
April 27, 2004 3:57 PM- 3 for Wee

(NOTE to Wee: Oh, okay-- now I get it-- geez-- you've got me spooked with this ghost thing! And after your creepy dollhead's post--I'm getting a little weirded out--or, maybe it was watching The Sixth Sense again last night). So, ahem, (clearing throat)

Wee asked,

1. Do you believe in ghosts?
Hmmm. Interesting question. I can honestly say no one in my entire life has ever asked me that so I don't know that I've ever thought about it. I certainly believe in the spirit world so it makes sense that people could get caught in-between. And I really liked the concept in The Sixth Sense that sometimes spirits stay here trying to resolve issues that their deaths left open. So, I guess-- sure I do. But they haven't had any cause to mess with me . . . yet.

2. What is your middle name?
Aurelie. I don't know if that's funny. But my brother's middle name is Herman. That's pretty funny. Although the torment he went through in grade school was not. My parents, in their defense, thought they were giving us the most beautiful, strong names possible.

3. What do you wish your name was?
Jennifer Anniston Pitt. (And you know what, she and I have the same birthday so it's not an unreasonable request).

And 3 for yogagirl who asked,

1. Can I link to you from my blog? (hope that doesn't sound too needy)
Bien sur, cherie. And I'm good with neediness as long as you are-- Texas-- okay, as long as you're thousands of miles away. Just kidding. Needy and insecure is my m.o.

2. Do you dream in color?
Helas, the whole dreaming thing is something I gotta have more of in the future. I rarely, if ever, remember my dreams. (Had a VERY bad nightmare Thursday night that I almost posted about here but thought the better of it). And, sad to say, never in color. If there is one constant in my dreams I am always drunk. This is the absolute truth. Always. Or lost. Best dreams I had-- used to have all the time when I was a kid was flying dreams. Those rocked. But again, no technicolor.

3. How many fillings do you have?
Whew. Now we're getting personal. You know, I do have an obsession about my teeth and get them cleaned every three months-- have floss everywhere at my desk, in the car. Very keen to keep all of my teeth. One scary moment when I first moved up here and had my initial interview with my dentist's dental assistant and she was asking all the normal health questions and she asked, "do you want to keep your teeth?" I swear to god. I guess in these parts some people just go straight for the rip'em out and get me some dentures approach to dental hygiene.

So, still haven't answered your question. Two.

And for anyone who thinks my teeth obsession is out there, let me just remind you that when someone in the tribe started losing their teeth and could no longer eat the beef jerky without spitting enamel, native american tribes left those folks on the trail. That's right (I studied this stuff). No teeth? You're off the bus.

got 2 cents?

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yogagirl says:
i really really really like you. 3 questions: 1. can i link to you from my blog? hope that didn't sound too needy. 2. do you dream in color? 3. how many fillings do you have?
posted on: April 27

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wee says:
O, BP! thankyou. I'm so delighted to have asked you a question that no one else has! and I like yer middle name. It's fancy! I have the same birthday as Daryl Hannah, Jake Gyllenhaal, Alyssa Milano, Marianne Faithful,,,and to appeal to the Frenchie in you, Edith Piaf. Now that's some FUN, huh?!!
posted on: April 27

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bluepoppy says:
Wee-- you're famous--presque. (My birthday is also shared by Burt Reynolds, but somehow that doesn't thrill me as much). Feh.
posted on: April 27

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wee says:
just visited the otter bloggery and saw that you actually solved the riddle and now I am really, really terrified by your really, really big brain and am thinking, in my morbidly self-involved yet charming fashion, that OHMIGAWD I best stop conversing with this bleu fleur because she is soon gonna recognize me for the enormous empty-headed bear of little brain that I am in fact am and she's GONNA TELL EVERYONE on the web. And it will be like high school all over again, except worse, because I was like all skinny in high school and now? well, not so much.
posted on: April 27

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Madame Fabulous says:
Oh, hurray! You have comments! I've been woefully negligent obviously at popping by regularly. I will remedy that. Questions: What is your standby recipe in an emergency? What celebrity do you look like? What song always gets stuck in your head?
posted on: April 27

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yogagirl says:
I heart blue poppy AND wee. (but admittedly you both make me feel highly inferior and stupid in the brains department) but I could probably whip your ass into the floor with some serious yoga moves so I feel sorta balanced about that.
posted on: April 27

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Cindy says:
So much brain going on here I am afraid to post. 3 questions: 1. Do you clean eye boogies out of your dogs eyes? 2. Do you paint your nails? 3. How long does it take you to write a post for this blog...thought process and actual typing? Prez. Nixon, J.R.R. Tolkien, Mel Gibson and I have same birthdate
posted on: April 28

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Jake says:
the description of your teeth fascinates me...write to me at dreamdate4me2002@yahoo.com and we can discuss it some more
posted on: July 10

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