacked in the right order (records alphabetical and chronological in that order; books subject specific and height-orientation in that order) Other than that if the washing up isn't done we aren't going to lose any sleep over it. Provided we don't have to deal with feminine hygiene products, -tip for you girls- you want your man to do something, shove your soiled "sanitary napkin(!)" in his face and watch him spring into action! Engineering is a cross-gender profession, the key is why do you enjoy it. A man likes the intense analytical side of things coupled with the fact that he can swank to his mates down the pub that he's got a butch job that's the graduate equivalent of working on a building site! 2 hottie girls making out...... sorry lost my train of thought, that one is the clincher that you ain't a man. Believe me if you were a geezer -no cock necessary just the girls thank you. Gay men ok slightly diff. but you're about as much a gay man as I am a lesbian! And if my ex wasn't already my ex she would be now!!!
posted on: May 25

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bp says:
Oh my god RED BARON-- *choking back laughter cause I'm at work*-- that was awesome! You are SUCH a mensch! Let's go have a pint--
posted on: May 25

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Cindy says:
You provided thought provoking conversation for our dinner table last night..bluepoppy a household name???
posted on: May 25

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bp says:
thanks Cindy!-- fyi, I also make a mean tuna casserole . . >
posted on: May 25

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